
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In 2017, Kori unit 1 nuclear power plant was permanently shut down at the end of its life. Currently, Historical Site Assessment (HSA) for MARSSIM characteristics evaluation is being conducted according to the NUREG-1575 procedure, this is conducted through comprehensive details such as radiological characteristics preliminary investigation and on-site interview. Thus, the decommissioning of nuclear power plant must consider safety and economic feasibility of structures and sites. For this purpose, the establishment of optimal work plan is required which simulations in various fields. This study aims to establish procedure that can form a basis for a rational decommissioning plan using the virtual nuclear power plant model. The mapping procedure for 3D platform implementation consisted of three steps. First, scan the inside and outside of the nuclear power plant for decommissioning structure analysis, 3D modeling is performed based on the data. After that, a platform is designed to directly measure the radiation dose rate and mapped the derived to the program. Finally, mapping the radiation dose rate for each point in 3D using the radiation dose rate calculation factor according to the time change the measured value created on the 3D mapping platform. When the mapping is completed, it is possible to manage the exposure dose of workers according to the ALARA principle through the charge of radiation dose rate over time because of visualization of the color difference to the radiation dose rate at each point. For addition, the exposure dose evaluation considering the movement route and economic feasibility can be considered using developed program. As the interest in safety accidents for workers increases, the importance of minimum radiation dose and optimal work plan for workers is becoming increasingly important. Through this mapping procedure, it will be possible to contribute to the establishment of reasonable process for dismantling nuclear power plant in the future.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The hazard conditions on plant works of the steel industry have been investigated to efficiently prevent from industrial accidents. The plant works are eventually carried out by workers of smaller service companies where the safety management systems are not well established, on behalf of the main steel company. Based on the preliminary risk assessment on the plant working and open literature reviews, the safety management systems, which can be applied to the plant workplace of each process, are studied and then the step-by-step 4M check-list method is established. Accordingly, the risk assessment technique using 4M checklist for the plant workplace is proposed. In addition, a standardized flow-chart for safety management of plant work is introduced. These risk assessment technique and flow-chart can definitely contribute to the reduction of industrial accidents, considering the risk characterization and the unsafe conditions in small and medium-sized plant workplace, as effective safety management tools and safety guide line.
        2018.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        건설해체공사와 유사한 특성을 갖는 원전 제염해체공사에서 구조적 리스크 관리는 매우 중요하다(DOE). 하지만 제염해체작업 중 발생할 수 있는 구조적 재난재해 및 위험요소는 크게 고려하지 않고 있다. 이로 인해, 구조적 재난 및 재해에 의해 발생할 수 있는 작업자 리스크 역시 체계적으로 정립되어 있지 않다. 또한, 재난 및 재해 그리고 리스크 분류체계는 작업의 특성(작업프로세스, 활용장비, 작업 위치 등)별로 분류되어 있지 않아 실제 해체공사를 위한 매뉴얼로 활용하기에 무리가 있다. 따라서 차폐 콘크리트 구조물 제염해체공사의 건설해체공사와의 유사성을 기반으로 작업의 특성별로 분류한 리스크를 도출하는 것은 원자력 발전소 해체공사 리스크 관리에 필수적으로 판단한다.