
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this research is to verify the moderating effect of logistics information systems (LIS) on inter-organizational collaboration (IOC) and performance. To achieve this aim, this research s pulled out the definitions of the variables from prior research and looked at the relationships between them. The population is the Korean shipping and logistics firms in the Republic of Korea, and a survey was carried out by members of liners and international freight forwarders. The questionnaires responded to by members of the sample firms were used as data for the analysis of this research. The reliability and validity of the data were tested by a factor analysis and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. In addition, the hypotheses of this research haves been verified using a multiple regression analysis. The results are as follows. LIS is confirmed as a factor in enhancing the relationship between IOC and performance. The firms perform IOC by LIS in supply chains and as a result, they can achieve high performance. This is explained by fit as moderation by Venkatraman (1989). In addition, the relationship between IOC and performance is explained by a resource-based view as is and the relationship between LIS and performance is also explained by a resource-based view. . Managers grasp customer needs and disseminate the needs to organizations using superior LIS, followed by high performance. Managers structure efficient supply chain processes through IOC between organizations and improve performance in the whole process through collaboration with the partners as well as departments. If managers want to achieve high performance through IOC, they should grasp their current level of LIS. This provides information; such as , what strategic decision making could improve their performance? The results of this research prove the moderating effect of LIS on IOC and performance and if managers focus on the moderating effect, they can improve performance.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Global interests in RFID are increased and Korean government and companies make an active effort to propagate and spread RFID. Due to the overwhelming advantages of RFID system in comparison with existing bar code system, ripple effects on logistics sector among the utilizing fields of RFID technology are expected to be great, but application of RFID system is lowly progressed unlike the expectation of several experts. Therefore, this research extracts precedent studies on theoretical background, applying fields, promotion condition and domestic/foreign parts of RFID system, factors for operating domestic RFID system and effects and considers the effects of RFID's external variables on easiness and effectiveness of TAM. It confirms the relations of RFID applying effects for companies applying and utilizing RFID and verifies the relations among the effects for application of RFID system, accepting intention of RFID system and applying effects. Based on the results of analysis, it should play a role of good guide for all of companies and institution who will introduce RFID system to all of Korean logistics fields, make policies and systems which promote RFID acceptance nationally and socially and play a role of guide making confident climate for RFID technolog
        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Wireless LAN systems have been widely implemented for supporting the sireless internet services especially in the hotspot areas such as hospitals, homes, conference rooms, and so on. Compared with wired LAN systems, wireless LAN systems have the advantage