본 논문은 기존 RC 보강방법인 철골프레임 적용방법의 단점을 보완하고자, 접합철물을 최소화하고 팽창형 모르타르를 사용하여 H형강 프레임을 기존 RC 골조에 보강하고자 하였다. 철골프레임 적용 유․무를 변수로 RC 골조에 대한 반복가력실험을 실시하여 내진성능을 평가하였다. 철골프레임을 적용한 RC 골조의 최대내력이 기존 RC 골조에 비해 약 1.4배 향상되었으며, 등가점성감쇠비 평가결과 또한 평균 2.4% 향상되어 에너지 소산능력이 개선되었다. 유한요소해석결과 해당 실험결과가 신뢰성을 가질 수 있는 것으로 판단된다.
본 연구는 강섬유의 인장강도 및 형상비가 고강도 및 보통강도 강섬유보강 콘크리트(Steel fiber-reinforced concrete, SFRC)의 압축 및 휨 거동에 미치는 영향을 평가하기 위하여 실시되었다. 또한 본 연구에서는 가력속도에 따른 SFRC의 압축거동을 평가하였다. 이를 위해 총 4종류의 강섬유가 설계기준 압축강도 35 및 60 MPa급 SFRC에 각각 사용되었다. 압축거동 평가를 위해 지름 150 mm 및 높이 300 mm의 원주형 공시체를 사용하였으며, 단면 150×150 mm 및 지간 450 mm의 각주형 공시체를 사용하여 휨 거동 평가를 실시하였다. 실험결과 강섬유의 혼입은 콘크리트의 인성을 크게 향상시키는 것으로 나타났으며, 고강도 강섬유의 사용은 고강도 SFRC의 성능개선에 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 아울러 본 연구에서는 SFRC의 휨 인성지수에 근거한 압축인성지수 산정기법을 제안하였다.
본 연구는 콘크리트 내부 공극 및 계면 사이에 깊게 침투가 가능한 실란복합화합물을 기반으로한 표면보호재 (Silane Surface Protection Material, SSPM)를 사용한 기존 콘크리트 내구성 향상 방안 도출을 위해 실시되었다. SSPM을 적용한 모르타르의 미세구조 평가, 잔골재의 입도 분포에 따른 침투깊이 및 공극량을 측정하였다. 그 결과 모르타르 내부에 액상 및 크림형질의 SSPM이 침투된 것으로 나타났으며, 공극량 평가결과 잔골재의 입도분포에 관계없이 SSPM을 적용하였을 때 공극량이 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 침투깊이 평가결과 잔골재의 입도분포에 관계없이 SSPM 도포량이 증가함에 따라 침투깊이가 증가하는 것으로 나타났으며, 공극량이 상대적으로 많은 일반잔골재(Type 2)로 제작한 모르타르의 침투깊이가 적게 나타났다. 콘크리트에 적용할 경우 침투깊이는 다소 감소할 것으로 판단되나, 콘크리트 표면에 침투하여 내구성을 향상 시길 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
In this paper, fracture behavior of high-strength SFRC with high tensile strength steel fiber was investigated. Two different steel fibers with tensile strength of 1,200 and 1,600 MPa was used in SFRC specimens. Tst results showed that fracture behavior was more ductile with increasing the steel fiber tensile strength.
In this study, the effect of compressive loading of carbon nanotube (CNT) mixed cement composites was investigated. To evaluate the electrical resistivity variation of 30%∼60% of compressive load of cement composites containing 1.0% CNT, 1.0% CNT was added to cement composites and compressive strength was calculated. The greater the change in electrical resistance to compressive load, the more vulnerable to internal conductive networks. Also, as the amount of CNT mixed increases, the electrical resistance to the load is more sensitive and it is expected to be mixed more than 1.0%.
This paper describes the mechanical properties of high strength concrete with 1,600 MPa strength steel fiber. The fiber aspect ratio and fiber volume fraction used in this study is 80 and 0.75%. The Cylindrical specimens with ∅150×300 mm and the prisms with 150×150×550 mm were mad and tested in accordance with KS F2403 and ASTM C1609. As the result, specimens with high strength fiber has superior performance then that with normal strength fiber.
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of self-sensing performance on strain-hardening cement composite containing CNT by curing age. The mixing amount of CNT was set at 1.0%, and SHCC fibers were mixed with PE 1.0% and steel fiber 0.5%. The electrical resistance measurement for the tensile strain sensing performance was based on AC method and 4 probe methods. Test results indicated that electrical sensitivity of SHCC decreased with an increase in curing age.
In this paper, finite element analysis of high-strength SFRC with high tensile strength steel fiber was investigated. Compressive and flexural behavior was ductile when using steel fiber tensile strength 1,600 MPa. Thorenfeldt and Trilinear models were used to describe the compressive and tensile behavior. Inverse analysis was performed to construct tensile model by evaluating flexural behavior. The flexural behavior of test results were similar to analysis results.
This research uses carbon nanotubes (CNTs) that are actively used to develop convenient and systematic management of building blocks and structural performance monitoring, away from the difficulties of structural health monitoring such as RC structures. The change in electrical resistance was evaluated according to the amount of load and compressive load. Experiments were carried out with 1.0% and 2.0% CNT, and 30% and 60% compressive strength, respectively. Experimental results show that the compressive strength of CNT 2.0% is lower than the compressive strength of CNT 1.0% but is more sensitive to changes in electrical resistance due to compressive load.
This study investigates the mechanical properties of SFRC reinforced by mixing different steel fibers with compressive strength of 70 MPa. In this study, The fiber aspect ratio consist of 60 and 80 and tensile strength is 1,100 MPa used. Cylindrical specimens with a ∅150×300 mm were made fo compression test, and prismatic specimens with a 150×150×550 mm were made fo flexural and direct shear tests. Test results show that the superior compression performance was observed in SFRC with Mixing different steel fibers.
In this research, Sensing Performance in Tensile Strain of Strain-Hardening Cement Composites by Containing of Carbon nanotube have been studied. The ultimate strength and strain were improved with increasing in amounts of CNT, and fractional change in resistivity were improved when same tensile strain. and %LE were decreased with increasing in amounts of CNT.
In this study, the seismic performance of RC frames reinforced with steel plate concrete was conducted by applying steel plate concrete into the existing RC frame and RC frame in order to evaluate the seismic reinforcement effect of steel plate concrete. The results showed that the reinforced specimen with steel plate concrete showed higher strength than the existing RC frame specimen, and the time of yield was also measured later. Therefore, sufficient seismic reinforcement effect can be expected through steel plate concrete.
In this study, the cement composites incorporating Carbon Nanotube(CNT), Carbon Black(CB), and Carbon Fiber(CF) of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5% of binder weight were evaluated to provide conductivity. In order to achieve this, compressive strength and electrical resistance were measured. As a result, the conductivity of cement composites incorporating CNTs was more sensitive than that of cement composites containing CB and CF.
The study was conducted to evaluate the penetration performance of Surface Protection Material(SPM) according to the particle size distribution of fine aggregate. The fine three types of aggregates were used, and the amounts of SPM were applied 0.13, 0.25, 0.36, and 0.51 kg/㎡. Test results indicated that the penetration depth of SPM were improved with increasing the amounts of application of SPM. And The penetration depth of SPM were improved with increasing the percentage of passing weight of size of sieve between 0 and 1.25mm.
This study investigates the effects of compressive strengths on mechanical properties of concrete with compressive strengths of 40 and 80 MPa. In this study, The steel fiber an aspect ratio of 64 and a tensile strength of 1,600 MPa used. As the result, There are no significant effect of fiber tensile strength on mechanical properties of normal strength SFRC. For high strength SFRC, Specimen with high strength fiber have superior performance then that with normal strength fiber.
This paper evaluates analytically the flexural behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) notched beams according to the tensile strength of steel fiber. For this purpose, compressive strength and bending tests of SFRC applying steel fibers with tensil strength of 1,200 and 1,600 MPa was conducted. Strain hardening behavior was observed when using high tensile strength steel fiber. Compression and tensile models were established through test results. For the tensile model, hordijk model and trilinear model were analyzed and compared. The results of analysis showed good agreement when using trilinear model.
This paper describes the effect of steel fiber volume fraction and aspect ratio on mechanical properties of SFRC with compressive strength of 40 MPa. In this study, The fiber volume fractions consist of 0.25%, 0.50% and 0.75% and aspect ratios are 64 and 80 used. The prisms with 150×150×550 mm were made and tested in accordance with EN-14651. Test results show that the superior flexural performance was observed in SFRC with higher fiber volume fraction and aspect ratio.
This study was evaluated the chloride penetration resistance performance of Surface Protection Material(SPM). SPM was applied 0.25 and 0.51 kg/㎡ to the surface of the mortar and immersed aging of the chloride solution 7, 14, and 28 days. As a results, In the case of SPM was applied, chloride did not penetrate until the 28th day.
In this study, the rate of change of electrical resistance with respect to the strength and load of cement composites was investigated by incorporating Carbon Nanotube(CNT) at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0% of the binder weight. Compressive strength test It was shown that the load of 30% was repeatedly applied to impart conductivity through the rate of change of electrical resistance. The incorporation rate of CNT greatly affected the compressive strength and the rate of change of electrical resistance.
This study was evaluated the penetration performance according to SPM type. The types of SPM are liquid and cream type. And the amounts of SPM were applied 0.13, 0.25, 0.36, and 0.51 kg/㎡. The specimen size was 100×30mm as KS F 4930. Test results indicated that the penetration depth of SPM were improved with increasing the amounts of application of liquid and cream SPM. In the case of applied cream SPM of 0.13, 0.25 and 0.36 kg/㎡ the standard deviation of penetration depth was less the liquid type SPM was applied.