
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, many MEMS manipulator or mechanisms have been developed for application in nanotechnology and optical sensors. In this paper, the method that is measurement and analysis of the motion-ability is introduced for 1 degree of freedom MEMS Manipulator. To do this, the MEMS manipulator is fabricated on the SOI wafer. It is comprised of a parallel bi-lever flexure mechanism and a bent-beam thermal actuator. The flexure mechanism is comprised of an actuator input stage, four lever arms, ten circular flexure hinges, and an output stage. Each flexure hinge provides a point of compliance and acts similar to a rotational joint with an attached rotational spring. These components are significantly stiffer than the flexure hinges, so that they act as rigid bodies in the plane of motion. The static and dynamic parameters of fabricated manipulator are measured and analysis by 3D optical profiling system. It contains a CCD camera, a field-of-view (FOV) lens, a filter assembly, and an illumination source. Light from the illuminator travels through the system and is reflected down to the objective by a beamsplitter. Once the light reaches the objective, another beamsplitter separates the light into two beams. One beam, the reference beam, reflects form a super smooth reference mirror in the objective, while the other reflects form the surface of the sample and back to the objective. With this system, we can measure and analyze the resolution, accuracy, precision, stability and responsibility of MEMS manipulator and it is very useful for fabrication or application of improved manipulator without surface damage.