
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 10

        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Korean MMTT project has been launched in order to clarify the vibration and shock loads under normal condition and transportation (NCT) in Korean geological and transportation conditions and to evaluate the integrity of SNF under such a transportation load. To evaluate the integrity of the SNF during normal land and sea transport tests, a representative SNF that represents the entirety of the different types of SNFs stored in the spent fuel pool of the power plant should be selected. And, it is necessary to make the test assembly to have a statically and dynamically similar behavior with the actual SNF. Therefore, in this project, we selected two types of fuel assembly that are expected to exhibit relatively conservative behavior under NCT, and these assemblies are being fabricated into surrogate test assemblies to have a similar characteristic as actual SNF based on the accumulated data from the poolside examination and the hot cell test so far. Tests were conducted for NCT conditions. In addition, a fatigue test was performed to integrity of the nuclear fuel rods under NCT conditions. Nuclear fuel assemblies are transported while being laid inside the cask under NCT, and are exposed to external shocks and vibrations. At this time, the fuel rod between the grid and grid is exposed to bending motion by this external force. For this simulation, a fixture was developed and used for static bending tests and bending fatigue tests. To simulate spent nuclear fuel rod specimens, hydrogen reorientation Zry-4 cladding was used and simulated pellets made of stainless steel were applied. And also, it was bonded using epoxy to give bonding conditions between the inside and the pellet. As a result of the test, cracks occurred due to the concentrated load between the pellets, resulting in damage to the fuel rod. The fatigue results showed a similar trend compared to the results performed by ORNL, and the lower bound fatigue curve presented by NUREG-2224 was also satisfactory.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Flow-induced vibration can lead to fretting wear damage of fuel rods and spacer grids in nuclear reactors. Similarly, during the transport of spent nuclear fuel assemblies, continuous vibration and intermittent impact might also result in fretting wear due to dynamic interaction. Therefore, it is important to evaluate fuel rod damage due to fretting wear under such transport conditions. This study examines spent nuclear fuel rod specimens fabricated with hydride cladding tubes and simulated pellets, with hydrogen content ranging from 200 to 700 ppm and oxide film thickness ranging from 25 to 100 micrometers. Tests were conducted under a worst-case scenario, assuming continuous exposure to that condition during the expected transport time. Results indicate that the wear depth of all rod specimens occurred within the oxide film, suggesting a high resistance to fretting wear during transportation.