For safeguarding dry storage facilities, a tomography system based on fast and thermal neutron detection was studied in Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control. The study was conducted laboratory-scale experiments based on a custom built 1/10th scale model cask, He-4 gas scintillation detector array, and multiple 252Cf sources. A filtered back projection (FBP) was utilized to obtain the cask image via MATLAB. The Ram-Lak filter (ramp filter) was employed in FBP for improved the reconstructed image quality. The Ram-Lak filter is the increasing amplitude filter due to the increasing spatial frequency of the image. In spatial frequency, the frequency of brightness change in the low-frequency region is relatively low, and the frequency of brightness change in the highfrequency region is large. Thus, the high-frequency region in the neutron tomographic image is near the neutron sources and the cask, and the low-frequency region is outside of the cask and/or between the source and cask in the study. In order to apply the ramp filter, a Fourier transform is initially performed on projection data, and image reconstruction is performed with the corrected projection data. In this case, the filter is linearly changed. Therefore, a small filter value is applied at lower spatial frequencies to reduce the projection data, and a large filter value is applied at high spatial frequencies to reduce the projection data. The filter scale is a fraction of frequency amplitude, and the filter value applied to the projection data is determined according to the filter scale. This study was conducted for discussion of the image quality due to the effect of the filter scale used for image reconstruction of a neutron tomography system. The results show that in the experiment with one source, the source location was founded when we used the frequency scale of 0.5 and over. In the double or triple source experiment, the source locations and relative activities were found when we used a filter scale of 0.4 to 0.6. When the filter frequency scale of 0.7 to over, the relative activities are hard to know. It can be found that if the filter value is too large or too small, distortion may occur in the reconstruction results. Therefore, it seems reasonable to set a value between 0.4 and 0.6 as the scaling factor for the neutron tomography system. In the future, additional comparative studies will perform validation of the frequency scaling methods.
The nonlinear stochastic behavior of chaotic inflation is characterized by the 'scaling' effect. Using a simple criterion for the appearance of scaling behavior in the λϕ4 λϕ4 inflation model, we show explicitly that in this limit the onset of the scaling regime does not require any special initial conditions and that it is independent of the self-coupling constant λ λ . Non-Gaussian statistics in adiabatic fluctuations are important only for super-horizon scales and the scaling regime does not lead to any significant statistical properties on currently observable scales. However, the scaling effect gives some cosmological consequences very different from what we expect in the naive diffusion approximation for quantum fluctuations. The classical (deterministic) treatment of the inflation field (essentially a quantum mechanical object.) becomes valid towards the end of inflation.
본 실험은 오리엔탈 나리 ‘Siberia’ 품종을 유공비닐 봉지에서 인편삽시 인편 착생부위와 삽목조건에 따른 소인경의 형성과 생장을 조사하여 효과적인 소인경 생산 방법을 알아보고자 실시하였다. 착생부위에 있어서 내부보다는 외부와 중부인편이 소인경의 형성 및 생육이 양호하였다. 삽상의 온도는 15℃나 30℃보다 20℃와 25℃ 조건에서 소인경의 무게, 둘레, 높이, 수가 증가하였다. 용토 1L당 수분 400mL 처리는 타처리에 비해 소인경의 무게와 직경이 16% 정도 증가한 것으로 나타났다. 피트모스 단용과 피트모스:펄라이트:버미큘라이트를 1:1:1 혼합한 용토에서 소인경 생육이 양호하였다. 인편과 용토의 비율을 1:2하여 혼합한 후 인편삽을 하더라도 소인경 무게와 직경에는 큰 차이가 없었다.