This study was carried out to survey the vascular plants in 6 regions including around Hopo-Bridge of Yangsan region at waterfronts of Nakdong river, Korea. Distributed plants were surveyed from April to November, 2011. The vascular plants in 6 regions (around Mulgeum-chuisujang, Mulgeum-station, Jeungsan-ri, Hopo-bridge, Kumoh-bridge and lower part of Yangsan-stream) were total 135 taxa of 3 divisions, 4 classes, 37 orders, 66 families, 116 genera, 114 species, 2 subspecies and 19 varieties. The most number of species is Campanulales of 14.1% in Dicotyledoneae of 81.5% among total species. Regional distribution of species is mainly around Mulgeum-chuisujang and Jeungsan-ri as 61% among total species, and other regions is in 24 ~ 44%. Ecologically, there were herbaceous plants 75% and woody plants 25%, and 9 species of aquatic plants in herbaceous plants. Medicinal (herbal) plants included in KP (The Korean Pharmacopoeia) and KHP (The Korean Herbal Pharmacopoeia) were 56 species including Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq.) A. De Candolle, Peucedanum japonicum Thunberg and etc., and folk herb plants were 14 species including Metaplexis japonica Makino, Commelina communis Linné and etc. among total 135 species.