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        검색결과 7

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        총채벌레목 관총채벌레과의 미기록속인 Pachyliothrips속에 속하는 단일종 Pachyliothrips zelkovae Okajima, 2006 (느티나무관총채벌레, 신 칭)을 한국에서 처음으로 보고한다. 성충의 형태적 특징과 형태 사진을 수록하였다.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the Old World, there are many bamboo-inhabiting phlaeothripine thrips mainly from the tropics and subtropics. Bamboosiella Ananthakrishnan and Podothrips Hood belonging to the subfamily Phlaeothripinae are well known genera in the East Asia. It is interesting that some of them are carnivorous and have the bodies bicolorous, usually the head, thorax and some of distal abdominal segments brown and the remaining abdominal segments yellow. In Korean peninsular, only two species, B. longiosanum Shin & Woo 1999 and P. sasa Okajima 1995, have been recorded from bamboo habitat. During the study of thysanopteran fauna, a newly recorded bamboo-inhabiting thrips P. odonaspicola (Kurosawa, 1937) is found from southern parts of Korea. The species have body bicolored brown and yellow, especially showing anteromedian brown marking on each of yellow abdominal segments II to V. It is known to occur under bamboo leaf sheaths and be a predator of Odonaspis secreatus Cockerell (Coccidae) in the temperate region (Okajima, 2006). In this study, taxonomic information on P. odonaspicola are presented with photos of specimens and the Korean bamboo-inhabiting thrips are briefly reviewed.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Haplothrips Amyot & Serville, 1843 is a very large genus with more than 200 described species in the world. Most of congeneric species are very similar to one another, and are sometimes difficult to distinguish. The genus is most frequently found among all phlaeothripine genera in Korea. Five species have been reported from Korea: H. aculeatus (Fabricius, 1803), H. brevitubus (Karny, 1913), H. ganglbaueri Schmutz, 1913, H. kurdjumovi Karny, 1913, H. niger (Osborn, 1883). The newly recorded species Haplothrips nipponicus is recently described from Japan (Honshu, Kyushu, Ryukyu Islands) by S. Okajima in 2006. The species is very similar to both of Korean species H. brevitubus and H. kurdjumovi in having sub basal wing setae b3 pointed at apex, but it can be easily distinguished by the sense-cone formula of the third antennal segment. Although the latter two species have only one sense-cone, H. nipponicus has two sense-cones on the segment. Moreover, these three species can be distinguished from one another by the shape of the male aedeagus whether it is apically rounded and laterally hardened or not. In this study, morphological characters for identification of H. nipponicus are described and figured. In addition, biological information about distribution and plant relationship is also presented.
        2002.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        창원의 단감 과수원에서 2000년 6월 하순에 해충에 의한 피해 잎에서 총채벌레를 채집하여 분류한 결과, 우리나라에서는 처음으로 보고되는 관총태벌레科(Phlaeothripidae)의 감관총채벌레(신칭)(Ponticulothrips diospyrosi)로 확인되었다. 이 종의 간략한 형태 및 생태학적 특성, 피해증상, 경남 도내에서의 분포현황을 마련하였다
        1999.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        관총채벌레아과의 6종< Dexiothrips madrasensis (Ananthakrishnan) 두색관총채벌레, Holothrips yuasai(Kurosawa) 유아사관총채벌레, Hoplothrips fungosus Moulton 애 버섯 관총채 벌레 , Hoplothrips japonicus (Karny) 버섯관총채벌레, Psalidothrips simplus Haga 민무늬관총채벌레, Sophiothrips nigrus Ananthakrishnan 주름관총채벌레>을 한국 미기록종으로 보고하고, 2종<Bamboosiella longiosanum sp. novo 긴업관총채벌레, Mystrothrips reteanum sp. nov. 그물무늬관총채벌레>을 신종으로 기재하였다. 또한 이들 종의 형태적 특징을 기술하고 서식처 및 분포지를 정리하였다.