
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to determine the perception of monosodium glutamate (MSG) contents in eating out menu and MSG symptom complex. Respondents in the Seoul area were surveyed from Feb. 10 to 20, 2014. The results are summarized as follows. The 51.3% of respondents were male and 48.7% of them were female. As for age, 73.5% of respondents were 20~24 years old. Favorite menu of respondents’ eating out were Korean food (57.8%), Western food (17.6%), Fast food (9.5%), Japanese food (6.2%), Chinese food (5.2%). Male respondents favored Korean food (62.4%), Fast food (10.2%) and Western food (9.6%), but female respondents favored Korean food (53.0%), Western food (26.2%) and Fast food (8.7%). The 48.7% of respondents considered Chinese food containing high amount of MSG. A few respondents (18.6%) recognized to usage amount of MSG as consideration factor to select eating out menu. However, most respondents (55.2%) perceived harmful to take excessive amount of MSG contained food. The 37.9% of respondents had experience of MSG symptom complex after eating out. Respondents’ self recognized MSG symptom complex were thirstiness (84.5%), drowsiness (55.7%), weakness (34.5%), nausea (30.2%), tightness (20.7%) and headache (14.7%). The 19.9% of respondents like MSG contained food. The reason for disliking MSG contained food were ‘bad for health’ (66.3%) and ‘MSG symptom’ (33.2%). The reason for liking MSG contained food were ‘good taste (83.6%) and ‘habitual eating’ (14.8%). The result of this study showed that some sensitive people have unpleasant reaction after eating out. Therefore, it is suggested that natural flavor enhancer may develop to replace the use of MSG.