
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2024.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates how working memory (WM) capacity and L2 linguistic knowledge affect L2 literal and inferential reading comprehension, considering the presence or absence of background knowledge. Eighty upper-intermediate to advanced adult English learners participated, completing tasks to assess WM capacity, background knowledge, L2 linguistic knowledge, and reading comprehension (both literal and inferential). Stepwise regression analyses revealed that WM capacity had a stronger influence on both literal and inferential comprehension when background knowledge was absent. For literal comprehension, L2 linguistic knowledge was the sole predictor when background knowledge was present, while WM capacity dominated in its absence. Inferential comprehension was consistently predicted by WM capacity, regardless of background knowledge. These findings indicate that WM capacity and L2 linguistic knowledge influence L2 reading comprehension differently depending on background knowledge and the type of comprehension. Implications include incorporating WM training into L2 reading instruction and employing diverse WM assessment methods to measure WM independently of L2 linguistic proficiency.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of the present study was to examine factors affecting Korean university EFL learners' English reading comprehension across two reading tasks (i.e., literal vs. inferential reading). To this end, five latent factors (linguistic, cognitive, affective, social, and English reading) were targeted, and the structural relationships among these five factors were analyzed through structural equation modeling (SEM) technique. Results of the present study demonstrate that for literal reading comprehension task, linguistic, cognitive, and social factors made a significant and direct impact on Korean university students' English reading performances, whereas the effect of affective factor was not significant. Regarding the inferential reading task, only linguistic and cognitive factors were significantly and positively associated with Korean university students' English reading comprehension. Implications for pedagogy as well as for future research directions were also provided.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The rapid growth of translation studies has made remarkable progress in the old ‘literal vs. free’ translation debate. Now it is clear that a literal translation is not so accurate and faithful to the source text, and such concepts should be replaced by more precisely defined terms. In Korea, translation has been relegated to language learning, and a literal translation is still recommended in order to focus on the source language, although it is not possible to translate a totally different Indo-European language following closely the form of it. Furthermore, literary style, so common and frequent in any Indo-European language, aggravates the difficulties, because literal translation of a source language written in literary style usually distorts Korean language and leads to misunderstand correct meanings of the source language. In this paper, I have attempted to expose the problems of literal translation and to make rules of translating Spanish into Korean by using mainly ‘transposition’ and ‘modulation’, terms developed by Vinay and Darbelnet(1958). I hope to apply such rules to the education of Spanish or other foreign languages.
        2006.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        沈從文은 小說創作에 대해서 현실과 꿈이라는 두 성분을 서로 결합시켜야 한다고 피력하였는바, 그가 말하는 現實이라는 것은 自然과 社會에 客觀的으로 存在하는 人事物象을 뜻하고, 반면 꿈이라는 것은 작가의 人事物象에 대한 主觀情感, 그리고 그의 인생에 대한 審美的인 趣向을 의미한다고 볼 수 있다. 沈從文은 창작활동을 시작하기 전의 여러 가지 생활경험의 存留를 心으로, 未來의 이상적 생활의 憧憬을 夢으로 보고, 이러한 心과 夢이 결합되어 쓰여진 小說作品은 바로 작가 자신이 생활하고 사유하고 있는 現實과의 접촉을 통해 얻어진 것이라 간주했다. 프로이드가 文學作品은 일종의 幻想的인 藝術形態로써 이것은 過去ㆍ現在ㆍ未來라는 세 가지 時代를 포함한다고 하였는데, 沈從文 역시 작가의 創作欲求 生成의 근거인 現在를 토대로 過去의 存留하는 經驗과 現在의 未來에 대한 理想的 渴望을 겸비해서 小說創作을 하였다. 그의 小說 ≪변성≫은 이러한 沈從文의 未來指向적인 純粹 人間의 內心을 잘 반영한 대표적인 作品이라 하겠다.
        2001.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For long times I, the author, wanted to find the materials of language and literal policy during the American military administrative era, but it would not go easy. Then in 1999 Mr. Son, WonIl, my acquaintance found and send me 『Report of the United States Educational Mission to Japans』. This working is written for analyzing our country`s language policy right after Liberation, and its background, focusing on 『Report of the United States Educational Mission to Japan』, and for trying to find out alternative policy. Now over half a century have passed since the Liberation, but where we stand on the great wave of world history? Our language & literal policy have repeated twisted walking tending to the emotional surroundings that based on Hangul-only ism since the enactment of Hangul-only-law in October, 9, 1948. Language & literal policy does not, reveal visible result to our eyes immediately as industrial one. But the result of language policy make enormous influence enough to tremble the identity of a nation. Nevertheless I could not find any traces of policy authorities that took attention on this problem, at any successive governments. The two voices that proclaim Hanja-education and Hangul-only-education have too acutely confronted, so each have run parallel way with no yielding. The scholars and policy authorities that do not join any of the two sides have disregarded the two voices as obstinate egoistic quarrel of some scholars that have nothing to do with them. The proclamations of scholars whether in Hanja-education or Hangul-only-education also in fact flowed mainly as a matter of course that `must educate Hanja` or `must use Hangul-only`, not by rational analyzing of the cause and proposal of logical alternatives. But the causeless and emotional matter of course will not be persuasive. There were exceptional excellent work such as quot;Collection of Lectures on National Language and National Alphabetsquot; of Dr. Nam, GwangWoo and quot;The Significant Misunderstanding about National Languagequot; of Mr. O, JiHo. But the works that mainly on analyzing and alternatives are very uneasy to find out. During last several years I, the author, writing works concerning language & literal police become to observe Korean language at linguistic side. The more I investigate Korean language, the more I perceive that Hangul and Hanja are undividable linguistic features. Of course since I am not a linguistics specialist I feel sorry for the specialized scholars. But the books of Mizura Sdomu, who not a scholar of linguistics, that studied linguistic features of Japanese language more deeply than any other and left distinct footsteps on that field, gave me many stimuli. The keen analyze of Mr. Park KyungBeom, a natural scientist graduated the department of computer science and statistics of Seoul National University, also be a great help to compare and analyzing the linguistic features of Korean language and English language. Recently many people says quot;The crisis of human sciencesquot;, but few accurately point the cause of that. Boldly I think the cause is at the wrong Hangul-only language & literal policy. Although language & literal policy is a significant and great affair that holds the destiny of national people, it have been disregarded as out of consideration. Hangul-only policy of the character media such as newspapers and editions have made the thinking of readers dull, voluntarily result in shackle themselves in competition with television media. This rough work is not a pure academic one that comments the linguistic feature of Korean language. Only I will be satisfied if throughout this work, we can reflect the problems of our history of language and literal policy and can find out even a small motive for studying linguistics of Korean language.