The periodic occurrence of biological population is affected by several biological and environmental factors and ancient literature survey offers insight into ecological process related to the cyclicity. The periodic occurrence of a Lepidopteran species, the pine caterpillar (Dendrolimus spectabilis), was estimated based on ancient literature survey. The pine caterpillar was one of the most injurious defoliators of pine trees in northeast Asia, especially Korea during 1960s and 1970s. Outbreaks of this species have long history in Korea. Since about 900 years ago, damages of pine forest by this species and its control were recorded both in History of Corea dynasty which cover 475 years (918-1392) of the history of the Corea Dynasty and in the Annals of Joseon Dynasty (Joseon Wangjo Shillok) which cover 472 years (1392-1863) of the history of the Joseon Dynasty, respectively. At least over 20 and 30 occurrences of pine caterpillar were recorded during Corea dynasty and Joseon Dynasty, respectively. These results showed that the pine caterpillar had been one of the most severe forest pests during Corea and Joseon Dynasty. Our result showed that the ancient literature survey is useful to understand the long-term periodic occurrence of the pine caterpillar.
Dendrolimus superans (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) has long been acknowledged to present in South Korea under the circumstance of a substantial change in species names of Dendrolimus. In the present study, we found that specimens of D. superans collected from South Korea were D. sibiricus, rather than D. superans. Comparison of Korean specimens to the D. superans from Japan and the D. sibiricus from Russia in terms of wing morphology, female and male genitalia, a partial COI gene sequence, and a partial internal spacer sequence 2 (ITS2) consistently supported the presence of D. sibiricus in South Korea. Phylogenetic analyses using concatenated sequences of COI and ITS2 from available individuals of D. sibiricus and D. superans both by Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood methods the Korea samples to be D. sibiricus.
The number of reported mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) from the monotypic Lasiocampoidea has been limited until recently. In this study, we sequenced the complete mitogenome of the lappet moth, Kunugia undans (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), and compared it to those of other lasiocampid species and macroheteroceran superfamilies (59 species in six superfamilies). The 15,570-bp long K. undans genome had the typical set of genes found in animal mitogenomes, with the exception of one additional trnR that are located between trnA and trnN loci. Considering that the two trnR copies are located in tandem with proper secondary structures and identical anticodons, a gene duplication event might be responsible for the presence of the two tRNAs. In summary, the general mitogenome characteristics of Lasiocampoidea did not differ greatly from the remaining macroheteroceran superfamilies, but it did exhibit some unique features.
최근 강원도 원주 등지에서 은행나무에 큰 피해를 주었던 대만나방의 생활사를 1998년부터 1999년까지 조사하였다. 현재까지 우리 나라에서는 자세히 보고된 바 없는 알, 유충, 번데기 및 성충의 형태적 특징과 각 충태별 기간 및 생태적 특성을 조사하였다. 대만나방은 연 1회 발생하였으며, 6령충으로 기주식물의 가지에서 월동하였다. 유충은 총 9령을 거치며, 종령유충은 6월하순경에 가지에서 은행잎 2-3장을 엮은뒤 갈색실을 토하여 고치를 틀고 그 속에서 번데기가 되었다. 성충은 7월초순부터 8월초순에 걸쳐 우화하였으며 우화최성기는 7월하순이었다. 교미한 암컷은 평균 205개의 알을 난괴형태로 산란하였으며, 산란장소는 가지, 줄기, 또는 잎의 가장자리였다.
본 연구는 최근 1987부터 1989년까지 충북 충주일대의 참나무림에 극심한 피해를 일으켰던 도토리나방의 생활사를 구명하기 위해 수행되었다. 조사결과 도토리나방은 년 1세대 발생하였고 기주식물로는 상수리나무, 밤나무, 졸참나무, 갈참나무 등이 재 확인되었으며 떡갈나무와 굴참나무가 새로이 추가조사되었다. 본 종은 난으로 월동하여 이듬해 4월 말경부터 부화하여 약 3개월 동안 참나무류를 식해하였다. 8월 중순에 노숙유충은 땅으로 내려와 수풀이나 지피물사이에 고치를 틀고 용화하였다. 성충은 9월 말부터 10월 말에 걸쳐 우화하며 대부분이 10월 중순경에 우화하였다. 산란은 대개 기주식물의 지상과 131 cm정도 높이의 수피틈이나 거친부분에 난괴상태로 산란하며 난괴당 평균 난수는 121개 정도 였다.