
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper studies on the quality problem for the Reley using the 6 sigma process. The application of 6 sigma process suggested reliable and valuable statistical data for the quality of the Relay at the production line. In the measurement step in 6 sigma process, the FMEA(filure mode effect analysis) were used for the detection of problem source. The application of 6 sigma process gave the improving method for the quality of the Relay. Consequently the 6 sigma process was proved very effective for the quality problem reducing at the production line.
        1980.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The author designed and tested the high sensitive three-phase power factor meter and relay circuit, and dealt with the circuit to detect the phase of the current and the voltage. An operational amplifier comparator circuit and two single-phase transformers are used to control and detect the phase angle between the current and the voltage. The results obtained are as follows: 1. Converting the sine wave input current into the constant amplitude rectangular wave form by using a transistor chopper circuit, the power factor can be measured precisely over the load current of 0.08 A. 2. Using the moving coil type current meter, the power factor meter can be read in uniform . scale all over the range. 3. Using the three-phase power factor meter, the power factor relay which works at any power factor can be made.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Satellite optical communication has gained significant attention owing to its many quality features (e.g., a larger bandwidth, license free spectrum, higher data rate, and better security) compared to satellite microwave communication. Various experiments have been performed during many space missions to demonstrate and characterize inter-satellite links, downlinks, and uplinks. Korea has also planned to establish an experimental communication system using a geostationary earth orbit (GEO) satellite and the Geochang station as an optical ground station for low Earth orbit (LEO)-to-ground optical relay links. In this study, the performance of inter-satellite communication links and downlinks was investigated for the new Korean experimental communication system in terms of link margin, bit error rate (BER), and channel capacity. In particular, the performance of the inter-satellite links was analyzed based on the receiving apertures and the transmitting power, while that of the downlink was analyzed in terms of atmospheric turbulence conditions and transmitting power. Finally, we discussed two system parameters of receiving aperture and transmitting power to meet the three criteria of link margin, BER, and channel capacity.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) serves as an integrator of environmental stress such as drought, to trigger stomatal closure by regulating specific ion channels in guard cells. We previously reported that SLAC1, an outward anion channel required for stomtal closure, was regulated via reversible protein phosphorylation events involving ABA signaling components including protein phosphatase 2C members and a SnRK2-type kinase (OST1). In this study, we reconstituted the ABA signaling pathway as a protein-protein interaction relay from the PYL/RCAR type receptors, to the PP2C-SnRK2 phosphatase-kinase pairs, to the ion channel SLAC1. The ABA receptors interact with and inhibit PP2C phosphatase activity against the SnRK2-type kinase, releasing active SnRK2 kinase to phosphorylate and activate the SLAC1 channel, leading to reduced guard cell turgor and stomatal closure. Both yeast-two hybrid and bi-molecular fluorescence complementation assays were used to verify the interactions among the components in the pathway. The biochemical assays demonstrated the activity modifications of phosphatases and kinases by their interaction partners. The SLAC1 channel activity was used as a readout for the strength of the signaling pathway depending on the presence of different combinations of signaling components.
        1996.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        미맥 작부체계에서 보리수확과 동시 벼 이앙작업에 따른 노동력의 경합과 우리나라 기상 여건상 소득이 낮아 답리작으로 맥류재배를 회피하는 실정이다. 이에 생력화 방안으로 보리입모중 상태에서 시기별로 공시품종인 간척벼를 인력산파하여 파종시기와 파종량 및 파종당시의 종자 최아 유무에 따른 입모수 및 수량구성요소와 수량을 검토하였던 바, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 입모수 및 입모율은 보리 수확당일 파종에서 가장 많았고, 파종량간에는 10kg /10a 수준에서, 그리고 건종자보다는 최아종자가 입모수가 많았으며 경향은 분얼기의 경수 및 수수에서도 같은 경향을 보였다. 2. 출수기는 맥후작 어린모기계이앙이 8월 20일이었는데, 수확 10 일 전 파종은 2일, 5일 전 파종은 3일 그리고 수확 당일 입모중 파종에서는 4일이 각각 지연되었다. 3. 보리 입모중 산파의 간장은 기계이앙보다 다소 짧았으나, 파종기 및 파종량간에는 차이가 없었다. 4. 도복정도는 수확 10일전과 5일전의 입모중 파종에서는 도복이 일어나지 않았으나, 수확당일 입모중 파종에서는 파종량이 많은. 8∼10kg/10a 수준에서 1∼3정도의 경미한 도복이 일어났다. 5. 수량은 맥후작 어린모기계이앙과 비교하여 보리입모중 파종은 파종시기가 이를수록 수량이 낮았고, 파종량이 많을수록 수량은 높았으며, 수확당일 입모중 파종에서 6kg/10a 수준이 3%, 8∼10kg/10a수준이 6% 정도 증수경향을 보였다.