
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There are only residual words in the fragments or those mixed with two recognizable whole words. It is very difficult to restore the word if there is only an unrecognizable residual word. However, the residual words mixed with one or two whole words can be restored by comparing them with other glyphs appearing in Huayan Shijing (華嚴石經 ). In addition to this method, the clear whole characters in the fragments can be confirmed by the location of the Huayan Shijing, and the residual words can be restored by comparing the sentences before and after. At the same time, through this restoration method, the actual location of the fragment can also be clarified or even specified in Huayan Shijing. In the final analysis, it can be concluded that the whole word is easy to recognize while the residual piece that has the same residual character is difficult to recognize.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 『朝鮮王朝實錄』의 자료에서 들여다 본 조선시대의 풍속에서 『詩經』이 그 시대의 풍속과 어떠한 상호 연관관계를 가지고 있는 가를 고찰해 보고자 한 글이다. 특히 조선사회 전반에 걸친 풍속 가운데에서도 “부녀자, 음주, 의복”의 세 가지 방면에 대한 『詩經』과의 연 관성을 고찰해 보고자 하였다. 조선시대 부녀자 풍속에서, 『詩經』은 조선시대 부녀자의 改嫁 와 문란한 풍속 등을 바로잡는데 뚜렷한 전범을 제시해 주었다. 특히 나이 어른 寡婦의 改嫁 허용 문제에 관해서는 『詩經』이 기준점이 되었으며, 음란한 풍속에 대해서는 풍속을 교화시 키려는 군주의 정책에 좋은 본보기를 제공해주었다. 한편 烈女와 節婦의 節行과 같은 선행 풍속에는 『詩經』이 모범사례가 되어주기도 하였음을 고찰해 볼 수 있었다. 조선시대 음주 풍 속에서, 『詩經』은 조선시대 음주와 관련된 새로운 풍속을 제정할 때 권위와 정당성을 부여해 주었다. 음주에 대해 대상과 그에 따른 합당한 의미를 부여하여 올바른 음주 풍속의 확립에 폭넓게 사용되었다. 국가의 주요한 정책 결정에 관여하는 政府大臣들의 경망한 음주 형태에 대해서 『詩經』은 하늘을 대신한 준엄한 경고를 내리는 등 조선의 음주 풍속에 유교적 이념의 근거를 마련해 주고 있음을 고찰할 수 있었다. 조선시대 의복 풍속에서, 『詩經』은 조선시대 官員의 禮服 전형에 기준점을 제시해주고, 관료들의 의복착용 문란과 상호분별 없는 사치스 러운 의복 풍속에 節約과 儉素의 상징을 보여주었다. 아울러 館學儒生들의 복식을 제정함에 있어서 그 기준점을 제시해주기도 하였음을 고찰할 수 있었다.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper aims to explore the roles of Shijing in the diplomatic relations between the Joseon Dynasty and neighboring countries including China. Section 1 of Chapter 2 examines the good-neighbor policy of the Joseon Dynasty implemented throughout the diplomatic relations with Jurchen and Japan. Section 2 investigates the trends of submissive diplomacy practiced by the Joseon Dynasty and deeply rooted in its relations with the Ming and the Qing Dynasty. Section 1 of Chapter 3 analyzes the roles of Shijing applied to the good-neighbor policy toward Jurchen and Japan from the Confucian perspective. Section 2 of Chapter 3 looks into the roles of Shijing throughout the trends of submissive diplomatic relations with the Ming and the Qing Dynasty. The study learned that the good-neighbor policy towards Jurchen and Japan implied confidence of the Joseon Dynasty being a far more superior Confucian civilization to those two nations. The submissive diplomatic relations with the Ming and the Qing mostly confirmed that the Joseon Dynasty was inclined to accept the environment where distinct discrepancy in national power and culture between the Joseon Dynasty and those two nations was evident.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this dissertation, we try to find out the iconization of Shijing(詩經). In order to have better understanding of Shijing(詩經), different analysis was done in the matter of the confucian classic side. In ancient China, they had very old tradition of reading books in a specific way, which is called ‘Zuo Tu You Shu(左圖右書)’. This means that people would read books with the picture on the left side of the book, and the Chinese characters on the right side of the book. Because of this, iconography of the Shijing(詩經) varied after Late Eastern Han Dynasty period of time. The Illustration of the Shijing(詩經) can be divided into two kinds depending on the characteristics of the picture. The first kind is practical paintings of all things, which depicts flowers, tree, fish, or regular things in the daily life, and the second kind is poetry-based-Paintings, which translate poem into drawing. However, in my dissertation, I argue that the illustration of the Shijing(詩經) can be divided into three kinds, and the last one is character paintings. all three of this pictures contributed to the interpretation and dissemination of the Shijing(詩經). However, specifically character paintings mostly highlighted the confucian classic side of the Shijing(詩經). So far, illustration study of the Shijing(詩經) belittled the character paintings. This was because they had many letters, but few illustration that depicts the feature of the figure. However, if we look at the view of the letter studies, we need to pay more attention to the visual effect of the letter characters. That is because, visual aspects of letter characters can have enormous effect on the readers since they can incorporate more value beyond its own literal meaning of the letter.