Pretilachlor (PRE)는 전 세계적으로 사용되는 아세트아닐리드계 제초제이며 수생 광영양생물에 미치는 영향에 대해서는 알려진 바가 거의 없다. 본 연구에서 해양 와편모 조류 P. minimum를 대상으로 PRE의 생리적, 분자적 독성 영향을 평가하였다. 그 결과, PRE는 P. minimum의 성장률, 색소, 광합성 지표를 유의하게 감소시켰다. 또한, 광합성 관련 유전자 PmpsbA, PmpsaA 및 항산화 단백질 PmGST의 상대적 유전자 발현율과 세포 내 ROS 증가가 유의하였다. 이는 PRE가 P. minimum의 광합성 효율 저하 및 광계 손상을 야기하며, GST가 세포 내 산화 스트레스 및 PRE의 무독화에 관여함을 보여준다. 본 연구 결과는 PRE를 비롯한 아세트아닐라이드계 제초제가 해양 와편모조류의 세포 독성을 야기하며, 광합성 저해가 스트레스의 주요 원인임을 제시한다. 다른 아세트아닐라이드계 제초제가 비표적 광영양 생물에게 미치는 독성 영향은 아직 연구가 부족하므로, 향후 연구에서 다양한 생물종을 대상으로 추가 연구가 필요하다.
A research probing for the unrecorded and taxonomically undescribed indigenous species has been initiated since 2006. Samples were collected from an intertidal zone along the coasts of Korea as well as around the Jeju Island. We have found five unrecorded species of four genera belonging to the order Dinophysiales, Gymnodiniales, Peridiniales, and Prorocentrales. The species are as follows, Sinophysis canaliculata (2017) Bispinodinium angelaceum (2015), Cabra armorica (2016), Prorocentrum bimaculatum (2017), and P. tsawwassenense (2017) (note; The numbers in parenthesis refer to the year in which the species was reported as unrecorded indigenous species by National Institute of Biological Resources, NIBR hereafter).
The order Prorocentales currently includes two genera Prorocentrum Ehrenberg and Mesoporos Lillick. The Prorocentrum genus is a predominant group throughout the year found in Korean waters. To date, the Prorocentrum genus includes 31 species and the Mesoporos genus has only one species in Korean waters. In this study, we identified one Mesoporos species and three Prorocentrum species around a coast of Jeju Island, and described them as newly recorded species in Korean waters.
A taxonomic survey of the dinoflagellate family Prorocentraceae Stein was conducted on 17 locations off the coast of Korea. This monograph is the result of the microscopic analyses. A total of eight species have been identified and described, of which Pro
We carried out a study on thermohaline structure and phytoplankton com munity in the East China Sea during early summer in 2005. As a result of marine environment and phytoplankton community, three characteristics of water type were identified. The former
마산-진해만에서 1990년 1월부터 1997년 8월까지 Prorocentrum 개체군 (P. dentatum Stein, P. micans Ehrenberg, P. minimum (Pavillard) Schiller, P. triestinum Schiller) 변동을 monitoring하였다. Prorocentrum 개체군은 대부분 6-8월 해수 성층화가 일어나는 시기에 bloom을 일으켰고 수온은 24-28℃, 염분도는 24-34
Identified 7 species of the genus Prorocentrum which have been obtained from the southern coast area for 4 years from 1990 to 1994 can be summarized as followed. P.balticum is rare species, causing a red tide, and P.dentatum, P.micans, P.minimum, P.triestinum are cosmopolitan species often causing a red tide in the study area. P.gracile and P. lima are very rarely showed up, the former is recorded at first in domestic and later is benthic attached species which has diarrheic shellfish poison.