趙性家와 崔琡民은 경상우도 蘆沙學派의 핵심 인물이라 할 수 있다. 그들은 南冥學派의 본거지인 경상우도에서 태어나 蘆沙 奇正鎭의 문인이 되었고, 기정 진의 학문을 전파하고 확장하기 위해 많은 노력을 기울였던 사람들이다. 그래서인지는 몰라도 이들의 행적을 돌이켜보면 그들에게서 남명학적 사상과 언행을 적지 않게 발견할 수 있다. 하지만 일부에서는 이들의 이러한 언행을 순 수하게 보지 않고 있다는 점도 부인할 수 없다. 그 이유는 그들의 이러한 행위 가 진정으로 남명학을 존숭해서가 아니라, 남명학적 사상이 뿌리 깊게 자리 잡 은 경상우도에서 자신들의 학파세력을 확산하기 위해서는 의도적으로 그렇게 행동할 수밖에 없었기 때문이었다는 것이다. 그렇지만 기록에 남아있는 여러 가지 증거와 정황으로 볼 때, 경상우도 노사 학파를 대표한다 할 수 있는 조성가와 최숙민은 실제로 남명 조식을 존숭하였 고 그의 사상을 자신의 내면에 깊이 간직하고 있었다. 뿐만 아니라 그의 사상을 더욱 더 발전․확산시키기 위해 다방면에 걸쳐 노력했던 인물들이었다는 것도 분 명하게 드러나고 있다는 점에서 남명학 존숭과 관련된 그들의 언행은 진정성에 바탕을 둔 것으로 인식해야 한다.
This thesis deals with comparing and observing 『Shim Kyoung』 which Donggo wrote to Nammyoung for a present as well as the books written by Nammyoung and Donggo, their growing background and learning, their positions as government officers, and 「Moojinbongsa」 and 「Byounginbongsa」, letters having written to show respect to the King
There are more records about Nammyung in 『Donggoyugo』 than in 『Nammyoungjib』. However, I am aware of the fact that the two books have almost the same content in them. 「Nammyoungshimkyoungbal」 has exactly the same content as 『Donggoyugo』.
According to the comparition of these two books, I found that Donggo had sent the medicine material, calenda, 『Shimkyoung』, and other things to Nammyoung. Then Nammyoung sent appreciation letters to Donggo. In 『Shimkyoung』, Donggo suggested to Nammyoung that he became a government officer, but Nammyoung was only interested in morality. Donggo sent his son to Deoksan to grieve Nammyoung's death.
They had the different pedigrees. Nammyoung's forefathers, who live in Huubcheon, didn't have any big government ranks. However, Donggo's forefathers had high government ranks. In their backgrounds some things are the same and some things are different. The things that were different were that Nammyoung was born in a rural area and his father died when he was 6 years old, but Donggo was born in Seoul and his father died when he was 26 years old. The things they had in common were that they all struggled economically, their mothers were all very clever, and they were not the eldest sons in their families. As they had different pedigrees, in the end Nammyoung became a scholar and Donggo became responsible for the national property.
When Nammyoung was studying, I suppose that he was taught about learning from his father. However, Donggo learned about it from Lee, Yeonkyoung and Mr. Thansoo. When they were staying in Hyubcheon and Sangju, I suppose that they went to Hwang, Hyoheon to study, Nammyoung didn't go to school but Donggo went to school.
Nammyoung changed his career objectives due to failing the exam to be a government officer, but Donggo started the job as a government officer because he passed it.
Nammyoung's highest rank in his life was only Hyunkam, but Donggo was Youngeujung. However, Nammyoung was appointed to a high position by the King.
In 「Moojinbongsa」written by Nammyoung, he insisted on 'Respect', which is the important item of his consideration. It is the same that in 「Byounginbongsa」Donggo insisted on 'Harmony' which is an important item of his consideration. In 「Moojinbongsa」, he made clear the troubles of the government officers and suggested to the King that he treat all the problems of the government very strictly. In 「Byounginbongsa」, Donggo insisted harmony and advised that they have to prepare the following King through logic which to choose the talented men.
I am aware that both of them did their best with their position at that time. When Doggo was 33 years old, he presented 『Shimkyoung』to Nammyoung. When Donggo gave that. I supposed that he transmitted Nammyoung 'Su-ki-chi-in'(to control themselves by learning) of the important spirit of Confucianism. Nammyoung decided to himself that he would try to study harder when he received the book. Both of them had lived differently but they always cared for their people. The fact Donggo gave a present, 『Shimkyoung』 to Nammyoung.
After much consideration, study and hearing from our country's political leaders, I have become aware that there is now more study and consideration being given to our country.