본 연구에서는 기존 철근콘크리트건물 보-기둥 접합부의 내진 성능을 개선하기 위하여 탄소섬유를 사용하여 구조물을 보강한 후 실험을 수행하였다. 이를 위하여 6개의 철근콘크리트 보-기둥 접합부를 제작하였으며, 지진하중과 같은 반복하중이 작용할 때 보강재료 및 보강영역 등을 변수로 하여 실험을 수행하여 각 보강변수에 따른 보강효과를 평가하였다. 본 실험을 통하여 구조물의 내진 성능 및 연성능력을 증진시킬 목적으로 새로운 보강재료(탄소섬유판, 탄소섬유봉, 탄소섬유쉬트)로 설계된 보강 실험체(RPC-CP2, RPC-CR, RJC-CP, RJC-CR)들은 내력증진은 물론이고 안정적인 이력거동을 확보할 수 있었다.
산업부산물을 활용하여 친환경적인 재자원화를 도모하고 화재에 대비한 콘크리트의 내화성능 및 폭열을 방지하고자 산업부산물(플라이애시, 고로슬래그 미분말)과 섬유(PVA섬유, 강섬유)를 혼입한 내화모르타르의 압축강도 잔존률을 비교분석하여 내화모르타의 역학적 특성을 파악하고, 내화소재 개발에 대한 기초적인 자료로 활용하고자 한다.
최근 도심지의 초고층 건물 및 대형 구조물이 늘어나면서 고강도콘크리트 사용이 증가되고 있으며, 이를 적용한 구조물에 화재시 부재 표면이 고온에 노출될 경우 심한 폭음과 함께 콘크리트의 균열을 발생시켜 구조물의 내력이 저하시킬 수 있다. 따라서 내화모르타르를 구조부재에 활용하기 위하여 산업부산물(플라이애시, 고로슬래그 미분말)과 섬유 혼입(PP섬유, PVA 섬유, 강섬유)으로 내화모르타르의 내화특성을 비교분석하여 고강도콘크리트의 폭열방지를 위한 내화소재 개발의 기초적인 자료로 활용하고자 한다.
In this study, it was developed geopolymer concrete of alkali-activated using the mixed fly ash and blast furnace slag. and it was developed the interlocking block using the developed geopolymer concrete. In addition, the bending strength and water absorption rate of the interlocking block was tested by KS standard. The test results were as follows. The water adsorption ratio of the BSF4 specimen was under 10%, and the flexural strength of that was over 5MPa
In this study, it was developed geopolymer concrete of alkali-activated using the mixed fly ash and blast furnace slag. and it was developed the interlocking block using the developed geopolymer concrete. In addition, the bending strength and water absorption rate of the interlocking block was tested by KS standard. The test results were as follows. The water adsorption ratio of the BSF4 specimen was under 10%, and the flexural strength of that was over 5MPa.
It is required development on the work process of the legal system, quality management and safety management for safety securement of construction.
Therefore, this study examines the status and issues surrounding the current legal systems and proposes improvements of material for safety securement of construction.
It is required development on the work process of the legal system, quality and safety management for safety securement of small sized buildings. Therefore, this is suggested the improvement on the quality and safety management for safety securement of small sized buildings.
In this stydy, experimental research was carried out the hysteretic behavior of reinforced concrete haunched beams such as application with or without haunched.
Test results showed that test specimens(FTH) was increased respectively the maximum load carrying capacity by positive 18%, negative 29% in comparison with the specimens(FTG). And the specimens(FTH) showed stable hysteretic behavior compared to the specimen(FTG)
In this study, four reinforced concrete beam-column joints, replacing recycled materials with hybrid fiber were constructed and tested under monotonic loading. Experimental programs were carried out to improve and evaluate the seismic performance of such test specimens, such as the load-displacement, the failure mode, and the maximum load carrying capacity. All the specimens were modeled in 1/2 scale-down size.
3D Photo Scan is the science of making measurements from photographs, especially for recovering the exact positions of surface points. 3D Photo Scan may employ high-speed imaging and remote sensing in order to detect, measure and record complex 2D and 3D fields. It will be used as basic data on the facility maintenace through BIM based of RC measurements using advanced 3D photo scan.
In this study, it was developed eco-friendly alkali-activated slag fiber reinforced concrete using ground granulated blast furnace slag, alkali activator (water glass, sodium hydroxides), and steel fiber. Eight reinforced concrete beam using alkali-activated slag concrete were constructed and tested under monotonic loading. The major variables were mixture ratio of alkali activator, mixed/without of steel fiber. Experimental programs were carried out to improve and evaluate the flexural performance of such test specimens, such as the load-displacement, the failure mode, the maximum load carrying capacity, and ductility capacity. All the specimens were modeled in scale-down size. The reinforced concrete beams using the eco-friendly alkali-activated slag fiber reinforced concrete was failed by the flexure or flexure-shear in general. In addition, the maximum strength increased with the adding the mol of sodium hydroxide, and the specimen reinforced the steel fiber showed the value of maximum strength which is increased by 15.8% through 25.9%. It is thought that eco-friendly alkali-activated slag fiber reinforced concrete can be used with construction material and product to replace normal concrete. If there is applied to structures such as precast concrete member and production of 2nd concrete product, it could be improved the productivity and reduction of construction duration etc.
In this study, experimental research was carried out to improve the seismic performance of reinforced concrete exterior beam-column joint regions using replacing recycled coarse aggregate with hybrid fiber (steel fiber+PVA fiber) in existing reinforced concrete building. Therefore it was constructed and tested seven specimens retrofitting the beam-column joint regions using such retrofitting materials.
Specimens, designed by retrofitting the beam-column joint regions of reinforced concrete building, were showed the stable failure mode and increase of load-carrying capacity due to the effect of crack control at the times of initial loading and bridge of retrofitting hybrid fiber during testing.
Specimens BCJGPSR series, designed by the retrofitting of replacing recycled coarse aggregate with hybrid fiber in reinforecd beam-column joint regions were increased its maximum load carrying capacity by 1.01~1.04 times and its energy dissipation capacity by 1.06~1.29 times in comparison with standard specimen BCJS. Also, specimen BCJGPSR1 were increased its energy dissipation capacity by 1.33~1.65 times in comparison with specimens BCJS, BCJP and BCJGPR series for a displacement ductility of 9.
In this study, experimental research was carried out to evaluate and improve the seismic performance of reinforced concrete beam-column joint regions using strengthening materials (CFRP sheet, AFRP sheet, embedded CFRP rod) in existing reinforced concrete structure. Therefore it was constructed and tested seven specimens retrofitting the beam-column joint regions using such retrofitting materials.
Specimens, designed by retrofitting the beam-column joint regions of existing reinforced concrete structure, were showed the stable failure mode and increase of load-carrying capacity due to the effect of crack control at the times of initial loading and confinement of retrofitting materials during testing.
Specimens LBCJ-CRUS, designed by the retrofitting of CFRP Rod and CFRP Sheet in reinforecd beam-column joint regions were increased its maximum load carrying capacity by 1.54 times and its energy dissipation capacity by 2.36 times in comparison with standard specimen LBCJ for a displacement ductility of 4 and 7. And Specimens LBCJ-CS, LBCJ-AF series were increased its energy dissipation capacity each by 2.04~2.34, 1.63~3.02 times in comparison with standard specimen LBCJ for a displacement ductility of 7.
본 연구에서는 표준실험체 (BSS), 순환굵은골재와 고로슬래그 미분말의 치환과 하이브리드섬유를 보강한 실험체 (BSPRR1, BSPRR2시리즈), 순환굵은골재와 고로슬래그 미분말의 치환과 PVA섬유를 보강한 실험체 (BSPG시리즈)로 총 13개의 실험체를 실물크기의 1/2로 축소 제작하여 실험을 수행하였다. 실험을 통하여 얻어진 결과를 비교⋅분석하여 하중-변위, 파괴형태, 최대내력 등을 규명함으로써 구조성능의 개선정도를 평가하였다. 실험결과 순환굵은골재와 고로슬래그 미분말을 치환한 콘크리트에 하이브리드섬유를 보강한 실험체 (BSPRR1, BSPRR2시리즈)의 경우 표준실험체 (BSS)에 비하여 압축강도는 최대 13%, 최대내력은 4~21%, 연성능력은 각각 4~28% 증가하는 결과를 나타내었다. 그리고 또한, 충분한 연성적인 거동과 안정적인 휨인장 파괴를 나타내었다.
In this study, four reinforced concrete beams, replacing recycled coarse aggregate with PVA fiber(BSPG-R series), were constructed and tested under monotonic loading. Experimental programs were carried out to improve and evaluate the structural performance of such test specimens, such as the load-displacement, the failure mode and the maximum load carrying capacity. all the specimens were modeled in 1/2 scale-down size.
In this study, experimental research was carried out to improve and evaluate the seismic performance of reinforced exterior concrete beam-column joint strengthened with different anchorage length of embedded CFRP Rods in existing reinforced concrete building.
Test result shows that retrofitting specimen(RBCJ-SR2T1, SR2T2) designed by the improvement of seismic performance of reinforced concrete beam-column joints, maximum load-carrying capacities were increased 2.24 ~ 2.24 times in comparison with the standard specimen(RBCJC). Also, retrofitting specimens showed stable hysteretic behavior compared to the standard specimen(RBCJC).
In this study, experimental research was carried out to evaluate the structural performance of the reinforced concrete beam retrofitted by strengthening methods(embedded CFRP rod of hexagon, CFRP Sheet) in existing reinforced concrete buildings.
Test results showed that the maximum load carrying capacity of retrofitted specimens(NER2, NER2-C) were increased by 1.46 ~ 1.67 times respectively in comparison with the standard specimen(NBS).
In this study it was developed FRP rod embedding FBG sensor, and compared the performance of sensor of the new rods and the existing strain gauge by applying the reinforced concrete beam-column joint in the same location. And it was found that new FRP rod was improved the structural performance and sufficiently sensing accuracy.
본 연구에서는 기존 철근콘크리트 건축물의 구조성능 개선을 위하여 표면요철 매입형 FRP봉과 CFRP시트를 사용한 철근콘크리트 보의 구조성능을 평가하기 위하여 실험을 수행하였다. 표면요철 매입형 FRP봉의 사용량, CFRP시트 보강 유무에 따라 총 7개의 실험체를 제작하고 실험을 수행하여 구조성능을 평가하였으며, 본 연구의 실험결과를 근거로 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 표면요철 매입형 FRP봉 보강 실험체 NER 시리즈의 경우, 표준실험체 NBS와 비교하여 12~46% 내력이 증가하였고, 표면요철 매입형 FRP봉과 CFRP시트를 복합 보강한 실험체 NERL 시리즈는 표준실험체 NBS보다 최대내력이 22~77% 증가하였다. 그리고 표면요철 매입형 FRP봉으로 보강된 실험체 NER 시리즈는 부착슬립, 피복분리 형태로 파괴되었으나, 표면요철 매입형 FRP봉과 CFRP시트을 복합 보강한 실험체 NERL 시리즈는 CFRP시트의 연속보강에 따른 콘크리트 구속효과 및 모재와 표면요철 매입형 FRP봉의 부착강도 증가로 인하여 부착슬립의 형태로 파괴되었다.