
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2003.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We perform a validity test of a long-term replenishment contract model proposed by previous research. The model is unique in that demand is assumed to be generated from an ARIMA process. For practical implementation, it approximates shortage cost to build expected cost of the contract policy. Therefore, it is worthwhile to test the validity of the model. We check the difference of the values obtained from the model with theoretical ones. The result shows that the model has a satisfactory degree of accuracy.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Long-term shipping contracts represent the cooperative and coexisting relationships between the shipping and steel industries. Yet, differences between the contract forms for iron ore and steel products have emerged. Specifically, the large proportion of consecutive voyage charters (CVC) is being applied in the iron ore trade, whereas the contract of affreightment (COA) is proportionally higher for shipping steel products. The literature review and in-depth interviews in this study identified through the research model, the characteristics of the shipping and market structure in both markets have significantly contributed to the preference of different long-term contracts. It has been determined that the mutual oligopoly market structure and the characteristics of shipping such as, the small number of suitable vessels in the market, the single fixed load/discharge ports, the long-distance voyages, and the potential risks for fatal accidents because of cargo liquefaction, for the iron ore trade, provide higher contribution to the preference of CVC contracts. In contrast, the consignor oligopoly market structure and the shipping characteristics, such as the greater number of suitable vessels available in the market, the variation in ports, the cargo quantity per shipment, the various load/discharge ports, and the need for experienced carriers for steel product loading in the steel product trade has shown higher preference on the COA contracts as the consignors with superiority over the shipowners, resulting in favorable contract types and conditions for the consignors.