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        검색결과 4

        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The feathery branched green alga Bryopsis plumosa (Hudson) C. Agardh bloomed at Songji Beach, Haenam, Korea, in November 2022. A terrible stench was present on the beach, and the bottom was covered in a thick green mat of green algae. The alga was identified as B. plumosa, which is an opportunistic species currently distributed worldwide. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) were analyzed in the bloomed area and compared with those of other vicinities. The DIN and DIP concentrations were 1.067 and 0.461 mg L-1, respectively, which were 6 to 19 times higher than the average concentrations on southwest coasts, including Haenam. The B. plumosa bloom at Songji Beach in November 2022 appears to have depended on DIN and DIP concentrations in seawater. In this study, we report on the mass occurrence of B. plumosa, which appeared for the first time in Korea. This occurrence was found to be closely related to the concentration of nutrients in seawater. Therefore, it is necessary to manage the concentration of nutrients on land flowing into coastal waters to control green algal blooms such as Bryopsis.
        2012.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Songji lagoon, one of the major lagoons located along the East coast, is considered to be worth preserving because of its good water quality. To consider ways to manage the water quality of Songji lagoon, this study was conducted by employing the analysis technique for system analysis of the water quality model. This study used WASP model which is a model with hydraulic part and water quality part combined. The model for Songji lagoon used the same value as the coefficients of water quality reaction used for Hwajinpo model. And it was revised and verified with the water quality measured in Songji lagoon. The spatial concentration of water quality of Songji lagoon and Hwajin po exhibited different distribution respectively, yet showing a similar characteristic in physical and water side structure. The major water quality items used in system analysis are BOD, limiting nutrients (N, P). The principal conditions reflected the system analysis are an increase or decrease of Allochthonous pollution load and removal of sediment. The study results show that the water quality of Songji lagoon is considerably changed more in sediment than Allochthonous pollution load. Especially, the management of Nonpoint pollution due to a temporary rainfall is more important among allochthonous pollution load.