The purpose of this study is to identify the major peacekeeping activities that the Korean armed forces has performed from the past to the present. To do this, we collected 692 press releases from the National Defense Daily over the past 20 years and performed topic modeling and social network analysis. As a result of topic modeling analysis, 112 major keywords and 8 topics were derived, and as a result of examining the Korean armed forces's peacekeeping activities based on the topics, 6 major activities and 2 related matters were identified. The six major activities were 'Northeast Asian defense cooperation', 'multinational force activities', 'civil operations', 'defense diplomacy', 'ceasefire monitoring group', and 'pro-Korean activities', and 'general troop deployment' related to troop deployment in general. Next, social network analysis was performed to examine the relationship between keywords and major keywords related to topic decision, and the keywords ‘overseas’, ‘dispatch’, and ‘high level’ were derived as key words in the network. This study is meaningful in that it first examined the topic of the Korean armed forces's peacekeeping activities over the past 20 years by applying big data techniques based on the National Defense Daily, an unstructured document. In addition, it is expected that the derived topics can be used as a basis for exploring the direction of development of Korea's peacekeeping activities in the future.
The objective of this study was to investigate the quality characteristics of emulsion-type pork sausage manufactured with various levels of Eutrema Japonicum (E. Japonicum)(1, 2, and 3%). The crude fat contents of samples containing 2 and 3% E. Japonicum were 27.46-28.38%, significantly higher than those in the control (p<0.05). The cooking yields samples containing 1 and 2% E. Japonicum were 74.99-75.54%, significantly higher than those in the control (p<0.05). Water holding capacities (WHC) of the samples containing 1% and 2% E. Japonicum were 92.22-92.26% significantly higher than those in the control (p<0.05). while the water losses of sample containing 1% E. Japonicum group was 16.41%, significantly lower than those in the control (p<0.05). And fat losses samples containing 1, 2, and 3% E. Japonicum were 0.03-0.64% significantly lower than those in the control (p<0.05) in emulsion stability. Additionally, viscosity increased with increasing E. Japonicum concentration of E. Japonicum. Texture profile analysis (TPA) showed increased with increasing E. Japonicum concentration for hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess, chewiness. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in the samples containing 2 and 3% E. Japonicum were 0.64-0.69 mg MDA/kg significantly lower than those in the control and 1% E. Japonicum group (p<0.05). These results indicate that emulsion-type pork sausage containing 2% E. Japonicum was increasing WHC, emulsion stability, cooking yield, and was decreasing TBARS compared to other E. Japonicum groups. Therefore, emulsion-type pork sausage containing 2% E. Japonicum is high qualified.
PURPOSES : In this study, a virtual driving simulator was used to analyze the effects of implementing appropriate highway driving criteria on the attentiveness of motorists on Korean highways.
METHODS : The study includes three scenarios. Scenario 1 was purposed to investigate the relationships between driver focus, the brain waves associated with drowsiness, and the speed of motorists driving along the straight 5-km section of Saemangeum South-North Road, which is the same as a car-only road. Scenarios 2 and 3 were designed to have shorter straight sections to enable comparison of the occurrence of drowsiness-related brain waves and velocity changes at 3 km and 2 km, respectively.
RESULTS : Driver focus was found to decrease and result in speeding after driving 2.5 km of the straight section. Past this point, driver focus continued to decrease, and drivers continued to accelerate. However, upon reaching a curved section, driver focus increased according to the linear change; furthermore, drivers showed a tendency to reduce their speed to a value near the speed limit.
CONCLUSIONS : According to the analysis of highway traffic accidents that occurred between 2013 and 2015, approximately 50% of total traffic accidents are due to speeding, drowsiness, and negligence. Therefore, if appropriately long straight sections, i.e., sections that are not associated with a reduced ability to focus, are calculated and implemented in road planning and operation, it is possible to prevent accidents caused by lack of driver focus.
가석방은 기간을 정하지 않은(부정기의) 조건부석방제도로, 자유형의 집행 중에 있는 자가 일정한 요건을 충족하는 경우 형기가 만료되기 전에 석방하는 제도이다. 가석방은 수형자 스스로의 개선노력을 유인하고 일정한 조건하에 자율적으로 사회의 구성원으로 잘 적응하여 재범방지와 사회복귀를 돕는 것으로 재사회화라는 교정의 목적과 부합한다. 우리나라는 1953년 형법을 제정하면서 가석방제도를 채택한 이래로, 1995년 개정형법에 의해 보호관찰과 결합시킴으로써 시설내처우에서 사회내처우로 전환된 형집행의 새로운 형태로 수형자의 개선과 사회복귀에 많은 성과를 거두고 있다. 그러나 현행 가석방의 경우 높은 형집행률과 낮은 가석방률로 인하여 가석방이 활성화되지 못하고 있으며, 이는 가석방 요건과 심사가 갖고 있는 문제로부터 초래된다고 지적되고 있다. 가석방 요건에 있어서는 주로 죄질과 형량에 기초한 일률적인 가석방, 실질적 심사사항의 주관성이 문제되며, 가석방 심사와 관련하여서는 수형자의 심사신 청권, 심사기관의 이원화, 불복제도 등이 문제된다고 할 수 있다. 가석방을 활성화하기 위한 구체적인 개선방안으로 가석방 요건 중 형집행기간을 선고형에 따라 다르게 하는 등 가석방 요건을 완화함과 동시에 일정한 경우에 직권에 의한 필요적 가석방 내지 수형자의 신청에 의한 가석방심사를 인정함으로써 수형자에게 가석방심사의 기회를 보장해주고, 이원화된 가석방심사기관을 일원화 및 상임화하며, 가석방심사위원회는 수형자의 가석방결정에 대한 이의신청기관으로 재구성할 것을 제안한다.
집행유예는 피고인에 대하여 형을 선고함에 있어 일정 기간 동안 그 집행을 유예하는 제도로서 현대 형법에서 가장 중요한 형사정책적 개선의 결과라고 할 수 있다. 집행유예규정에 대한 세 번의 개정에도 불구하고 현행 형법상 집행유예제도는 그 목적과 취지에 비추어, 여전히 문제점을 갖고 있다. 본고는 이러한 문제점을 검토하고, 외국의 입법례를 참고하여 집행유예의 목적에 부합하면서 집행유예의 활성화를 위한 개선방안을 제시한다. 집행유예의 요건과 관련하여 결격사유의 존부와 범위가 문제된다. 전과가 있다고 하여 언제나 형을 집행해야 하는 것은 아니므로 집행유예의 결격사유를 삭제하고, 이에 따라 결격사유의 사후 발각으로 인한 취소규정 역시 삭제하여야 한다. 또한 집행유예기간 중 집행유예의 허용 여부에 대해서 해석상 논란이 있지만, 형사정책적 관점을 최대한 살려 이를 허용하는 규정을 신설할 필요가 있다. 현행법은 집행유예에 관하여 일률적인 실효사유를 두고 있는바, 적어도 선고유예가 가능한 경미한 범죄를 저지른 범죄인에게는 집행유예의 길을 열어주는 것이 바람직하므로, 1년 이하의 징역이나 금고의 실형을 선고받아 확정된 경우는 실효사유에서 제외하는 것이 합리적이다. 나아가 주요 국가들이 일부집행유예제도를 두고 있으며, 응보와 범죄의 예방이라는 형벌목적과 함께 범죄인의 재사회화를 위한 효과적인 제도라는 점을 고려하여 형법에 일부집행유예제도의 도입을 제안한다.
본 연구에서는 SOI 구조를 이용한 50μm 두계의 규소 태양전지의 이용 가능성과 제한사항을 제시하기 위하여, interdigitated contact을 이용한 전극을 형성하도록 전지를 설계한 후 단계별 사진공정을 통해 태양전지를 제조하였다. Bonded SOI wafer를 이용하여 제조된 50μm 두께의 결정질 규소 태양전지의 효율은 전극간격이 1100μm과 base width가 35μm인 경우에서 11.5%로 가장 높은 값을 나타내었다. 또한 실험결과로부터 전면전극을 이용한 태양전지의 구조는 power loss를 최소화하는 최적의 base fraction을 적용하는 것이 필요하며, 전지의 효율은 fill factor에 강한 의존성을 나타내기 때문에 fill factor loss를 최소화하는 설계조건이 필요함을 알 수 있었다.
This study executed evaluation of drying characteristics based on the polymer injection rate (8%, 10% and 12%) and the drying method[NIF(near-infrared ray). According to this study analyzed VS, VS/TS, and calorific value compared with ‘the auxiliary fuel standard of the thermoelectric power plant and the combined heat & power plant’. The results are as follows. In the case of NIR, the VS was slightly changed at the early stage of the material preheating period and the constant drying rate period with low moisture evaporation. But VS reduction was shown higher as moisture was dried. In the case of non-digested sludge with high VS content, the VS reduction rate by drying was shown lower than that of digested sludge. As the flocculant injection rate increased, the VS loss due th drying was found to be small. Also, the higher the flocculant injection rate was the longer the drying time. Especially, in the case of the NIR drying equipment, as the moisture content of sewage sludge decreased(moisture content 20∼40%), the loss of net VS also showed a tendency to increase sharply. It is shown that the high calorific value according to the drying time of the non-digested sludge was changed from 590 ㎉/㎏ to 3,005 ㎉/㎏ and from 539 ㎉/㎏ to 2,796 ㎉/㎏.
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and probiotics have mostly consumed as dairy products such as city milk, fermented drinking yogurt and stirred yogurt, and LAB and probiotics have become popular to contribute to the flavor, taste, or preservation of food. In this study the effects of various milk products on the physicochemical properties of pork loin were determined. Pork loin samples were marinated in city milk, drinking yogurt and stirred yogurt for 24 hours, and were compared with the raw pork loin (control). Proximate, pH, color, shear force, electronic nose, and sensory evaluation were investigated quality properties of pork loin. The pre- and post- cooking pH was lowest in pork loin marinated in stirred yogurt(p <0.05). The pre-cooking lightness was significantly higher in pork loin marinated in city milk(p<0.05). The redness of pork loin marinated in stirred yogurt and drinking yogurt were significantly higher(p <0.05), but the shear force of pork loin marinated in stirred yogurt was significantly lower(P<0.05). The sensory evaluation of pork loin marinated in stirred yogurt were the highest(p<0.05). These results showed that various milk product marinating could be used to improve the quality characteristics and flavor of pork loin.
In this study, the seismic performance of RC frames reinforced with steel plate concrete was conducted by applying steel plate concrete into the existing RC frame and RC frame in order to evaluate the seismic reinforcement effect of steel plate concrete. The results showed that the reinforced specimen with steel plate concrete showed higher strength than the existing RC frame specimen, and the time of yield was also measured later. Therefore, sufficient seismic reinforcement effect can be expected through steel plate concrete.
An experimental study was conducted to examine for the structural behavior of coupled steel plate shear wall (Coupled SPSW) system what is formed by connection the two steel plate shear walls (SPSW) with a coupling beam. The variable of this study was the length of coupling beam. The testing results were showed that the strength and stiffness of specimen with shorter coupling beam were improved than those of other specimen. However there is no difference of the yielding mechanism.
This paper was conducted to evaluate structural performance of modular system connection with bracket. It was evaluated to two external connection specimens and two internal connection specimens. As a result of experiment, excessive shear deformation of the bracket was observed in all of the specimens. However, all of the specimens satisfied the requirement for intermediate moment frames (IMF) targeted in the experiment.
In this paper, structural behavior of internal and external connection of modular system was evaluated by finite element analysis(FEA). As a result of FEA, results of experiment and analysis were nearly similar to validate analysis model. Parametric analysis will be necessary using this valid analysis model
The purpose of this study was to experimentally evaluate seismic performance of connection of modular system. As a result of experiment study, two specimens did not show the strength reduction and brittle fracture at connection until 2% story drift. Thus, requirements for intermediate moment frame(IMF) was satisfied in two specimens.
The purpose of this study was to improve the buckling strength of steel plate shear wall system. The variable of this study was arrangement and aspect ratio of steel plate. The arrangement of continuity and both sides were compared. And the aspect ratio 1.3 and 0.8 were compared. As a result, there was no significant difference between the arrangement of continuity and both sides, and it was observed that there was no significant difference of behavior when the aspect ratio was decreased.
본 연구에서는 역V형 강재 가새로 보강된 기존 철근콘크리트 구조물의 내진보강 설계방법 개발을 위한 실험연구를 수행하였다. 보강되지 않은 철근콘크리트 골조 기준 실험체와 강재 가새를 사용하여 강도 및 강성을 향상시킨 보강 실험체를 제작하고 내진성능을 평가하였다. 가새 보강 실험체의 경우 강성이 약 2~3배 증가를 목표로 설계하였다. 내진성능평가 결과, 무보강 실험체는 기둥에서 많은 양의 콘크리트가 박리가 되었고, 가새 보강 실험체는 초기 설계 단계에서 목표로 한 성능수준을 보여주었다. 가새를 보강한 실험체의 경우, 무보강 실험체에 비 하여 강성, 강도, 연성능력 그리고 에너지 소산 능력이 크게 향상되었다. 따라서 본 연구로부터의 실험결과를 토대로 기존 철근콘크리트 건축 물의 가새 보강공법에 관한 설계법 및 설계절차 개발을 위한 기초자료로 활용하고자 한다.
In this study, experiment and analysis of high-strength bolt connection under shear fatigue loading was conducted to evaluate reduction of axial force of bolt. Three type of bolt size and initial axial force were applied to specimens. As a results, it was observed that the reduction ratio of axial force, and that would be used to additional parametric study.
In this study, experiment and analysis of high-strength bolt connection under shear fatigue loading was conducted to evaluate reduction of axial force of bolt. Three type of bolt size and initial axial force were applied to specimens. As a results, it was observed that the reduction ratio of axial force, and that would be used to additional parametric study.
In this paper, the finite element analysis of RC frame with concrete compressive material models proposed by many researches were conducted. As a results of FEA, the concrete model suggested by Saenz was compatible than other concrete models from the perspective of initial stiffness and maximum strength.