In the field of study about the effect of environment in marine context, various reports have been given on the research of wind forces and moments acting on ship by using wind calculating methods and experiments over a long time.
최근 도시기후를 고려한 도시계획이 많은 나라에서 실용화되고 있다. 도시기후의 고려는 주로 도시의 바람 길 조성이라는 개념으로 구체화되고 있다. 도시의 바람 길 조성은 주로 하계에 도시지역의 열적 쾌적성을 개선하는 것을 목표로 한다. 아울러, 과학적 조사에 근거하여 도시의 단지계획을 합리적으로 함으로써 청정한 냉기류의 도심유입을 원활히 하여 도심의 대기오염을 저감하고자 하는 것도 목적으로 한다. 이 연구에서는, 수치실험을 통하여 전형적인 난후기일을 대상으로 대구지역의 국지순환풍이 지나는 바람의 길을 조사하였다. 그리고 이 바람에 의한 대기오염의 수송도 조사하였다. 수치실험에 사용한 모형은 RAMS(지역규모 대기모델)이다. 수치실험의 관심지역은 대구광역시 일대(약900km2)이다. 수평규모는 약 30km이다. 수치실험은 일반풍이 약하고 쾌청한 일기조건을 갖는 늦봄의 기상조건 하에서 수행되었다. 수치실험의 결과 다음과 같은 3가지 결과를 얻었다: (1) 대구의 대표적 산지인 팔공산과 앞산에서 야간에 산정에서 복사냉각으로 생성된 국지풍이 지나는 길을 발견할 수 있었다. 그 바람은 대구의 동쪽 지역에서 중력류의 형태로 계곡을 따라서 흘러내렸다. (2) 평지에서는, 그 바람이 대구의 중심지를 지나 서쪽으로 흘러갔다. (3) 그 결과로, 대기오염물질은 야간에 국지풍에 의해 서쪽지역으로 수송되어졌다.
지표 및 연직기상자료를 이용하여 포항지역 주변의 겨울철 탁월풍 현상을 살펴보고 이 현상을 분석하기 위해 RAMS를 이용한 수치모의를 수행하였다. 조사결과, 상층대기에서는 서풍을 보였으나 지표부근에서는 남서풍이 탁월하였다. RAMS를 이용하여 겨울철 풍계를 살펴본 결과, 이러한 겨울철 탁월풍 현상은 해안선의 형태와 낮은 구릉지, 그리고 바다와 육지의 분포 등의 지형적 특징에 의해 크게 영향을 받는 것으로 분석되었다. 이상의 모형결과의 정확성을 살펴보기 위해 일 중 지속적인 남서풍이 관측되었던 날들의 풍속, 기온, 풍향을 대상으로 관측값과 모형결과값을 비교하였다. 일반적으로 기상관측망은 공간적으로 조밀하지 못하기 때문에 국지순환계의 특징을 자세히 살펴보기가 쉽지 않다. 하지만 이러한 공간적 고분해능을 만족하는 수치모형을 이용한다면 더욱 정확한 결과를 제공받을 수 있을 것이다.
As a part of effort to establish an offshore wind resource assessment system of the Korean Peninsula, a numeric wind simulation using mesoscale climate model MM5 and a spatial distribution of offshore wind extracted from SAR remote-sensing satellite image is compared and analyzed. According to the analyzed results, the numeric wind simulation is found to have wind speed over predication tendency at the coastal sea area. Therefore, it is determined that a high-resolution wind simulation is required for complicated coastal landforms. The two methods are verified as useful ways to identify the spatial distribution of offshore wind by mutual complementation and if the meteor-statistical comparative analysis is performed in the future using adequate number of satellite images, it is expected to derive a general methodology enabling systematic validation and correction of the numeric wind simulation.
In urban area, thermal pollution associated with heat island phenomena is generally regarded to make urban life uncomfortable. To overcome this urban thermal pollution problem, urban planning with consideration of urban climate, represented by the concept of urban ventilation lane, is widely practiced in many countries.
In this study, the prevailing wind ventilation lane of a local winds in Daegu during the warm climate season was investigated by using surface wind data and RAMS(Reasonal Atmospheric Model System) simulation. The domain of interest is the vicinity of Daegu metropolitan city(about 900) and its horizontal scale is about 30km. The simulations were conducted under the synoptic condition of late spring with the weak gradient wind and mostly clear sky. From the numerical simulations, the following two major conclusions were obtained: (1)The major wind passages of the local circulation wind generated by radiative cooling over the mountains(Mt. Palgong and Mt. Ap) are found. The winds blow down along the valley axis over the eastern part of the Daegu area as a gravity flow during nighttime. (2)After that time, the winds blow toward the western part of Daegu through the city center. As the result, the higher temperature region appears over the western part of Daegu metropolitan area.
In order to make use of the protection effect against wind by the vegetation, it examined whether it should make what vegetation form and arrangement using the 2-dimensional non-hydrostatic model. When the foliage shielding factor increases, it becomes hard to take in protection effect against wind in a residential section. When it makes height of vegetation high, it becomes hard to take in protection effect against wind with height. In the comparison in the case where vegetation high is gradually made low toward wind-stream from a vegetation, and the case of making it low gradually, although former tends to receive the protection effect against wind by the vegetation, attenuation of wind velicity becomes large. In the comparison in the case where foliage shielding factor and distribution of density of leaf are gathered gradually toward wind-stream from a vegetation. It has been understood to evaluate to height the influence that the vegetation multi-layer model by which the heat revenue and expenditure in the direction of the vegetation height is considered is used, and to characterize the vegetation group by the parameter setting.
The two-stage numerical model was used to study the relation between three-dimensional local wind model, advection/diffusion model of random walk method and second moment method in western coastal area for Korean peninsula. The first stage is three dimensional time-dependent local wind model which gives the wind field and vertical diffusion coefficient. The second stage is advection/diffusion model which uses the results of the first stage as input data.
First, wind fields on Korean peninsula for none synoptic scale wind showed typical land and sea breeze circulation, and the emitted particles were transported by sea breeze for daytime, emissions return to sea by land breeze for nighttime.
Numerical simulations of photochemical air pollution (CBM: Carbon-Bond Mechanism) under a theoretical three-dimensional local wind system are carried to clarify the fundamental characteristics of the effects of local wind on photochemical air pollution.
According to the AWS data of Pusan coastal area and KMA, the surface wind of Pusan during summertime showed a very remarkable land and sea breeze circulation. The ozone concentration distribution using local wind model showed that high ozone concentration zone near coastal area moved toward inland in the afternoon. This change implies a sea breeze increases the ozone concentration, but a land breeze decreases it in Pusan coastal area