Vortex-induced vibration and instability vibration of tall buildings are very important fluid-structure interaction phenomenon, and many fundamental questions concerning the influence of body movement on the unsteady aerodynamic force remain unanswered. For tall buildings, there are two experimental methods to investigate the characteristics of unsteady aerodynamic forces, one is forced vibration method and the other is free vibration method. In the present paper, a free vibration method was used to investigate the unsteady aerodynamic force on tall building whose aspect ratio is 9 under boundary layer simulating city area. Wind pressures on surfaces and tip displacements were measured simultaneously, and the characteristics of tip displacements and generalized forces were discussed. It was found that variation of across-wind displacements showed different trend between the case when wind speed increases and wind speed decreases, and the fluctuating generalize forces in across-wind direction of vibrating model are larger than that of static model near the resonant wind speed and approach to the static value. And for higher wind speed range, there were two peaks in across-wind power spectra of generalize forces of vibrating model, which means that two frequency components are predominant in unsteady aerodynamic forces.
In this study, a laser sheet technique and PLIF (Planar laser-induced fluorescence) are applied to a laboratory-scale pulverized coal burner of the open type, and the spatial relationship of the pulverized coal particle zone and the combustion reaction zone is examined by simultaneous measurement of Mie scattering and OH-LIF images. It is found that this technique can be used to investigate the spatial relationship of the combustion reaction zone and pulverized-coal particles in turbulent pulverized-coal flames without disturbing the combustion reaction field. In the upstream region, the combustion reaction occurs only in the periphery of the clusters where high-temperature burned gas of the methane pilot flame is entrained and oxygen supply is sufficient. In the downstream region, however, combustion reaction can be seen also within clusters of pulverized-coal particles, since the temperature of pulverized-coal particles rises, and the mixing with emitted volatile matter and ambient air is promoted.
This study introduces a novel approach to the differentiation of two phenomena, Asian Dust and haze, which are extremely difficult to distinguish based solely on comparisons of PM10 concentration, through use of the Optical Particle Counter (OPC), which simultaneously generates PM10, PM2.5 and PM1.0 concentration.
In the case of Asian Dust, PM10 concentration rose to the exclusion of PM2.5 and PM1.0 concentration. The relative ratios of PM2.5 and PM1.0 concentration versus PM10 concentration were below 40%, which is consistent with the conclusion that Asian Dust, as a prime example of the coarse-particle phenomenon, only impacts PM10 concentration, not PM2.5 and PM1.0 concentration. In contrast, PM10, PM2.5 and PM1.0 concentration simultaneously increased with haze. The relative ratios of PM2.5 and PM1.0 concentration versus PM10 concentration were generally above 70%. In this case, PM1.0 concentration varies because a haze event consists of secondary aerosol in the fine-mode, and the relative ratios of PM10 and PM2.5 concentration remain intact as these values already subsume PM1.0 concentration.
The sequential shift of the peaks in PM10, PM2.5 and PM1.0 concentrations also serve to individually track the transport of coarse-mode versus fine-mode aerosols. The distinction in the relative ratios of PM2.5 and PM1.0 concentration versus PM10 concentration in an Asian Dust versus a haze event, when collected on a national or global scale using OPC monitoring networks, provides realistic information on outbreaks and transport of Asian Dust and haze.
과산화테크네슘(99mTc-pertechnetate)을 이용한 갑상선 검사에서 갑상선 섭취율 측정과 갑상선 스캔을 위해 두 번 의 정맥주사와 두 번의 대기시간이 필요하다. 이를 해결하기 위해 감쇄필터(Attenuation Filter)를 이용하여 과산화테 그네슘(99mTc-pertechnetate)의 1회 정맥주사로 갑상선 섭취율과 스캔을 동시검사 할 수 있는 방법을 연구하고자 하 였다. 그에 따른 결과로는 감쇄필터를 사용하지 않은 그룹과 사용한 그룹간의 유의한 상관관계로 나타났다. 따라서 1 회 주사를 통한 갑상선 섭취율 측정과 스캔을 동시에 할 수 있게 되어 임상에서 많이 활용될 것으로 사료된다.