
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) has facilities that are operated for the purpose of treating radioactive wastes and storing drums before sending them to a disposal site. Domestic regulations related to nuclear facility require radiological dose assessment resulting from release of gaseous radioactive effluent of nuclear facilities. In this study, ICRP-60-based dose conversion factors were applied to evaluate the radiation dose to residents in the event of operation and accident for the radioactive waste management facilities in KAERI. The radioactive gaseous effluent generated from each facility diffuse outside the exclusion area boundary (EAB), causing radiation exposure to residents. To evaluate the external exposure dose, the exposure pathways of cloudshine and radioactive contaminated soil were analyzed. The internal exposure dose was estimated by considering the exposure from respiration and ingestion of agricultural and livestock products. The maximum individual exposure dose was evaluated to be 1.71% compared to the dose limit. The assumed situation used for accidental scenarios are as follows; A fire inside the facility and falling of radioactive waste drum. It was a fire accident that caused the maximum exposure dose to individual and population living within an 80 km radius of the site. At the outer boundary of the low population zone (LPZ), the maximum effective dose and thyroid equivalent dose were estimated as 8.92 E-06% and 5.29 E-06%, respectively, compared to the dose limit. As a result of evaluating the radiological exposure dose from gaseous emissions, the radioactive waste treatment facilities and its supplementary facilities meet the regulations related to nuclear facility, and are operated safely in terms of radiological environmental impact assessment.