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        검색결과 7

        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 국내 광릉숲에서 우리나라 천연기념물이자 멸종위기 종인 장수하늘소(Callipogon relictus Semenov)의 새로운 기주식물로 졸참나무(Quercus serrata Thunb. ex Murray)를 처음 보고한다. 졸참나무 안에서 발견하였던 장수하늘소 유충의 형태학적 측정값과 재검토한 장수하늘소의 기주식물 목록을 제공한다.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Psyllids have shifted lately into general awareness as vectors of pathogens causing serious plant diseases, as pests in agriculture and forestry or as potential control agents of alien invasive weeds. These small insects are plant sap feeders which are generally very host specific. In addition, related psyllid species tend to develop on related plant species. This makes them an ideal group for studies on insect–plant cospeciation. A sound taxonomic and phylogenetic base is a prerequisite for successful pest control and meaningful research on insect–plant interactions. Currently almost 4000 named species of Psylloidea exist worldwide of which half was described in the last three decades. Despite this tremendous progress there are at least another 4000 species which remain undescribed particularly in Africa, South America and tropical Asia. Since White and Hodkinson’s seminal paper in 1985 a series of studies tested their classification with additional taxa using morphological and molecular techniques. In 2012 Burckhardt and Ouvrard proposed a new classification. Five of their families (Calophyidae, Carsidaridae, Homotomidae, Phacopteronidae and Triozidae) are identical with or similar to those of White and Hodkinson but three differ fundamentally from previous classifications (Aphalaridae, Liviidae and Psyllidae). Many of the recognised families and subfamilies are restricted more or less exclusively to a single plant taxon, e.g. Calophyidae, Phacopteronidae and Rhinocolinae to Sapindales, Carsidaridae to Malvaceae, Homotomidae to Moraceae, Spondyliaspidinae to Myrtaceae, and many Psyllidae to Fabaceae. The 1000 described species of Triozidae, in contrast, have colonised many families of dicots and, a few, even monocots and conifers. Several analyses suggest that cospeciation may be less important than geographical vicariance to explain the observed species richness in psyllids, and that shifts to new host taxa are frequent.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Ceratovacuna aphids are one of the major gall-forming aphids. Four Ceratovacuna aphids have been reported from East Asia including Taiwan, Korea, and Japan. In Korea, only one species, Ceratovacuna nekoashi (Sasaki), has been confirmed amongst the four species, and yet their colonies have been found only from the banana bundle or cats-paw shaped galls on the primary hosts, Styrax trees (Styraceae). Colonies on the secondary hosts (Gramineae) have not been seen from Korea nor confirmed from Taiwan, although they are usually seen from Japan limitedly on stiltgrass Microstegium vimineum. Recently in Korea, a colony consisting of an emigrant and first instar soldiers were found from a grass species, Seteria sp. that have not been reported as a secondary host of C. nekoashi. Identity of C. nekoashi is definite based on morphology of the first instar soldier. Genetic identity is being explored for confirmation.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Radopholus similis belong to the plant parasitic nematode family, Pratylenchidae and was recognized that injure the plant. R. similis was generally identified from bananas and plantain in the tropics. However, the occurrence of infection of R. similis on new host plant was confirmed recently. The aim of this study was to report the determination of new host plant for R. similis on Staurogyne sp. The species identification was evaluated the morphological and molecular characteristics of nine R. similis. Molecular assay was designed from the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) of ribosomal DNA to distinguish species. Nematodes from Staurogyne sp. showed almost similar morphological and morphometric characteristics in general R. similis, but some variation in tail shape was confirmed. Also, male was not detectable. Molecular assay showed a high level (97%) of similarity in the TW81-AB28 and 18S-28S sequences (ITS region) with corresponding NCBI sequence. The quarantine should be more intensely to detect the prohibited nematode.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The aim of the study is to report Radopholus similis detected from Agathis dammara in Thailand as new host plant. Existing host of R. similis was known as coffee, pepper, sugarcane and banana etc. This nematode in this study was observed morphologic character using Carl Zeiss Axioimager M2 and Axiovision Rel. 4.8 program. The result shows that a and b of the female was distorted toward maximum value of original description of species, and b′, c and stylet length was distorted toward minimum value of original description of species. This nematode was morphologically distinguished from originally detected R. similis, but measured value was similar in range of original description of species. For more information, molecular assay was also confirmed the R. similis with 98% homology with the sequence of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) of ribosomal DNA. We provided PCR-amplified ITS nucleotide sequence.