이 연구에서는 여성 주민에 대한 안면마사지 서비스 품질이 관 리 효과와 관리 만족 및 행동 의도에 미치는 영향에 대해 검증하 고자 하였다. 이 연구는 대전광역시 거주 경로당 이용 여성 주민을 대상으로 2024년 09월 10일부터 2024년 10월 10일까지 최종 250부의 설문지를 배부하고 수거하여 SPSS 25.0과 AMOS 25.0을 프로 그램을 활용하여 분석하였다. 결론적으로 노화로 인해 보이지 않는 스트레스에 시달리고, 자 아 존중감이 약화 된 노인 여성에게 안면마사지 프로그램은 그 건강성과 역동성을 회복시켜 주는 역할을 하여 스트레스를 완화 시키고 자아 존중감을 회복시키는 효과를 나타냈으며, 나아가 성 공적인 노화 및 안면 개선을 통해 적극적인 인간관계 개선 및 삶 의 질에 매우 도움이 된다는 효과적인 모델로 제시될 수 있음을 보여주고 있다.
This purpose of this study was to investigate the perception and participation satisfaction of residents who participated in the rural landscape improvement project in Geumsan. The projects were conducted in three villages of Geumsan in 2018 and total 96 residents had participated. The results of the questionnaire survey on the participants showed that they usually have interests in community activities and actively participated. As a result of analyzing factors related to the change of residents' perceptions and satisfaction. It was found that there was significant difference in perception and satisfaction according to frequency of participation, not demographic factors. It is interesting that active interaction among residents during the projects and satisfaction on process are important factor for overall project satisfaction. For successful rural landscape improvement projects, it is necessary to encourage and support interaction and communication among residents. In addition, more various programs need to be developed to foster residents’ attachment and sense of community.
The purpose of this research is to carry out an analysis of resident' satisfaction in a Smaller House with low market competitiveness and low architectural level in order to provide basic data on the development and construction of in a Smaller House in the future. For the purpose, we have conducted a questionnaire survey on their satisfaction with the residents who live in a Smaller House in JinJu, Gyeongsang Namdo as target , and the collected data was analyzed using SPSS 18.0 Statistical Program. As for methods of analysis, we carried out such analysis as frequency analysis, reliability analysis, regression analysis, t-test, and One-way ANOVA. The results of our findings can be summarized as follows
The supply of closed and uniform one-bedroom apartments continues to take into account the efficiency of supply, and previous studies point to the worsening housing conditions, Therefore, smaller apartments that are relatively less competitive in the market need to improve their technology and performance levels. Theregore, it is expected that matters concerning usage behavior and satisfaction shown in this research result in planning and building small houses in the future will be actively utilized.
The interest and participation of the rural experience is increasing as an alternative for the problems such as the decrease of the agricultural income facing the agriculture and the rural area, the decrease of the population, and the regional stagnation. The rural experience has recently been transformed into a software dimension such as programs and participation activities in the past. In addition, public awareness also positively evaluates agriculture and rural communities as the basis for supporting society and recognition of multiple functions. Furthermore, the intention of the citizen to the earnest village is increasing. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of rural experience and customer satisfaction of urban residents on the recognition of return to farm and rural areas. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the characteristics of rural experience had a positive effect on the farming villages by the program, the experience field and the host, and the customer satisfaction had a positive effect on the farming villages. Therefore, it is considered that a systematic approach to the rural experience is needed in the future because the experience of the rural people in the city has a positive effect on the earliest villages.
There are direct and indirect approaches to measure the quality of rural life with comparison of urban. One of the direct approach is to survey living satisfaction of rural residents. Survey result is also important factor for the understanding of local needs in rural development. Rural Development Adminstration(RDA) has developed a survey table with 71 survey items for measuring the satisfaction of rural residents. In rural field forum which have conducted for finding the direction of rural development, the understanding of local needs with measuring the satisfaction of rural residents is important. But developed survey table is difficult to be applied in rural field forum not only many survey items but also overlapping in survey range. The purpose of this study is to suggest a field-applicable survey table in rural field forum based on results of RDA. Survey items were selected based on the importance score of RDA survey table, and weighting values were applied to each survey items. Finally, we suggested 31 items based on results with principle component and reliability analysis.
This study of the living environment for rural residents to identify the relationship between perception and satisfaction are as. Jeollabukdo rural residents survey and SPSS 18.0 statistical program utilizes improvement of rural environment and living conditions were discussed. The main analysis results are summarized as follows. First, rural residents use the facility convenience and accessibility, economic burden, there was a tendency to recognize the important, good natural environment or their children / relatives for the distance was a low awareness. Second, the location and land a job for men, the women have a higher awareness of the use of public transportation inclination showed less than 50 age group showed higher awareness. Third, the rural living environment of residents' satisfaction with 3.544, and overall satisfaction with village life showed a high propensity men have higher satisfaction than women. Finally, the living environment for the perception and satisfaction with the relationship between residential stability and economic awareness of a higher living environment was found that high satisfaction. These findings further improve the rural environment, improve satisfaction in that you can plan the basis for an effective strategy can be. More sustainable in the future, including the analysis of various parameters in progress by being linked to policy measures that will be provided.
우리 정부는 법률로써 댐 주변지역 지원을 규정‧1990년부터 지원사업을 추진하고 있다. 하지만 댐 주변지역 지역주민의 상대적 박탈감은 여전하며, 때로는 댐을 둘러싼 지역적 갈등이 법정 투쟁으로까지 확대되는 경우도 발생한다. 이와 같이 댐과 관련된 지역적 갈등이 끊이지 않는 것에는 다양한 이유가 존재하나, 댐주변지역지원사업이 만족할 만한 역할을 수행하지 못하고 있는 것 또한 주요한 이유 중 하나로 간주되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 댐주변지역지원사업과 관련한 고객만족 영향요인 및 요인별 영향 정도를 규명하였다. 그 결과 ‘댐의 사회적 필요성’, ‘지원절차의 합리성’, ‘지원사업의 합목적성’ 등의 요인이 댐주변지역 고객만족에 유의적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 그리고 고객만족에 미치는 요인별 영향의 정도에 있어서는 ‘지원절차의 합리성’ 요인이 가장 큰 것으로 나타났으며, 그 다음으로는 ‘지원사업의 합목적성’, ‘댐의 사회적 필요성’ 순으로 분석되었다. 그러나 댐주변지역지원사업을 지역주민이 직접적으로 수혜를 받았는가의 경험 유무는 고객만족과 통계적으로 유의미한 관련이 있다고는 말할 수 없는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 고객만족에 미치는 영향요인의 구성 항목과 고객만족과의 관계분석에 있어서는 ‘지역간 형평성’이 가장 큰 영향관계를 보였으며, 다음은 ‘프로젝트 선정’, ‘주민의견 반영’, ‘지역발전’, ‘투명성’ 순으로 나타났다. 하지만 ‘프로젝트 추진 단계의 적절성’의 통계적 유의성은 없는 것으로 분석되었다.