Yeats for his life pursued the completion of self, creating “half-self” as a kind of dialectical self and borrowing transcendental power by medium to reach the origin or presence of Thing Itself as the esoteric way of “auto-writing” shown in A Vision. On the other hand, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, protagonist in Perfume: The Story of A Murderer born with a sense of smell challenges making the essence of perfume risky of life, finally to kill women for creating a supreme perfume possible to fascinate everyone. Accordingly, both have something common as alchemists desiring a universal spiritual or exoteric solvent: the former immerges into enhancing spiritual ennoblement as a result of inner revelation, while the latter ventures his life to attempt the perfect combination of materials through numerous experiments to enchant all that smell the perfume, even those suspicious of charlatanism promising elixir of life.