본 연구는 NaCl 및 jasmonic acid(JA) 처리 시 스피아민트(Mentha spicata)의 생육 및 생리적 반응 변화를 조사하고자 실시하였다. 대조구, JA(20μM JA 전처리), JA+NaCl(20μM JA 전처리+ 50mM NaCl), NaCl(50mM NaCl) 처리 등 4처리구로 구분하여 0.5배 Hoagland 용 액에서 3주간 수경 재배한 후 생장반응과 엽록소, 비타민 C, 프롤린, 무기물, DPPH 라디칼 소거 항산화 활성등을 측정하였다. 스피아민트의 초장, 엽장, 엽폭 및 생 체중은 대조구에 비해 모든 처리구에서 감소하였고, 특히 NaCl 처리구에서 현저히 감소하였다. 반면에 건물중 은 JA+NaCl 혼용처리구를 비롯하여 모든 처리구에서 증가하였다. 엽록소 a와 b 함량은 JA 처리구가 가장 높았으나 비타민 C와 항산화 활성 및 지상부의 프롤린 함량은 염 스트레스로 생육이 가장 낮았던 NaCl 처리구에서 가장 높게 나타났다. 이온 흡수의 균형 정도를 알 수 있는 K/Na 비율은 JA 단독 처리 시 증가하였고, NaCl 처리 및 JA+NaCl 혼용 처리구에서는 Na+ 흡수 증가로 인하여 K/Na 비율이 낮아졌다. 이러한 결과는 낮은 염 스트레스나 JA처리 같은 적절한 스트레스 처리가 항산화 활성과 정유를 포함하는 이차대사물질의 축적을 유도 함으로써 스피아민트의 품질을 향상시킬 잠재적인 가능성을 보여준다.
Effects of substrates, non-aggregated medium and Rootone on the rooting of spearmint (Mentha spicata), peppermint (Mentha x piperit) and catmint (catnip:Nepeta cataria) were investigate and results were as follow. Five types of substrate (saproilite (S), peatmoss (P), S:P 75:25, S:P 50:50, S:P 25:75v/v) were used as rooting media. In the rooting rate and number of roots, peppermint and catmint had higher values in saprolite with significant, but spearmint was shown the better result in S:P 25:75 mixed substrate than saprolite without significances. Root length of spearmint was promoted in mixed substrate of S:P 50:50 and 75;25, and catmint was better in saprolite substrate. Rooting rate and number of roots were shown more decreased in single peatmoss substrate and mixed substrate than saproilte. The effects of aggregated medium (S) and non aggregated medium (tap water) on the rooting of different stem part of mints were tested. Rooting and number of rooting of spearmint and peppermint in water medium were more increased than in saprolite medium. But catmint was not rooted in any medium. Rooting of upper parts with growing points was more increased than under part of stem, which was relative hardy. In Rootone treatments test on rooting of stem cuttings, all treatments very strongly promoted the rooting and number of roots not only in upper stems but also in under part of stem in saprolite and water medium. Rootone treatments (drying 10 minutes after dipping on wetted stem) was very effective in water medium. Especially catmint treated with Rootone promoted a root formation in water medium This research was clarified the possibilities of rooting on spearmint, peppermint, and catmint cuttings in water medium, when especially treated with Rootone.
IPP isomerase (Iso) and Limonene synthase (Limo) are important enzymes in terpenoids biosynthesis pathway. The wild type and each metabolically engineered (Iso and Limo) transgenic spearmint (Mentha spicata Linne) plants were compared for their growth patterns and the contents of essential oil in in vitro culture media. The profile of terpenoid metabolites was obtained from the essential oil of the metabolically engineered transgenic spearmint, which was extracted using a modified SDE method, by GC-MS analysis. The growth of wild spearmint was more profuse in B5 culture medium than in other media. Significant differences in leaf and root growth patterns were observed between metabolically engineered transgenic and wild type spearmint plants. The leaves of the transgenic spearmint plants were slightly elongated but were dramatically narrower than those of wild type spearmints. The content of essential oil of transgenic spearmint was different slightly depending on the target terpenoid genes. The content of essential oils in Limo transgenic plants was higher than that of Iso, except for transgenic plant in B5 medium. The transgenic spearmint produced more terpenoids than the wild type. Iso spearmint extracts showed eleven terpenoids and a phenylpropane, while Limo spearmint extracts contained nine terpenoids. However, extracts from the wild type showed the presence of only four terpenoids.