
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the use of shared kickboards rapidly increases, personal mobility (PM)-related accidents are frequently occurring. These accidents are mainly caused by careless behavior, which is typically indicated by neglecting to wear a helmet, speeding, signal violation, or illegal driving owing to incorrect driving methods. This type of user behavior increases the risk of accidents; for this reason, there is an urgent need to prepare effective measures for the safe use of shared kickboards. To reduce PM accidents, this study proposes a charging model that promotes the safe behavior of shared kickboard users. The core aim of this model is to persuade users to comply voluntarily with safety rules through incentives and penalties. Specifically, by providing a discount rate when wearing a helmet, the user is encouraged to wear a helmet, whereas in the event of an accident, a penalty is imposed to emphasize the disadvantages that occur when the safety rules are violated. This incentive structure is expected to contribute to the development of safer driving habits among shared-kickboard users. To verify the effectiveness of this charging model, simulations and user surveys were conducted in parallel. It was found that the user’s safety behavior improved, and the incidence of accidents decreased considerably. This confirmed that the proposed charging model not only reduced accidents but also naturally formed a safe driving culture for users. The shared key proposed in this study can benefit the operating company, and policymakers can contribute in the future by sharing key issues that are expected to play an important role in presentation and punishment, and provide a new paradigm for sharing key paradigms.