This research aims at analyzing the role of digital technologies for communication in
the personalization of cultural heritage visitors’ experience and the potential of such
technologies in valorizing cultural heritage sites. In order to explore such a
phenomenon through a pilot study, a conceptual framework has been developed in the
attempt to better conceptualize the modern notion of digital cultural heritage. The
theoretical foundations are experiential marketing (Schmitt, 1999), authenticity in
visitors’ experience (Neuhofer et al., 2014), and engineering studies on successful
application of technologies in cultural heritage sites (Sparacino, 2004). From the
proposed conceptual framework some relevant insights have emerged. In particular,
main findings deal with digital technologies being characterized by three particular
kinds of artificial intelligence, namely (a) perceptive intelligence, (b) interactive
intelligence, and (c) narrative intelligence. Specifically, perceptive intelligence allows
a digital technology to seize visitors’ movements inside the museum (Barrera et al.,
2013). Interactive intelligence is the kind of intelligence that permits a digital
technology to elaborate visitors’ preferences (Sparacino, 2004). Narrative intelligence,
finally, enables a digital technology to communicate with visitors (Karaman et al.,
2014). Technologies with such features, then, may potentially stimulate positive
feelings and emotions in visitors. Particularly, the storytelling of digital
personalization of cultural heritage sites can effectively personalize visitors’
experience and uplifts the visit toward an authentic and unique experience (Frow and
Payne, 2007; Sani, 2011). Since these technologies could help visitors in fully
understanding their personal interests towards arts and cultural heritage, they can also
act as instruments of cultural heritage sites promotion. Specifically, these technologies
can suggest visitors’ successive cultural heritage sites and also stimulate visitors to
suggests others to visit particular sites due to their positive experience (Sweeney et al.,
2012).Finally, this study stresses the importance of digital technologies as instruments of experiential marketing by improving visitors’ experience. Moreover, digital technologies for cultural heritage may be interpreted as a key competitive advantage for cultural heritage sites. In particular, digital technologies may be interpreted as strategic levers in order to stimulate the diffusion of word-of-mouth marketing in cultural heritage.Finally, this study stresses the importance of digital technologies as instruments of experiential marketing by improving visitors’ experience. Moreover, digital technologies for cultural heritage may be interpreted as a key competitive advantage for cultural heritage sites. In particular, digital technologies may be interpreted as strategic levers in order to stimulate the diffusion of word-of-mouth marketing in cultural heritage.