
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to identify the major peacekeeping activities that the Korean armed forces has performed from the past to the present. To do this, we collected 692 press releases from the National Defense Daily over the past 20 years and performed topic modeling and social network analysis. As a result of topic modeling analysis, 112 major keywords and 8 topics were derived, and as a result of examining the Korean armed forces's peacekeeping activities based on the topics, 6 major activities and 2 related matters were identified. The six major activities were 'Northeast Asian defense cooperation', 'multinational force activities', 'civil operations', 'defense diplomacy', 'ceasefire monitoring group', and 'pro-Korean activities', and 'general troop deployment' related to troop deployment in general. Next, social network analysis was performed to examine the relationship between keywords and major keywords related to topic decision, and the keywords ‘overseas’, ‘dispatch’, and ‘high level’ were derived as key words in the network. This study is meaningful in that it first examined the topic of the Korean armed forces's peacekeeping activities over the past 20 years by applying big data techniques based on the National Defense Daily, an unstructured document. In addition, it is expected that the derived topics can be used as a basis for exploring the direction of development of Korea's peacekeeping activities in the future.
        2019.03 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Plans are moving forward for the implementation of a series of international fora based on the ideas of peace education developed at the University of Jeju over the past decade, including a series of 6+1 peace exercises in the South Korea, United States, France, Taiwan, Russia, and possibly North Korea, bringing together peace activists for dialogue and sharing of knowledge with the aim of building lasting peace in the Korean peninsula.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        After the conflict, war or hostilities there is an urgent need to rebuild the society for sustainable peace and prosperity. There is need to work for positive peace by removing all sorts of cultural and structural violence and injustices. As such, positive peace paves way to true reconciliation, justice, healing of both victims and society members and if possible forgiveness. Even when there is no longer conflict, leaders in a society should never lose focus on attending to the victims who suffered during the conflict. Constant peacebuilding and peacemaking should be done in societies that suffered conflict. As we will see in the article, Gacaca and Bulteok experiences are examples of approaches that have helped Rwanda and Jeju Island respectively in their quest for lasting peace and a just society. This article aims at explaining peacekeeping, peacemaking and peacebuilding approaches and how they are used by individuals, nations, and organizations to build peaceful societies. The article will give a realist critique of these approaches.