
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cinema is a medium which develops narrative by image and sound. In Digital cinema times, it began to use diverse digital language to arrange diverse images in one screen image. The director Peter Greenaway uses digital hieroglyph to express diverse images in one shot. Pillow Book adopts skins to write letters (Hanzi) and develops narrative. By writing on screen space of skin this space transforms into Haptic space. In this movie Nakico’s father writes her name in her face. This writing name considers as creating rite which God creates human beings and gives their name. It becomes a rite in her birthdays. Her father's sister reads Pillow Book which does as a servant in a kingdom. Nakico always a writer who can write on her face and marries her husband who is a son of bookstore. But he does not write her name on her face and tears up her books. She divorces her husband and begins to work as a model in Paris. She happens to meet Jerome who tries to write her name on her face. But she does not satisfy because of her bad caligraphy and Jerome asks her to write letters on his skin. Afterwards, she became a writer and makes 13 pillow books. In this end part Nakico does writing rite on her daughter. The rite of writing of name on her daughter becomes a continuous task of family and a way of developing narrative.