
The Yeats Journal of Korea KCI 등재 한국 예이츠 저널 Yeats Journal

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Vol. 47 (2015년 8월) 16

2015.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The paper focuses on the four conditions of earth, water, air, and fire identified by the pre-Socratic philosopher Empedocles, and alchemy. Yeats used concepts he learned from alchemy on the level of words and images and in distinctive tonal qualities. He also took from it concepts that energised his work, especially issues of opposition and desire, and the work towards transfiguration.
2015.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
That Yeats is the last Romantic whereas Pound a Romantic at first constitutes what this paper is about: what I mean is, Yeats as Romantic transforms himself and Pound overcomes romanticism inherent in him. To become a poet Ezra Pound first reached for William Butler Yeats; became a patron; then overcoming Romantic poetry, became an equal with Yeats. Yeats’s evaluation of Pound is ambiguous, reserving his last judgment. In his “Introduction” to The Oxford Book of Modern Verse, and in his “A Packet for Ezra Pound” in his A Vision (1937) Yeats conceals his judgment of Pound. But it is in fact his indirect yet highest praise for Ezra. I would like to see how so different poetic temperaments enrich each other. I enlist K.K. Ruthven, T.S. Eliot, John Berryman for unraveling the two poetries intermingled.
2015.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Unlike many canonized literary figures, William Butler Yeats endures as a curious and multifarious point of reference for both the academic community and purveyors of more popular media. Yeats allusions, references, and evocations span time, location, and genre, but their volume and consistency clearly indicate that Yeats matters. His name retains an authoritative, enduring, and uniquely protean capital; his literary signature aids the writer and affords resources, aligning it with a distinctive, though vaguely defined, literary tradition, historically popular and urbane, that simultaneously exploits, asserts, and perpetuates Yeats’s eminent and mutable position in the increasingly globalized, transnational cultural memory of the last half century. Through discussions of Richard Ellmann’s relationship with George Yeats, Yeats’s (re)politicization by Said and Kiberd near the end of the century, and Yeats’s appearances in television/film, I explore how Yeats’s poetry and personage have been tangled in complex notions of national, ethnic and social power across the 20th century.
2015.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
William Butler Yeats’s poem “Among School Children” is a meditation on love, essence, and change. This paper attempts to relate the Buddhist theories of essence and change to the core philosophical premises of the poem itself. Furthermore, through two specific Buddhist texts, Milindapanho by Nàgasena and Mūlamādhyamikakārikā by Nagarjuna, the paper illustrates similarities in terms of imagery and philosophical ideas in the specific stanzas of the poem, highlighting a philosophical foundation in musings on love and essence as they emerge in the poem.
2015.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper attempts to bring Plato back into dramatic criticism. The dominant view of Plato as a trenchant critic of literature results from an oddly powerful mixture of transhistoricity, literary self-abnegation and political ideology. Using Iris Murdoch, Giorgio Agamben and Leo Strauss to defend Plato against the charge of his anti-poetics, this paper argues that memory and narrative (in place of action), diegesis (against mimesis), alienation and impasse (instead of identification and catharsis) emerge as central features in Platonic dramatic theory. These concepts are put to the test by using texts from a select group of modern Irish and American dramatists (Williams, Friel, Wilder, Beckett and Yeats), all of whom were compelled to dramatize personal and/or collective memory while grappling with the difficulties involving the enactment of it.
2015.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Yeats completed his theory of tragedy after his translation and the performance of Sophocles’ King Oedipus. The theory of his tragedy is as follows. First, the protagonist tries to overcome his fate and inquires into passionate identity. Second, the protagonist reaches tragic ecstasy. Thirdly, the protagonist changes his passion into wisdom. Fourthly, the protagonist completes the ultimate reality through the tragic gaiety. In short, Yeats, after completing tragic gaiety in Sophocles’ King Oedipus, shows how he embodies the ultimate reality.
2015.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper aims to compare William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! and W. B. Yeats’s Purgatory from the perspective of the genealogy of the damned, the damned here being the Old South and the Protestant Ascendancy. For all their obvious differences, Faulkner’s Old South and Yeats’s Protestant Ascendancy share important features in common: the decline of aristocracy, the tendency to mythologize realities, and the sense of loss and self-loathing. In Absalom, Absalom!, Faulkner attempts to retrieve the hidden history of the South from the early years of white settlement on the Mississippi, through the Civil War and Reconstruction, to the Civil Right era. Yeats’s Purgatory dramatizes recent Irish history, looking back on the Irish independence and the establishment of the Free State as the irrevocable proof of the decline and fall of the Protestant Ascendancy. Seeing the genealogies of the Sutpen family and the Old Man as a metaphor of American South and post-independent Ireland respectively, this paper explores transnational possibilities of reading American and Irish literature against each other.
2015.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
“Squarings,” 48 tercet poems divided by 4 chapters under the subtitles of “lighening,” “setting,” “crossing,” and “squarings” are a collection of images matching each title, all derived from the writer’s experiences and recollections. The whole atmosphere of these poems is lyrical as well as transcendental. The tone of the poems is reminiscent of the tincture of pathos. The extension into an abstract and spiritual world proceeded by the objective observation of mundane items is another characteristic of these poems. The poems in “Squarings” are underpinned by modernism philosophy that the present and the past are juxtaposed and that the persona searches for its father. And the liberal and playful persona coupled with the poems of multiple interpretations and poetic language are post-modern features of “Squarings”. The subtitles of “Squarings” suggest some ordering of poet’s experiences or process of the poet’s writing.
2015.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The early works of W. B. Yeats are mainly rose poems influenced by the symbolist movement and his other works reflect the poet’s consciousness absorbed in occultism and mysticism. And some of them are filled with confessions and revelations of love expressed in somewhat dreamlike and vague longing. These tendencies generally show unrefined sentimental contents and loosely woven poetic patterns. But, nevertheless, his early love lyrics effectively appeal to our emotion and have been popular and widely accepted. Those early erotic verses, especially based on the traditional Western culture of courtly love, attain the beloved’s love in literature as it is not achievable in reality. The tradition of the courtly love lyrics has passed down from Dante through Rossetti to Yeats. Following the poetic tradition, Yeats often implies that the beloved is absent, unattainable, or even dead. Therefore, Yeats’s early love lyrics generate their own love out of such absence and death. Love and death are mingled together in Yeats’s early love lyrics.
2015.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Yeats considered Spinoza a mystic and had appreciation of Spinoza’s thought that God does not belong to a specific religion but is a nature and a boundless Absolute and he thought that freedom is not only compatible with but requires determinism, which means that reason leads man to an adequate understanding of causes of the world through three phases of knowledge. “Scholars” and “the obedient” in Yeats’s works are explained by the first knowledge through imagination with which we can never access the essence of the world and our knowledge of them is always inadequate. “The hawk” who “learns to be proud” presents the second knowledge through reason, where we know things truly according to their essences. The third is knowledge through intuition, where we can deduce true knowledge of things from true knowledge of the essence of God. Since only God acts consistently according to his nature, God is absolutely free. A thing is, therefore, free if and only if it acts according to its own nature from God. In this idea, freedom is to consider it a form of predestination. In Yeats’s poem, “Cuchulain,” is a free man who determines himself and accepts his destiny at the same time. A Vision also implies this concept of freedom in it.
2015.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
William Trevor’s “Two More Gallants” is not only a parody of Joyce’s “Two Gallants” but a serious intertextual response to the problems of realism and modernism acutely felt in Joyce’s work. Drawing on recent theoretical discussions that focus on the unsettled borderline between realism and modernism, this paper explores the nature of the intertextual and historical relationships between Joyce and Trevor.
2015.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper studies Yeats as imagist, which demands that the poet make use of ordinary and conversational words; different subject-matters, concise and accurate imagery and avoid abstraction. Interestingly he exhibits all the characteristics Imagist poets usually show.
2015.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Yeats for his life pursued the completion of self, creating “half-self” as a kind of dialectical self and borrowing transcendental power by medium to reach the origin or presence of Thing Itself as the esoteric way of “auto-writing” shown in A Vision. On the other hand, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, protagonist in Perfume: The Story of A Murderer born with a sense of smell challenges making the essence of perfume risky of life, finally to kill women for creating a supreme perfume possible to fascinate everyone. Accordingly, both have something common as alchemists desiring a universal spiritual or exoteric solvent: the former immerges into enhancing spiritual ennoblement as a result of inner revelation, while the latter ventures his life to attempt the perfect combination of materials through numerous experiments to enchant all that smell the perfume, even those suspicious of charlatanism promising elixir of life.
2015.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The paper is to study the poetic self in Yeats’s later poetry. Yeats dramatizes internal conflicts of the self fighting with the other self. He has not created a single unified image of character in his poetry. He has tried to consciously express the polarity of the self by projecting dual characteristics of being through the poetic self. The poetic self in his poetry is the self who is transformed and developed through the conflict accepting the reality of human nature. Looking over the whole of human life and its prevailing desolation, the poetic self tries to find the proper response to life and suffering in terms of “tragic joy.” The poetic self created by Yeats has got around the conflict through a positive response to life in all its tragic aspects.
2015.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This article examines the problem of historical construction during the period of armed resistance in 1920s by analyzing Yeats’s “Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen.” After briefly dealing with the characteristics of Irish Nationalists’ discourses in the early 1920s, particularly in the light of Republican and Free State appeals to Ireland’s noble past, it discusses how Yeats rejected the nationalists’ heroic sacrificial history that had served to support the normalization of violence and the reactionary and oppressive politics and how he refused another tale of heroic martyrdom readily inscribed into a Republican narrative.

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