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        검색결과 7

        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        작년부터 전세계적인 코로나바이러스감염증-19의 확산에 따라 다양한 조치들이 취하여졌다. 구급서비스 측면에서도 최근 소방청 소속 119구급대 등에서 감염병 확진자의 이송, 검체의 수송 및 예방접종센터 및 생활 치료시설에서의 구급환자 발생에 대비하여 대기하는 등 다방면의 업무에 투입되고 있다. 이에서보듯 감염병 대유행 상황에서의 구급서비스의 중요성은 매우 크다고 할 수 있다. 반면 우리 법제 및 현실에서는 구급서비스는 민간의 의료기관 및 응급환자이송업체 등에서도 같이 제공하도록 되어 있으나, 해당 부분에 대해서 업무가 분산되지는 못하고 있는 것으로 보인다. 이는 그 동안 일부 민간의 구급서비스가 공적인 임무를 위하여 운영되지 아니하고, 사익추구를 위하여 불법적으로 이용되는 등 파행적으로 운용된 것과 무관하지 않다고 보인다. 이에 따라 해당 서비스가 제대로 제공될 수 있도록 관리감독 제도를 정비하는 등의 법제 개선의 필요성이 있다. 또한 공적 그리고 사적인 구급서비스가 감염병 대유행 상황 등의 재난시에는 협력할 수 있는 체계를 구축할 필요성도 있다. 나아가 구급대에서의 확진자 이송, 검체 수송 등 그동안 법령상의 근거가 명확하지 아니하였던 부분들 역시도 관련 제도 정비를 통하여 그 근거를 명확히 함으로써 향후 유사한 상황이 발생하였을 때 법적인 논란이 없도록 할 필요성이 크다 하겠다.
        2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This Study aims at looking into the use of oriental medical services in treating hypertension. The first objective to be explored through this study is the morbidity caused by the disease, classifying them by age, gender, and occupation. The second is to determine the regular use of anti-hypertensive medicine and their efficacy in controlling blood-pressure. The third is to investigate the use-rate and satisfaction of oriental medical service. 838 households across the country, were asked to answer questionnaires for the period of time from Apr. to Jun. 2005. The conclusion from the survey can be summarized as following. The age of which the first medical diagnosis of hypertension were made showed lower in males, those with higher education and income. The study showed females were more active in blood-pressure control, with their frequent monitoring of blood-pressure for the past year. With age, people in under 50 age group proved to be less active. The management of high blood pressure was more effective in group with regular dosage compared to group with irregular use of anti-hypertensive medication, but their difference was minimal. Also, group with no medication showed signs of blood-pressure control. The use of oriental medical service for the past year, were more frequent in groups with lower education, either low or high income, old age, females and occupations in agriculture, forestry and fishing industry. Results were similar in both general population and high blood-pressure patient group. Females, people over 51 years old and with lower education showed more intentions in utilizing oriental medical services in the future. Results were similar in both general population and high blood-pressure patient group. It is necessary to offer a more accurate information on oriental medical treatments. Also, a systematic reform to reduce the patient's share of the treatment cost, as well as, heightening public awareness on the infirmity of present blood-pressure management system is crucial.
        2005.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 응급의료자원의 불균형분포에 관하여 물리적 접근성을 토대로 응급의료서비스가 취약한 지역을 찾아내며, GIS공간분석기법인 Location-Allocation Model을 통해 효율성과 형평성을 고려한 최적의 입지선정을 이루기 위함이다. 취약지역을 위한 접근성 분석은 이송단계에 중점을 두었으며, 응급의료기관을 등급별로 구분하고 운송수단의 공공의 주체가 되는 119소방서와의 관계를 통하여 거리와 시간의 영역을 고려한 접근성 분석이 가능 하였다. 결과적으로 GIS 공간분석기법을 이용한 지리적 관점은 공간상에 발생하는 응급의료자원의 공간적 효율성과 공간적 형평성을 이룰 수 있으며, 그 문제를 통해 공간재배치를 위한 사회 정치 경제적인 의사결정에 효과적인 대안 및 방법을 제시할 수 있을 것이다.
        1996.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Korea will soon experience a high demand for medical rehabilitation specialists, if it tries to deliver advanced health welfare service. In order to medical rehabilitation manpower policies, this study attempts to analyse, estimate and plan a long-term supply for physiatrists, physical therapists, and occupational therapists. The study analysed both national and foreign statistical data of manpower supply for medical rehabilitation specialists. A structured category of questionnaire was developed to survey the opinions of regarding the supply for rehabilitation specialists in Korea. Based on the above data, the demand of and supply for each specialists were estimated for long term up to the year 2030. Based on the comparative analysis results of the future demand and supply, the author intended to develop a new supply plan for the three specialist categories. The major findings of the supply plan are as follows : First, the replied proper mean ratios of rehabilitation professionals(physiatrists : physical therapists occupational therapists) appeared 1 : 5.93 : 3.59, and there is no significant difference between interprofessionals (p>0.05). Secons, the estimated demand for rehabilitation services by interprofessionals appeared significant difference among the interprofessionals (p<0.05).
        2020.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: The supply of and demand for medical services continue to increase as the current social environment changes. Consequently, competition among medical institutions is intensifying and hospitals must establish appropriate management strategies to improve the medical services they provide. This study suggests that the authenticity of doctors is a factor in improving medical-service quality and examines the effect authenticity has on the affective trust and satisfaction of patients. Design, methodology, and approach: The study utilized previous studies to examine the significance of potential variables, established hypotheses and used a questionnaire to confirm these hypotheses. The questionnaire was distributed to patients who had visited a hospital in the previous six months. Responses were analyzed empirically using structural equation modeling. Findings: The analysis found that a physician’s authenticity has a significant impact on the affective trust of patients. While patients’ affective trust does not have a similar strong impact on patient satisfaction, physician authenticity does have a significant impact on patient satisfaction. Conclusion and implications: This study examined the roles of authenticity, affective trust, and patient satisfaction in doctor-patient relationships in the medical services field. The implication of the findings is that physician authenticity is a prerequisite for patient satisfaction of medical services.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose - The purpose of this study was to examine quality improvement priorities by examining not only quality classifications but also PCSI (Kano, 1984) of mobile app service qualities of general hospitals in the Metropolitan Area and offer potential improvements. Research design, data, and methodology – The study examined five of service qualities, including app design, reaction, convenience, safety and supply of information by precedent studies. 20 test items were selected. A total of 60 positive and negative questions to estimate customer satisfaction and PCSI was investigated. The author collected 300 copies from interviewees who made use of the app services of 13 general hospitals within one year, and classified quality factors by using table of quality assessment and also estimated the customer satisfaction index (Timko, 1993). The study made quality improvement priority by the PCSI index. Results - Reaction of the mobile app service quality ranked the highest PCSI, and payment safety ranked the highest, and customer support and supply of the information ranked high as well. It was observed that design ranked comparatively lower in these categories. Conclusion - Safety, reaction and supply of information should be prioritized to reorganize and improve the mobile app services.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        의료의 과학화로 인해 고가의료장비를 이용한 의료서비스 공급이 증가하고 있다. 의학 정보의 대중화로 의료소비자들의 의학적 지식수준 및 의료기관 선택능력의 향상으로 높은 수준의 의료서비스가 요구되고 있다. 이처럼 의료소비자들이 의료기관을 대하는 태도가 바뀌면서 의료기관들 역시 고객 만족도 향상을 위한 인식의 변화가 필요하다. 이에 본 연구는 의료서비스의 의식구조 변화를 지향하기 위해 PET/CT의 효용성에 대한 의학적 지식 유무에 따라 의료서비스만족도 차이를 분석하였다. 연구 결과 의료소비자 자신의 질병과 PET/CT의 효용성에 대한 의학적 지식이 있는 사람이 진료만족과 환경만족 모두 높게 나타났다. 따라서, 의료기관에서는 형식적인 의료서비스 제공이 아닌 의료소비자의 의학적 지식에 대한 지각 변화를 파악하여 의학 정보를 제공하는 실질적인 의료서비스 대응책이 필요할 것이다.