PURPOSES : The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of the residual mortar of recycled concrete aggregate on the expansion behavior during alkali silica reaction (ASR).
METHODS: In order to evaluate the net effect of residual mortar on ASR expansion behavior, two aggregate samples with the same original virgin aggregate source but different residual mortar volumes were used. ASTM C1260 test was used to evaluate the ASR expansion behavior of these two aggregates and the original virgin aggregate.
RESULTS: The greater the amount of residual mortar in recycled concrete aggregates, the less is the induced ASR expansion. Depending on the amount of residual mortar in recycled concrete aggregate, the ASR expansion of recycled concrete aggregate may be less than half of that of the original virgin aggregate.
CONCLUSIONS: The residual mortar of recycled concrete aggregate may lead to the under estimation of the ASR expansion behavior of the original virgin aggregate.
산업부산물을 활용하여 친환경적인 재자원화를 도모하고 화재에 대비한 콘크리트의 내화성능 및 폭열을 방지하고자 산업부산물(플라이애시, 고로슬래그 미분말)과 섬유(PVA섬유, 강섬유)를 혼입한 내화모르타르의 압축강도 잔존률을 비교분석하여 내화모르타의 역학적 특성을 파악하고, 내화소재 개발에 대한 기초적인 자료로 활용하고자 한다.