
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        일제강점기 제주도에서 전개한 법정사 항일운동은 봉려관(1865-1938)이 항 일을 염두에 두고 1911년 9월 창건한 법정사에서 봉기한 일제 침략에 대한 저 항운동이었다. 「정구용 대구복심법원 판결문」은 송치자 66명 중 현재 공개된 유일한 판결 문이며 법정사 항일운동의 일련의 정황이 담긴 공문서이다. 「정구용 대구복심법원 판결문」에 의거하면, 법정사 항일운동은 1918년 음력 6월부터 제주 법정사에서 주지 김연일의 총지휘 하에 본격적인 사전 논의와 기 획, 준비를 마친 후, 1918년 음력 9월 3일 흑야(黑夜)에 법정사에서 기도를 한 후, 김연일과 정구용의 주도 하에 간단한 출정식을 마치고, 법정사를 출발해 상 동-영남리-호근리・서호리-강정리-도순리-하원리-중문리 경찰관 주재소까지 20여㎞ 이어진 약 400명 제주도민의 항일무장투쟁이었으며, 법정사는 항일 핵 심 인물들이 총집결했던 거점지였고 항일 기지로서의 역할을 수행했다. 1918년 법정사 항일운동은 일제에 강점된 우리의 조국을 “원래의 한국시대 로 복귀”시키기 위한 저항이었다. 결코 특정 종교의 창시자 또는 가담자의 신앙 이 요인은 아니었다. 이번에 새로 번역, 교감한 「정구용 대구복심법원 판결문」 그리고 본 논문에 서 처음 공개한 정구용의 9건 재판 문건이 향후 법정사 항일운동 연구에 도움 이 되길 기대한다.
        2019.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In January 2019, the Jeju District Court handed down a ruling to reject the indictment from all 18 survivors who were sentenced to prison terms in 1948 and 1949 at military court meetings in Jeju. For the past 71 years, Jeju Islanders have campaigned for transitional justice in that time to find the truth about the Jeju massacres(1947-1954). The most important and urgent task in solving the Jeju massacres issue is to set the right for truth and transitional justice before seeking reconciliation and co-prosperity each other. The ruling, which was made by the Jeju District Court in fact not guilty of surviving inmates of the military court in 1948 and 1949, carries the historical significance of returning to the pivot to human rights.
        2018.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        On September 4, 2018, Second Criminal Division of Korea Jeju District Court Judge, Mr. Chang Jegal decided that “Each retrial shall be initiated for the decision to be re-judged,” at 18 Jeju 4.3 Survivors retrial: Decision about Case: 2017 Inventory Hab-4 : Rebellious or Treasonous Actions and Violations of the National Defense and Security Act. As for A. Rebellious or Treasonous Actions B. Violations of the National Defense and Security Act. Defendant: Defendants are the same as listed in the appendix, Retrial Claimants: The Defendants, Counsel: The Law firm Haemaru (For the defendants), Lead Lawyers: Im Jae-sung & Kim Seeun, Judgement on the Retrial: The Following report on the Retrial judgement is as stated. Order : Each retrial shall be initiated for the decision to be re-judged. Reasons : 1. Basic Facts. The records of this case indicate that each of the following facts can be admitted: A. The petitioners are Jeju residents who were detained by the military and police during the fall of 1948 to July 1949 when the Jeju 4.3 Incident was under way, and were transported to a prison on the main land from December 1948 to July 1949, where they were imprisoned for a certain period of time after arriving. (Here after, According to Article 2, section 1 of the SPECIAL ACT ON DISCOVERING THE TRUTH OF THE JEJU 4·3 INCIDENT AND THE RESTORATION OF HONOR OF VICTIMS. The term "Jeju 4·3 Incident" means an incident in which the lives of inhabitants were sacrificed in the riot that arose on April 3, 1948 starting from March 1, 1947 and in the process of armed conflicts and suppression thereof that took place in Jeju-Do and the suppression thereof until September 21, 1954.) B. The records show that the claimants to deduce the basis for their transfer to the main land and imprisonment thereafter, include the names of the claimants, their age, occupation, residence, plea and verdict, adjudication date, sentence and confinement in prison, which are listed as one column for each of the petitioners. The documents are from the Registry of Convicted Persons from the 12th month of the year 4281 (1948) and the 7th month of the year 4282 (1949) & the criminal records of Claimants, Park, Park, Bu, Yang, Bang, Oh, Oh, Jeong, Jo, and Han. In addition, as part of the fact-finding investigation into the reasons for the appeal, documents related to the execution of military enforcement orders or reduction of sentences for some of the petitioners, which were obtained through fact-finding and document-transfer requests from the National Archives and other related agencies. Beyond these, documents that can directly confirm the original judgement concerning the claimants, such as the indictments, records of trial and ruling, prison transfers and other prison records have yet to be discovered.
        2018.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We are currently considering to write a paper on the potential of using U.S. courts to push for U.S. participation in Jeju 4.3 reconciliation,similar to how reopening the Korematsu case tied into a broader reparations movement for the wrongful mass incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II. For this paper, it plans to include some of the survivor testimony featured in the book Jeju 4.3 Grand Tragedy during ‘peacetime’ Korea: The Asia Pacific Context (1947-2016). The book contains a transcript of survivor testimonies given in Seoul on May 30, 2015. Some of the survivors whose testimony is included in the Jeju 4.3 Grand Tragedy book are petitioning to have their cases reopened. I would like to connect the petition to the importance of U.S. participation in Jeju 4.3 reconciliation. To do this, we would like to specifically incorporate parts of the petitioners’ testimony recorded in the Jeju 4.3 Grand Tragedy book into Hawaii team’s paper. We think including the testimony would powerfully emphasize the continuing need for social healing and would strengthen the argument for U.S. participation. If we can do it collaboratively, we can do a lawsuit or other such action in the US may help draw attention to the case in 2019.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
          본 논문에서는 재시도와 완전입력 규칙을 갖는 BMAP/PH/0 대기시스템에 대한 주요 성능평가척도와 시스템의 정상상태 조건을 제시한다. 고려되는 시스템은 모든 서버가 서비스를 하고 있을 경우 도착이 이루어지는 배치도착은 모두 손실되며, 반대의 경우 도착하는 배치는 서비스를 받기 위해 시스템에 들어가게 된다. 만약 쉬고 있는 서버의 수가 불충분하여 배치의 일부가 즉각 서비스를 받을 수 없다면, 일단 오빗으로 이동하고 표준 재시도 대기시스템의 규칙에 따
        2004.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper investigates the mathematical model of multi-server retrial queueing system with the Batch Markovian Arrival Process (BMAP), the Phase type (PH) service distribution and the finite buffer. The sufficient condition for the steady state distribution existence and the algorithm for calculating this distribution are presented. Finally, a formula to solve loss probability in the case of complete admission discipline is derived.