부산시 대천의 생물학적 수질판정을 하기 위하여 4개 정점에 인공부착기질을 설치하고 부착조류의 출현 특성을 조사하였다. 현존량의 상위 10%인 우점종은 정점 1과 2에서는 Cymbella ventricosa, Aulacoseira, granulata, Gomphonema olivaceum, Synedra ulna, Fragilaria intermedia로 나타났고, 정점 3과 4에서는 상기 4종과 더불어 Fragilaria intermedia 대신 Nit
This study was carried out to survey the vascular plants in 6 regions including around Hopo-Bridge of Yangsan region at waterfronts of Nakdong river, Korea. Distributed plants were surveyed from April to November, 2011. The vascular plants in 6 regions (around Mulgeum-chuisujang, Mulgeum-station, Jeungsan-ri, Hopo-bridge, Kumoh-bridge and lower part of Yangsan-stream) were total 135 taxa of 3 divisions, 4 classes, 37 orders, 66 families, 116 genera, 114 species, 2 subspecies and 19 varieties. The most number of species is Campanulales of 14.1% in Dicotyledoneae of 81.5% among total species. Regional distribution of species is mainly around Mulgeum-chuisujang and Jeungsan-ri as 61% among total species, and other regions is in 24 ~ 44%. Ecologically, there were herbaceous plants 75% and woody plants 25%, and 9 species of aquatic plants in herbaceous plants. Medicinal (herbal) plants included in KP (The Korean Pharmacopoeia) and KHP (The Korean Herbal Pharmacopoeia) were 56 species including Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq.) A. De Candolle, Peucedanum japonicum Thunberg and etc., and folk herb plants were 14 species including Metaplexis japonica Makino, Commelina communis Linné and etc. among total 135 species.
This study was conducted to investigate the flora of Mt. Jang located at Haeundae-Gu in Busan. The survey for the flora was carried out from Oct. 2008 to Sep. 2009. The results were obtained as follows. The flora consists of 5 forms, 22 varieties, 238 species, 198 genera, 91 families, 47 orders, 7 classes, and 3 divisions as total 265 taxa. The typical communities were Osmunda japonica com., Stephanandra incisa com., Gleichenia japonica com., Eurya japonica-Pinus thunbergii com., Styrax japonica-Pinus thunbergii com., and Smilax china com. which were distributed along Forest Bathing Area and Yangun Falls, Miscanthus sinensis for. purpurascens com., Carpinus turczaibovii var. coreana com and Pseudosasa japonica were distributed around the top of mountain. According to the ecological characteristic species, the evergreen plants were observed 15 taxa 14 genera 13 families, the naturalized plants 18 taxa 17 genera 10 families, the specific plants categorized by Ministry of Environment 20 taxa 18 genera 18 families, the endangered plant 1 specie Utricularia yakusimensis, and the cultivated plants were observed 21 taxa 18 genera 14 families.
한국산 쑥속 분류군의 계통분류학적 연구를 위해 Nuclear ribosome DNA의 ITS 염기서열 분석을 실시하였다. 정렬된 염기의 총 길이는 635~643 bp이며, ITS1과 ITS2 부위의 길이는 각각 251~255 bp와 217~222 bp로 나타났다. 염기서열 변이를 보이는 site는 95개로 확인되었다. 그 중 ITS1이 35개, ITS2가 26개로 총 72개의 site가 계통학적으로 유효한 것으로 나타남으로써 ITS1이 ITS2보다 종 분화의 변이가 다양하게 발생하는 것으로 확인되었다. ITS 염기서열을 기초한 계통학적 분석은 쑥속 내에 5개의 Clade를 형성하였다. 그 결과 자방이 퇴화된 분류군들(사철쑥, 제비쑥, 섬쑥, 갯제비쑥)이 하나의 분계조(Clade 1)를 형성함으로써 아속 수준(Subgen. Dracunculus)으로 취급되는 결과를 뒷받침 하였다. 애기비쑥과 큰비쑥은 거의 동일한 유전적 정보를 보였으며(Boostrap 99%), 한국산 참쑥의 학명은 재고 되어야할 것으로 사료된다. 또한, 강화약쑥(A. sp.)은 황해쑥과 매우 가까운 상동성을 보였다(Boostrap 89%). 따라서, 형태적 형질의 변이가 다소 연속적인 쑥속은 DNA 염기서열에 기초한 분자계통학적 연구가 유용한 방법으로 판단되며, 본 ITS 연구결과는 한국산 쑥속의 계통분류를 이해하는데 유용한 형질로 기여할 것으로 기대된다.
In order to development medicinal Artemisia herbs of high quality, Korean A. annua L. were investigated with its ecological and morphological characteristics, and basic statistical data of agronomic characteristics. This species, which is annual herb, is mainly distributed to marginal land, riverside, roadside, grassland. Ecological niche is low species in competition of the others. Its pollination is basically anemogamous, but is frequency pollinated by insects. This species is characterized as tap root, 1~3 pinnate compound leaf of ovate or narrowly ovate, stem is green, erect and solitary. Inflorescence is paniculate, receptacle is not hair. Capitulum, consist of ray floret and disk floret, is subglobose shape. Additionally, this species could be easily discriminated from related Artemisia herbs by the capitulum size. Ray floret is female, disk floret is bisexual. Flowering season is from August to October. Seed is achene unattached hair. Stem length ranged from 179 cm to 225 cm, and stem diameter and number of branch were 17.14 ± 1.68 mm, 2.43 ± 0.51 mm, respectively. Length and width of leaf were 14.5 ± 0.5 cm, 15.0 ± 1.0 cm, and leaf number of main stem were 48.06 ± 10.57 cm, respectively. Fresh weight of aerial parts and root were 364.7 ± 14.1 g, 32.6 ± 5.1 g, and its dry weight were 136.6 ± 10.0 g, 14.9 ± 2.34 g, respectively.
To examine the trend on the flowering time in some weather flora including Prunus serrulata var. spontanea, Cosmos bipinnatus, and Robinia pseudo-acacia in Busan, the changes in time series and rate of flowering time of plants were analyzed using the method of time series analysis. According to the correlation between the flowering time and the temperature, changing pattern of flowering time was very similar to the pattern of the temperature, and change rate was gradually risen up as time goes on. Especially, the change rate of flowering time in C. bipinnatus was 0.487 day/year and showed the highest value. In flowering date in 2007, the difference was one day between measurement value and prediction value in C. bipinnatus and R. pseudo-acacia, whereas the difference was 8 days in P. mume showing great difference compared to other plants. Flowering time was highly related with temperature of February and March in the weather flora except for P. mume, R. pseudo-acacia and C. bipinnatus. In most plants, flowering time was highly related with a daily average temperature. However, the correlation between flowering time and a daily minimum temperature was the highest in Rhododendron mucronulatum and P. persica, otherwise the correlaton between flowering time and a daily maximum temperature was the highest in Pyrus sp.
For providing basic data on estuary conservation and pattern of vegetation succession of sand bar, the flora of delta was investigated from March 2004 to August 2006 in the Nakdong River estuary of Korea. The flora in the eight surveyed areas was composed of total 159 taxa that belonged to 46 families, 123 genera, 133 species, 1 subspecies, 20 varieties, and 5 forms. Among them, naturalized plants and evergreen broad trees were 31 taxa and 5 taxa, respectively. The communities of main species at delta of estuary were composed of 16 species such as Rosa rugusa community, Scirpus triqueter community, Phragmites communis community, Carex kobomugi community, Digitaria ciliaris community. Especially, Rosa rugusa community which are important to establish the southern limit line of distribution as the northern factor was distributed through Jinwoodo. The succession of main vegetation community in the new delta (Doyodeung) was in order of Carex scabrifolia, Scirpus triqueter, Phragmites communis, Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii and Miscanthus sinensis var. purpurascens. Therefore, the succession order of the surveyed area seems to predict the pattern of the vegetation succession of another deltas in Nakdong River estuary.
국내자생 쑥속의 식물을 약용작물 및 산업화에 활용하기 위한 기초자료를 얻고자 본 연구를 수행하였다. 그 결과, 수집된 쑥속 식물들은 사철쑥 (A. capillaris)을 포함한 20종 1아종 2변종 24분류군으로 분류 되었으며, 이를 바탕으로 25개의 화기형질을 이용하여 주성분 분석과 군집분석을 수행하였다. 주성분 분석결과 제1주성분은 전체 분산의 44.73%, 제2주성분은 16.86%, 제 3주성분은 8.88%, 제4주성분은 7.07%의 기여율을 보였으며, 상위 제4주성분까지의 누적 기여율이 77.56%였다. 군집분석 결과, 자방의 퇴화, 아관목, 두화의 크기 등의 주요형질에 의해 크게 3개의 군으로 구분되어졌으며, 화기구조의 식별형질로는 기발표된 Dracunculus, Abrotanum, Absinthium 3절과 완전히 일치하지는 않았으나 국내 자생쑥의 분류형질로 활용이 가능하였다.
The aim of this study was to investigate the flora and distribution of evergreen plants in Busan from February 2003 to September 2004. A total of 68 evergreen plant taxa belonging to 33 families, 51 genera, 60 species, and 8 varieties were recognized in Busan. 9 species was included in evergreen plant taxa such as Akebia quinata, Rosa wichuraiana, Osmanthus heterophyllus, Lonicera japonica, Lonicera japonica var. repens, and Carex boottiana. In the forests of evergreen, the canopy consisted of tall trees such as Pinus thunbergii, and understatum trees such as Eurya japonica, Elaegnus macrophylla, and Euonymus japonica. Herb layer consisted of Rubus hirsutus, Hedera rhombea, and Trachelospermum asiaticum var. intermedium. In addition to evergreen plant communities, the patchy spaced communities occurred Neolitsea sericea-Cinnamomum japonicum community, Ficus erecta community, Hedera rhombea-Trachelospermum asiaticum var. intermedium community, Ardisia japonica community, Gleichenia dichotoma community, and G. japonica community. For rate of appearance of species in 23 sites, 13 species was appeared more than 50% and 29 species less than 10%. There was marked a decrease in the number (density) of evergreen according to the geographic distances from seaside to inland.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the flora of Mt. Bongrae in Busan from February 2004 to May 2005. The flora in the surveyed area were identified 291 taxa that belonged to 82 families, 201 genera, 251 species, 35 varieties, and 5 forms. Among them, evergreen broad trees were identified 21 taxa, naturalized plants 30 taxa, especial plants decided by Ministry of Environment 24 taxa. By the vegetation of each slope, in northeast slope, it was dominanted such as Pinus thunbergii community, Chamaecyparis obtusa community, Amorhpa fruticosa community, Trachelospermum asiaticum var. intermedium-Hedera rhombea community, north-northeast slope, it was distributed both Pinus thunbergii community and board-leaved tree community. In the southwest slope of coast site, it was presented plantation plants, according to altitude distributed such as natural vegetation, evergreen broad trees, warm-temperate plants. In southeast slope, it was to represent secondary vegetation such as Alnus firma community as a forest fire. Underside was mainly to search herbs such as naturalized plants and cruciferous family as a vegetable garden. In northwest slope, it was searched trees such as Pinus thunbergii community, Lindera obtusiloba, Styrax japonca, Prunus sargentii, Aralia elata, Zanthoxylum piperitum, Akebia quinata and herb layer such as Osmunda japonica, Allium thunbergii, Liriope platyphylla, Corydalis ochotensis, Scilla scilloides, Viola orientalis. Around the top, it was distributed such as Rhododendron mucronulatum-Rhododendron schlippenbachii community, Carpinus coreana, Viburnum erosum, Sorbus alnifolia.
The flora of vascular plants in Jangsanbong located at Busan Metropolitan City was investigated from April 2003 to April 2004. Vascular plants in the surveyed area were 254 taxa that belonged to 78 families, 175 genera, 218 species, 34 varieties, and 2 forma. Among them, 20 taxa of evergreen broad trees, 31 taxa of naturalized plants were identified, and especially Rubus trifidus was first recorded in Busan. In the upper part of a circular road dominant species was Pinus thunbergii. In the lower part of a circular road and the coastal area, dominant species were Platycarya strobilacea, Clerodendron trichotomum, Euscaphis japonica, Quercus aliena, Quercus dentata, Mallotus japonicus, which distribute mainly in the subtropical and temperate zone. In the surveyed area, the canopy consistsed of tall trees, Pinus thunbergii, and the understratum were trees such as Eurya japonica, Ficus erecta, Ligustrum japonicum, Prunus sargentii, and Celtis sinensis var. japonica.
The study is conducted to analyze the questioning styles in three middle school environmental textbooks in terms of frequency, type, and placement of questions. It is also to analyse and compare the kinds of scientific processes elicited by the questions in the topics of textbook. The instrument was the Textbook Questioning Strategies Assesment Instrument (TQSAI) which was developed the Cooperative Teacher Preparation Program, University of California. The mean number of questions per topic was 4.0 and the ratio of questions to sentences was 3.8%. The numbers of empirical and non-empirical questions were 52.5% and 47.5% for textbook D, 56.6% and 43.4% for textbook J, and 92.7% and 7.3% for textbook K, respectively. The open-hearted question was the highest in all types of questions for three middle school environmental textbooks. The explanatory question was the highest in all characteristics of questions. The types of various questions were distributed throughout textbooks including the green field, debate-discussion, examination, and so on.
This survey was carried out to assess important species of phytoplankton in the ocean and bay in Korea from 32 references. The number of important species assessed from 50 genera 116 species. Of them, Bacillariophycea (diatoms) 34 genera 89 speceis(76.6%), Dinophyceae(dinoflagellates) 11 genera 22 species(18.9%), Chrysophyceae 2 genera 2 species(1.7%), Cyanophycea(blue-green algae), Raphidophyceae, Euglenophyceae(euglenoids) 1 genera 1 species(0.9%) respectively. By ecological characters, the number of dominant species were 79 species including Actinoptychus seranius, 50 species including Coscinodiscus centralis were recorded as frequently apperaing species and 36 species including Cochlodinium polykrikoides were recorded as red-tide causative organism. Also, 11 species including Prorocentrum micans were surveyed as the indicator including all ecological characters.
수입 한약재의 기원식물에 대한 논란으로 야기된 사회문제 해결의 기초 자료로 제공하고자 본초강목에 수록된 약재의 기원식물을 찾아 Engler 체계에 따라 정리하였다. 1. 본 연구의 자료는 본초강목에서 식물성 약재를 다루고 있는 초부, 곡부, 채부, 과부, 목부 중에서 채부에 수재된 약재 158 품목을 대상으로 하였다. 2 채부에 수재된 158 품목 중 기원식물을 확인한 것은 139 품목으로 이를 Engler 분류체계로 정리한 결과, 8문 10강 6아강 31목 22아목 52과 85속 99종 12변종 2품종 총 113 종류의 식물로 기록되었다. 3. 113 종류의 식물을 문별로 비교해 보면 피자식물문이 전체의 80.70 %(92종류), 균문이 10.53 %(12종류) 홍조식물문이 3.51 %(4종류), 양치식물문이 1.75%(2종류)였으며, 남조식물문, 녹조식물문, 지의식물문, 나자식물문이 각각 0.88 %(1종류)를 차지하는 것으로 나타났다. 4. 채부에 수재된 158 품목 중 19 품목은 그 기원을 확인할 수 없었다. 5. 동의보감 탕액편과 방약합편에서 다루는 약재의 품목과 기원식물의 학명을 비교하여 표4에 정리하였다.
수입 한약재의 기원식물에 대한 논란으로 야기된 사회문제 해결의 기초 자료로 제공하고자 본초강목에 수록된 약재의 기원식물을 찾아 Engler 체계로 정리하였다. 본 연구의 자료는 본초강목에서 식물성 약재를 다루고 있는 초부, 곡부, 채부, 과부, 목부 중에서 곡부에 수록된 약재 210 품목을 대상으로 하였으며 편의상 각 품목마다 임의의 번호를 부여하였다. 210 품목 중 기원식물을 정립한 것은 193 품목으로 이를 Engler 분류체계로 정리한 결과, 4문 5강 3아강 28목 17아목 46과 95속 100종 11변종 1품종으로 총 112종류의 식물로 정리되었다. 112종류의 식물을 문별로 비교해 보면 Angiospermae가 107종류로 95.53%, Gymnospermae가 3종류로 2.70%, Phaeophyta와 Fungi가 각각 1종류로 0.90%를 차지하는 것으로 나타났다. 210 품목중 사별반(祀鼈飯)을 포함한 17 품목은 그 기원을 정립할 수 없었다.
한국내 분포하는 다년생 초본인 삽주 집단의 유전적 다양도와 집단구조를 조사하기 위해 전분 전기영동으로 분석하였다. 15 대립유전자좌위당 9개 좌위에서 다형현상(60.0%)을 보였으며, 유전적 다양도는 종수준에서 0.144로 높은 반면 집단수준이 이보다 약간 낮았다. 삽주의 유전적 다양도는 대부분 집단내에 존재하였고 유사한 생활양식을 가진 다른 식물종에 비해 높았다. 그 이유로는 유성생식, 다년생, 다산 등에 기인한다. 집단간 분화는 약 13%였고 지리적 거리와 유전적 거리의 상관은 높았다(r=0.65). 그럼에도 불구하고 일부 격리된 집단은 유효집단크기를 가지지 못하여 이형접합체의 결여가 유의성을 보여 다양도가 높은 집단의 보존이 요망된다.
This study was carried out to investigate phytoplankton community structure in the Naktong river from January to December in 1999. In water quality, average value of pH were 8.1, BOD 2.5㎎/l, COD 5.0㎎/l, Chl-a 4l㎍/1, and NH4+-N 0.08㎎/1, respectively. Phytoplankton were identified 42 genera 76 species. Among these, diatoms were 39 species(51.3%), green algae 25 species(32.9%), cyanobacteria 4 species(5.3%), dinoflagellates 4 species(5.3%), euglenoids 2 species(2.6%), and golden brown algae and cryptomonads 1 species(1.3%), respectively. The highest standing crops were 33,023 cells/㎖ in February at the Mulgum and the lowest 79 cells/㎖ in March at the Goryung. Also, Standing crops were increased with proceeding from middle part to lower part. Seasonal succession of phytoplankton represented that Stephanodiscus hantzschii was dominant species in winter, Cyclotella meneghiniana and Synedra acus in spring, C. meneghiniana, S. acus, Aulacoseira granulata var. angustissima in summer, and A. granulata var. angustissima and C. meneghiniana in autumn. Ecological important species were 4 species, that are Stephanodiscus hantzschii, Cyclotella meneghiniana, Synedra acus, and Aulacoseira granulata var. angustissima. In the community analysis, dominance indices ranged from 0.434(August, Namji) to 0.999(January, February, Mulgum) and diversity indices from 0.026(February, Mulgum) to 3.073(September, Namji). According to the similarity index among the stations, it was generally defind as two areas such as middle(Goryung, Namji and Samryangjin) and lower part(Mulgum).
A study on phytoplankton community was carried out from June, 1992 to May, 1993 at selected stations in Hoedong Reservoir. The phytoplankton are identified as 176 taxa including 5 phylum, 67 genera. The important species in this reservoir were Asterionella formosa, C. meneghiniana, Dictyasphaerium pulchellum, Fragilaria crotonensis, Melosira distans, M. granulata, M. granulata var. angustissima, M. granulata var, angustissima f. spiralis, Micractiniurn pussillum, Microcystis aeruginosa, Pandorina morum, Pediastrum boryanum, P. duplex, Peridinium sp., Scenedesmus quadricauda, Synedra acus, S. rumpens and S. ulna. The causative species of water bloom were identified as Microcystis aeruginosa, Trachellomonas hispida, Ceratium hirundinella, Peridinium sp., Melosira italica, Staurastrum dorsidentiferum var. ornatum in the area. During the study periods standing crops of phytoplankton were maximum in August, 1992 and minimum in December, 1992. The species dominance index and diversity index were ranged 24.7-99.9, 0.001-3.06, respectively.
Identified 7 species of the genus Prorocentrum which have been obtained from the southern coast area for 4 years from 1990 to 1994 can be summarized as followed. P.balticum is rare species, causing a red tide, and P.dentatum, P.micans, P.minimum, P.triestinum are cosmopolitan species often causing a red tide in the study area. P.gracile and P. lima are very rarely showed up, the former is recorded at first in domestic and later is benthic attached species which has diarrheic shellfish poison.