During the operation of nuclear power plant (NPP), the concentrates and spent resin are generated. They show relatively high radioactivity compared to other radioactive waste, such as dry active waste, charcoals, and concrete wastes. The waste acceptance criteria (WAC) of disposal facility defines the structure and property of treated waste. The concentrates and spent resin should be solidified or packaged in high integrity container (HIC) to satisfy the WAC in Korea. The Kori NPP has stored history waste. The large concrete package with solidified concentrates and spent resin. The WAC requires identification of 18 properties for the radioactive waste. Since some of the properties are not clearly identified, the large concrete packages could not satisfy the WAC in this moment. The generation of the large concrete package (rectangular type and cylindrical type), pretreatment of the package, treatment of inner drum, process development for clearance waste, etc. will be discussed in this paper. In addition, the conceptual design of whole treatment process will be discussed.
In the Kori power plant radioactive waste storage, the concentrated waste and spent resin drums generated in the past are repacked and stored in large concrete drums. Four 200 L drums of solidified concentrated waste are packed in the square concrete. One 200 L drum of spent resin is packed inside the round concrete. In order to build a foundation for disposal of large concrete drums that generated in the past, it is necessary to develop a large concrete drum handling device and disposal suitability evaluation technology. In order to build handling equipment and establishment of disposal base, such as weight and volume, of square and round concrete containers must be identified. In addition, waste information, such as the production record of the built in drum and the type of contents, is required. Therefore, this study plans to comprehensively review the characteristics of the waste by investigating the structure of square and round concrete containers and the records of internal drum production.
The large rectangular and cylindrical concrete drums are stored in nuclear power plant (NPP) for a long time. At the early stage of NPP operation, the treatment technology of boron concentrates and spent resin was not well developed, when compared to current system. Since the waste acceptance criteria (WAC) of the disposal facility was not established, the boron concentrates and spent resins were packaged in 200 L drum. Some of the 200 L drums, which contain relatively high dose rate radioactive waste, were stored in large concrete drum. The concrete drum offers superior shielding effect and allows reduction of radiation exposure to workers. The WAC requires various characteristics: radiological characteristics, physical characteristics, chemical characteristics, etc. The non-destructive method allows the rapid evaluation and estimation of the concrete structure. Also, it is expected that the large concrete exhibits integrity after the measurements. In this paper, the non-destructive method to understand the large rectangular and cylindrical drum is systematically studied. The advantage and disadvantage of the non-destructive methods were compared in this paper. In addition, the optimized methodology to characterize the radioactive waste containing large rectangular and cylindrical drum will be discussed in this paper.
In the Kori-1 radioactive waste storage, the concentrated waste and spent resin drums generated in the past are repacked and stored in large concrete drums. In order to dispose of radioactive waste generated before the establishment of the waste acceptance criteria, it is necessary to develop a large concrete drum treatment and waste treatment process to evaluate disposal suitability and secure technology that meets the latest technical standards. In addition, for worker safety and waste reduction, it is important to develop secondary waste treatment technology generated during waste treatment. In this study, the types and characteristics of secondary wastes that can be generated when large concrete drums are decommissioned were investigated. In addition, considering the characteristics of possible secondary wastes, suitable treatment methods and characteristic evaluations were analyzed. We plan to develop an optimal process for secondary waste treatment in consideration of on-site work space, economic feasibility, and safety.