PURPOSES : In this study, the speed limit violation behavior of drivers after experiencing traffic law punishment was analyzed. Simultaneously, the tendency of such drivers to violate other traffic laws besides the speed limit was empirically analyzed. METHODS : Over a two-month period (May–June, 2024), 1,235 responses were collected through a mobile on-line survey targeting drivers living in the urban areas of Chungnam Province, South Korea. After building a binary logit regression model on drivers’ speed limit violations with their personal attributes (e.g., gender, age, education, job, marital status, driving frequency, and driving experience) and the number of past traffic law violations as explanatory variables, the speed limit violation determinants were derived. Additionally, the relationship between the different types of traffic violations were investigated. RESULTS : As the driver age increased, the rate of speed limit violations decreased. Drivers working in relatively high-paying jobs are more likely to incur in speed limit violations. The greater the driving experience, the lower the possibility of a speed limit violation. The greater the number of fines imposed in the previous 12 months, the more likely it is to violate the speed limit. Additionally, drivers who had violated the speed limit were found to be more likely to violate laws by failing to follow stop lines at crosswalks, not activating turn signal lamps, entering intersections under a red light, and not wearing seatbelts on public roads. CONCLUSIONS : Fines work as a means of sanctioning to ensure their effectiveness in suppressing repeated law violations. Particularly, there is a limit to the fact that compulsory collection cannot be implemented when the arrears are not large, and institutional improvements are required to improve awareness of the fact that when a violator is imposed with a fine, it is not considered seriously. Meanwhile, there is a need to develop educational programs so that drivers can follow traffic laws under any circumstance, expand crackdowns on traffic violations, and strengthen preventive campaigns and promotions for traffic safety. Additionally, continuous efforts are needed to help drivers who repeatedly violate traffic laws develop negative attitudes toward violating these laws.
우리나라는 항행교통안전을 위하여 19개 항만과 3개 출입항로에 속력제한구역을 설정하고 제한속력을 지정하고 있으나 항만별 로 제한속력이 다르고 실질적 관리수단의 부재로 제한속력 위반 행위가 빈번히 발생하고 있으며 이로 인하여 인적과실에 의한 선박 충돌 사고가 지속 발생하고 있다. 본 연구는 첫째, 무역항 및 진입수로에서 발생한 해양사고를 분석하였다. 분석결과로 최근 5년간 1,344건(연 평균 269건)이 발생하였고 어선에 의한 사고(563건)가 상선(508건)에 비해 많았으며 특히, 군산항의 어선 선장 50명을 표본으로 설문조사한 결과 45명(90 %)이 제한속력을 알지 못하고 있었다. 둘째, 속력제한 위반 선박에 있는 운항자에게 위험을 알리기 위하여 GPS 플로터 및 전 자해도시스템(ECDIS)에 음성경고 기능과 메시지 경고기능도입을 검토·제안하였다. 셋째, 관련기관과 항법장치 제작업체를 대상으로 전문 가의견을 조사한 결과 제안된 경고기능이 기술적으로 가능한 것으로 확인되었다. 본 연구결과는 선박해양플랜트연구소에서 추진 중인 e-NAVIGATION 사업에 반영 가능하며 선박운항자에 대한 인적과실 감소와 한국형 e-NAVIGATION 구축에 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다.