Background: This study evaluated the effectiveness of upper thoracic manipulation (UTM) and proprioceptive training versus proprioceptive training alone on forward head posture (FHP) and cervicocephalic joint position sense (CJPS) in asymptomatic university students during a short interval of time.
Objectives: To evaluate whether the suggested combination would provide greater benefit, and be superior to proprioceptive training alone in improving proprioceptive acuity and head posture. Design: A single-blind randomized controlled trial.
Methods: Thirty-three university student volunteers with asymptomatic FHP were recruited. Subjects were randomly assigned to a manipulation group (n=16) receiving UTM combined with proprioceptive training or a proprioception group (n=17) receiving proprioceptive training only. The intervention period lasted 5 weeks in total, and consisted of one 15 to 20-minute session per week. FHP and CJPS were assessed before and after the intervention.
Results: A significant pre- to post-intervention decrease in FHP and joint position error was identified in both groups (P<.05). Subjects in the manipulation group demonstrated greater improvements in CJPS and head posture compared to the proprioception group (P<.05). Conclusion: These findings support employing either intervention for treating asymptomatic students with FHP. However, the addition of UTM to proprioceptive training was more effective than proprioceptive training alone in reducing joint position errors and improving head posture.
목 적: Maindot 검사의 외안근의 고유수용감각 수준 평가의 적합성 유무를 알아보고자 한다.
방 법: 평균나이 15.48(±3.23)세, 교정시력이 0.9 이상이고 양안시 및 조절기능이 정상인 14명의 정위 안(남 8명, 여 6명)과 교정시력과 조절기능은 정상이나 원, 근거리 편위량이 10PD를 초과하고, 시기능훈련 을 10주간 성실히 수행한 훈련자 19명의 간헐성 외사시안(남 11명, 여 8명)을 대상으로 훈련 전, 종료직후 및 종료 후 6, 12개월 간의 타각 및 자각증상 그리고 고안한 Maindot 검사를 실시하였다.
결 과: Maindot 검사와 자각증상의 상관관계 분석에 있어 고유수용감각 능력이 높을수록 자각증상(복시) 은 감소되는 경향을 나타내었으며(p<0.001), 타각검사값의 상관관계 분석에서 양안시 고유수용감각 능력이 향상될수록 편위량은 줄고, PRC의 복시점은 증가되는 경향을 나타내어 상관관계가 있음을 검정하였다 (p<0.001).
결 론: 운동 및 자각증상과 상관성을 가지는 양안시 고유수용감각능력검사인 Maindot 검사는 시기능 훈련 성공유무 판단 및 예후 그리고 자각증상 예측에 있어 검사자에게 매우 유용한 정보를 제공하리라 생각된다.
The purpose of this study was to compare the difference of joint position sense between measurements. Fourteen healthy male subjects were recruited for this study. The elbow joint position senses were measured using angle reproduction test. The elbow joint position sense was assessed with three experimental conditions: ipsilateral reproduction test in open-chain condition, contralateral reproduction test in open-chain condition, ipsilateral reproduction test with weight in open-chain condition and ipsilateral reproduction test in closed-chain condition. The angular difference between stimulus position and the reproduced position (angular error) was calculated in all testing conditions to examine the accuracy of the joint position sense. One way ANOVA was used to compare the error angles in all experimental conditions. The error angles between measurements were significantly different in elbow joint. The error angles was smallest in ipsilateral reproduction test with weight in open-chain condition and was greatest in the contralateral reproduction test in open-chain condition. Findings of this study indicate that testing methods, types of task, existence of resistance should be considered in clinical assessment for the joint position sense.