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        검색결과 2

        2019.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In solstices during the solar minimum, the hemispheric difference of the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) intensity (hereafter hemispheric asymmetry) is understood as being opposite in the morning and afternoon. This phenomenon is explained by the temporal variation of the combined effects of the fountain process and interhemispheric wind. However, the mechanism applied to the observations during the solar minimum has not yet been validated with observations made during other periods of the solar cycle. We investigate the variability of the hemispheric asymmetry with local time (LT), altitude, season, and solar cycle using the electron density taken by the CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload satellite and the global total electron content (TEC) maps acquired during 2001–2008. The electron density profiles provided by the Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate satellites during 2007–2008 are also used to investigate the variation of the hemispheric asymmetry with altitude during the solar minimum. During the solar minimum, the location of a stronger EIA moves from the winter hemisphere to the summer hemisphere around 1200–1400 LT. The reversal of the hemispheric asymmetry is more clearly visible in the F-peak density than in TEC or in topside plasma density. During the solar maximum, the EIA in the winter hemisphere is stronger than that in the summer hemisphere in both the morning and afternoon. When the location of a stronger EIA in the afternoon is viewed as a function of the year, the transition from the winter hemisphere to the summer hemisphere occurs near 2004 (yearly average F10.7 index = 106). We discuss the mechanisms that cause the variation of the hemispheric asymmetry with LT and solar cycle.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The equatorial region of the Earth’s ionosphere exhibits large temporal variations in electron density that have significant implications on satellite signal transmissions. In this paper, the first observation results of the variations in the trough of the equatorial ionospheric anomaly at the permanent Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) site in Chuuk (Geographic: 7.5° N, 151.9° E; Geomagnetic: 0.4° N) are presented. It was found that the daytime Global Positioning System (GPS) total electron content (TEC) values vary according to the 27 day period of solar rotation , and that these trends show sharp contrast with those of summer. The amplitudes of the semi-annual anomaly were 12.4 TECU (33 %) on 19th of March and 8.8 TECU (23 %) on 25th of October respectively, with a yearly averaged value of 38.0 TECU. The equinoctial asymmetry at the March equinox was higher than that at the October equinox rather than the November equinox. Daily mean TEC values were higher in December than in June, which could be interpreted as annual or winter anomalies. The nighttime GPS TEC enhancements during 20:00-24:00 LT also exhibited the semi-annual variation. The pre-midnight TEC enhancement could be explained with the slow loss process of electron density that is largely produced during the daytime of equinox. However, the significant peaks around 22:00-23:00 LT at the spring equinox require other mechanisms other than the slow loss process of the electron density.