Rest area is a space providing opportunities to use a restroom, refuel, reduce fatigue and receive mechanical maintenance services. In Korea, entering rate to rest area from mainline traffic and duration time in rest area are the key variables in the determination of size of rest area. However, there are many controversies because of inconsistency of those variables between rest areas. Moreover, cases that parking space of newly opened rest area are heavily congested which led to an early expansion are also reported frequently. Review on studies related to design variables for the size of rest area shows that they mostly focus on entering rate, the most superficial aspect of driver’s behavior with regression analysis with mainline traffic volume of and geographical condition. Also, studies did not succeed to explain the difference in entering rates of two different rest areas with similar mainline traffic volume. In this research, aggregate methodology has been adopted to overcome prior studies’ limitation. DSRC (Dedicated Short Rage Communication) data collected from RSE (Road Side Equipment) along expressway has been analyzed to construct trip trajectory of each vehicle. From the analysis of each vehicle’s trip trajectory, rest area usage pattern has been found out to be a result of each vehicle’s travel characteristics including departure time, time of the day when passing rest area, and driving duration. And as a result, data-driven analysis methodology was able to be laid out.
As the demand of fossil fuel has been increased, meeting future will be faced with exhausted non-renewable energy generation. In addition, there is a lot of expectation that fossil fuel resources are expected to get depleted in the end of century. Piezoelectric energy harvesting technology has significant advantages over other renewable energy sources such as solar panel, wind and geothermal energy. By using the pressure of vehicles, the piezoelectric energy transforms to electric energy by deformation of paving materials. There are many studies about this theme, only a few researches have been conducted on-site. It means that piezoelectric harvester is not available for roadway. Therefore, it is necessary to make it better a research framework that is available technology of piezoelectric materials and paving materials. The piezoelectric generator is tested before piezoelectric harvester manufacture for roadway. Each piezoelectric generator produces 9.38[mW/cm²] and piezoelectric harvester is manufactured by the number of 85 the piezoelectric generator. This harvester size has 50*20*9cm3 which is considered for wheel path of vehicle. When the chosen vehicle (about 2 ton) pass this harvester, the amount of electric energy is 255[W/m²] under 2[mm] of deformation and 30[km/h] of velocity. In this situation, the gathered energy is multiplied the maximum of voltage and electric current then divide it for the area of harvester. The test result is the temperature difference between the inside and outside after the thermal insulation coating process. When the external surface temperature is increased to 180 degrees, the internal temperature is kept 80 degrees even after about 30 minutes, indicating that the internal materials are protected from heat. In spite of many advantages with piezoelectric harvesting system, it is very hard to fit between roadway and harvester because of pavement damage. Most of paving material has a strong thickness. In this study, instead of asphalt and concrete pavement, the paving material is compound of poly-urethane to protect rutting and damage. To analysis for behavior, test is conducted by 90,000 times of wheel load on the pavement. The red line on the graph is commonly used asphalt pavement and the green one is polyurethane pavement. As it seemed that polyurethane pavement shows that the depth from wheel load is over 5 times better performance compared with asphalt pavement. Construction design is first of all, cutting off asphalt which is established before, then set up the tenth of piezoelectric harvesters, twenty fourth of road markers is installed into the roadway. Before filling up to space with polyurethane materials, wire arrangement and connect to controller. Each harvester is connected with controller that makes a signal for voltage, temperature sensor, water leak sensor. In order to use electric energy by harvester, road markers are selected, which each harvester has three of road markers. A circuit for lighting the light emitting device using the output of the harvester installed in the rest area was designed and manufactured. Basically, a circuit is configured to light up the harvester output, and a commercial power supply can be used in case the output of the harvester is reduced due to the durability thereof, and a controller is manufactured for each harvester to connect the road markers. Key Words: Piezoelectric Harvester
PURPOSES: Design of approach roads of rest areas in highway has many drawbacks such as geometric design elements. There has been traffic accidents occured in these approach roads of rest areas. Thus, design criteria is required in order to protect accidents from being occurred. In case of Korea, geometric structure design criteria of entry facilities, such as toll-gate, interchange, junction etc was established. However there are no presence in a detailed standards for geometric structure of the rest area which affiliated road facilities. METHODS: In this study, analytic on accidents was carried out in regards to the entry of geometric structure of resting areas by utilizing a sight survey and an investigation research of traffic accidents. The survey was targeting 135 general service areas. Collisions with physical channelization and safety facilities occurred due to speeding, rapid entry, and etc at the entrance nose section. At the entrance connector roads, accidents caused by speeding, negligence, over-operation of handle of drivers were main reason of accidents. Discriminant analysis were conducted about geometric elements to distinguish influencing factors for traffic accidents. the lengths and access angles of the entrance connector roads were regarded as to have the high relation with traffic accidents. RESULTS: After classifying the design section of resting areas' entry as well as derive design elements on each section, a speed measurement by targeting entry of rest areas and car behavior surveys were performed, then each element's minimum standard was derived through the analyses. According to the speeds at the starting/end point of entrance connector road, the range of the junction setting angle of the entrance connector road is defined as 12˚~17˚ and the connector length model was suggested. CONCLUSIONS: Suggest improvement plans for existing rest areas that can be applied realistically. This should be corresponded to the standards of entry and exit of developed rest areas.
휴게소 진 출입부는 설계속도 등이 급변하는 구간으로 교통안전 취약구간이며 특히, 휴게소 진입부는 감속과 주차공간 검색 두 가지 작업이 동시에 수행되므로 이용차량의 안전성을 확보할 수 있는 설계기준이 필요하다. 국내의 경우 영업소나 나들목, 분기점 같은 출입시설에 대한 기하구조 기준은 수립되어 있는 반면, 도로의 부속시설인 휴게소에 대한 상세한 기하구조 기준은 없는 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 일반형 휴게소 135개소를 대상으로 한 현장조사 및 사고조사 자료를 활용하여 휴게소진 출입부 기하구조에 대한 문제점을 도출하였다. 휴게소 진 출입부의 설계구간을 분류하고 각 구간에 대한 설계요소를 도출한 후, 휴게소 진 출입부를 대상으로 속도조사 및 차량주행행태 조사를 수행하고 분석을 통해 설계요소별 최소 기준을 도출하였다. 진입 연결로의 시/종점 속도에 따라 감속거리 산정식을 이용하여 진입 연결로의 최소길이는 40m를 제안하였고, 주행행태를 기반으로 선형 안전성 평가를 통해 접속 설치각은 12~17˚를 제안하였다. 개발된 휴게소 진입부 설계기준은 신설되는 휴게소 뿐만 아니라 기존 휴게소에 대해 현실적으로 적용 가능한 개선방안을 제시할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
최근 비점오염원에 대한 관심이 높아지면서, 환경부 및 유관단체를 중심으로 노면 유출수를 포함한 비점오염원(Non point source)에 대한 현황 조사 및 처리 방법에 대한 관심이 증가하고 있다. 고속도로 휴게소 주차장 노면 유출수는 고속도로 본선 노면 유출수보다 유해물질 오염도가 높을 것으로 예상되어, 본 연구는 이 지역의 노면 유출수 오염도 조사를 통해 유출수 평가 및 노면 유출수 저감시설의 저감효과를 분석하여 휴게소 노면유출수 관리방안을 수립하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 휴게소지점에 대한 강우 유출수 분석 결과 포장지역의 특성인 초기강우현상을 볼 수 있었으며, 강우초기에 입자상물질은 중금속과 결합하여 다량 유출되는 특성을 나타내었다. 휴게소 지점의 강우유출수에 대한 오염물질별 EMC에 대한 95% 확신범위로는 TSS 128.2-273.4mg/L, COD 145.4-310.1mg/L, TN 6.1-11mg/L, TP 1.9-2.9mg/L의 범위로 분석되어 고속도로에서 유출되는 강우유출수와 비슷한 수준으로 유출되는 것으로 분석되었으나, 중금속의 경우 고속도로에 비해 고농도의 중금속이 유출되는 것으로 나타났는데, 이것은 차량 정차시 브레이크 패드나 타이어의 마모등에 의한 것으로 판단된다. 휴게소지점에 대한 면적당 발생되는 부하량 통계분석결과, TSS의 평균 부하량은 1411.6mg/m2로 산정되었으며, COD 709.7mg/m2, TN 44.0mg/m2, TP 10.4mg/m2로 산정되었다. 중금속의 경우 Total Cu 12927.4μg/m2, Total Fe 32074.4μg/m2, Total Pb 40371μg/m2, Total Ni 10679.2μg/m2로 산정되었다.