부산시 대천의 생물학적 수질판정을 하기 위하여 4개 정점에 인공부착기질을 설치하고 부착조류의 출현 특성을 조사하였다. 현존량의 상위 10%인 우점종은 정점 1과 2에서는 Cymbella ventricosa, Aulacoseira, granulata, Gomphonema olivaceum, Synedra ulna, Fragilaria intermedia로 나타났고, 정점 3과 4에서는 상기 4종과 더불어 Fragilaria intermedia 대신 Nit
To examine the trend on the flowering time in some weather flora including Prunus serrulata var. spontanea, Cosmos bipinnatus, and Robinia pseudo-acacia in Busan, the changes in time series and rate of flowering time of plants were analyzed using the method of time series analysis. According to the correlation between the flowering time and the temperature, changing pattern of flowering time was very similar to the pattern of the temperature, and change rate was gradually risen up as time goes on. Especially, the change rate of flowering time in C. bipinnatus was 0.487 day/year and showed the highest value. In flowering date in 2007, the difference was one day between measurement value and prediction value in C. bipinnatus and R. pseudo-acacia, whereas the difference was 8 days in P. mume showing great difference compared to other plants. Flowering time was highly related with temperature of February and March in the weather flora except for P. mume, R. pseudo-acacia and C. bipinnatus. In most plants, flowering time was highly related with a daily average temperature. However, the correlation between flowering time and a daily minimum temperature was the highest in Rhododendron mucronulatum and P. persica, otherwise the correlaton between flowering time and a daily maximum temperature was the highest in Pyrus sp.
To investigate the flora of wetland at Mt. Il-Kwang, the helophyte of the mountain was examined. The flora observed was classified into 2 phyla, 15 families, 27 genera, and 34 species. Representative species at the wetland were Drosera rotundifolia, Utricularia racemosa, Utricularia bifida, Eriocaulon miquelianum, and Eleocharis attenuata var. laeviseta. In the lower part of the wetland, water was abundant and soil surface layer was thin, and Eriocaulon miquelianum-Carex canescens-Drosera rotundifolia community were developed. On the other hand, in the upper part of the wetland, water was not abundant and soil surface layer was thick, and Agrostis clavata-Phragmites japonica community were developed. Utricularia bifida and Utricularia yakusimensis were growing abundantly at this wetland, but Utricularia racemosa was few in number and narrow in the distribution area. Eriocaulon miquelianum, a Korean endemic plant, was observed, and Habenaria linearifolia, Spiranthes amoena, and Epipactis thunbergii, the CITES plant, were observed at this wetland. Insectivorous plant such as Drosera rotundifolia, Utricularia racemosa, Utricularia bifida, and Utricularia yakusimensis were also observed.
This survey was carried out to assess important species of phytoplankton in the ocean and bay in Korea from 32 references. The number of important species assessed from 50 genera 116 species. Of them, Bacillariophycea (diatoms) 34 genera 89 speceis(76.6%), Dinophyceae(dinoflagellates) 11 genera 22 species(18.9%), Chrysophyceae 2 genera 2 species(1.7%), Cyanophycea(blue-green algae), Raphidophyceae, Euglenophyceae(euglenoids) 1 genera 1 species(0.9%) respectively. By ecological characters, the number of dominant species were 79 species including Actinoptychus seranius, 50 species including Coscinodiscus centralis were recorded as frequently apperaing species and 36 species including Cochlodinium polykrikoides were recorded as red-tide causative organism. Also, 11 species including Prorocentrum micans were surveyed as the indicator including all ecological characters.
This study was conducted to find the structure of phytoplankton community in the Hoeya river(Ulsan) from March 2000 to February 2001. The taxa of phytoplankton identified included 135 species, 5 divisions, 33 families and 82 genera. Among them, chrysophyta(diatoms) were 63 species(46.7%), chlorophyta(green algae) 47 species(34.8%), pyrrophyta(dinoflagellates) 13 species(9.6%), cyanophyta (cyanobacteria) 8 species(5.9%) and euglenophyta(euglenoids) 4 species(3.0%) respectively. Ecological important species is called frequently appearing species, red tide causative species, seawater species and pollution indicator. 22 species including Aulacoseira granulata were recorded frequently appearing species. 19 species including Ceratium furca were recorded as red tide causing species. And the pollution indicators were 33 species including Actinastrum hantzschii var. fluviatile. The highest standing crops were 3,103,441 cells/ℓ in August at the RW-1 and the lowest 1,245 cells/ℓ in January at the RW-5. In the community analysis, the dominanance indices ranged from 0.34(October, RW-2) to 0.94(January, RW-1) and the diversity indices from 0.50(May, RW-2) to 2.57(September, RW-2). The saprobic indices were 2.43 in RW-1, 2.41 in RW-2, 2.375 in RW-3, 2.40 in RW-4, 2.43, in RW-5. Therefore, these areas were investigated “β-mesosaprobic”. According to the similarity index among the stations, these areas were defined as residential district areas(RW-2 and RW-3), lower part of the dam (RW-1) and seawater areas(RW-4 and RW-5).
This study was carried out to investigate phytoplankton community structure in the Naktong river from January to December in 1999. In water quality, average value of pH were 8.1, BOD 2.5㎎/l, COD 5.0㎎/l, Chl-a 4l㎍/1, and NH4+-N 0.08㎎/1, respectively. Phytoplankton were identified 42 genera 76 species. Among these, diatoms were 39 species(51.3%), green algae 25 species(32.9%), cyanobacteria 4 species(5.3%), dinoflagellates 4 species(5.3%), euglenoids 2 species(2.6%), and golden brown algae and cryptomonads 1 species(1.3%), respectively. The highest standing crops were 33,023 cells/㎖ in February at the Mulgum and the lowest 79 cells/㎖ in March at the Goryung. Also, Standing crops were increased with proceeding from middle part to lower part. Seasonal succession of phytoplankton represented that Stephanodiscus hantzschii was dominant species in winter, Cyclotella meneghiniana and Synedra acus in spring, C. meneghiniana, S. acus, Aulacoseira granulata var. angustissima in summer, and A. granulata var. angustissima and C. meneghiniana in autumn. Ecological important species were 4 species, that are Stephanodiscus hantzschii, Cyclotella meneghiniana, Synedra acus, and Aulacoseira granulata var. angustissima. In the community analysis, dominance indices ranged from 0.434(August, Namji) to 0.999(January, February, Mulgum) and diversity indices from 0.026(February, Mulgum) to 3.073(September, Namji). According to the similarity index among the stations, it was generally defind as two areas such as middle(Goryung, Namji and Samryangjin) and lower part(Mulgum).
This study was carried out to Investigate flora of phytoplankton in Milyang River from July 1996 to April 1997.
Phytoplankton were identified 206 kinds and composed of 2 var.-for., 5 forms, 35 varieties, 164 species, 70 genera, 31 families, 14 orders, 6 classes and 5 phyla. According to the seasonal variation, 131 species were founded in summer, 109 species in spring, 108 species in autumn, and 100 species in winter, respectively. Seasonal and stationary variation of standing crops were between 10 and 5,600 cells/㎖. At station 7, Cyclotella meneghiniana was bloomed 5,000 cells/㎖(89.7%) in winter, and Stephanodiscus hantzschii was bloomed 3.400 cells/㎖(74.3%) in spring. The number of species and standing crops were increased with proceeding from upper stream to lower stream.
Important species of phytoplankton were 24 species, that are 4 species of Cyanophyta (Aphanocapsa elachista, Merismopedium glaucum, Lyngbya limnetica, Oscillatoria tenuis), 12 species of Crysophyta (Melosira varlans, Stephanodiscus hantzschii, Cyclotalla meneghiniana, Fragilaria construens var. venter, Navicula cryptocephala, Cymbella ventricosa, Gomphonema olivaceum), and 8 species of Chlorophyta (Chlamydomonas reinhardi, Eudorina elegans, Pandorina morum, Oocystis borgel, Scenedesmus quadricauda, Microspora crassior).
According to the similarity index among the stations, it was generally defied as two water areas such as upper stream(station 1∼3) and lower stream(station 4∼7).