The emission of odor, characterized by the combustion conditions and biomass types resulting from the use of a biomass incinerator, was analyzed. The following biomass types were considered: bark, board waste, sawdust, wood flour, wood fiver, wastewater sludge, and timber wastewater. As a study method, the physico-chemical characteristics of each biomass type were analyzed to predict the potential substances that might be emited under incomplete combustion conditions. And, the emission components of odor emission by biomass were analyzed at the laboratory level using a combustion device. In addition, the characteristics of the contaminant (odor) emission per mixture ratio of biomass were analyzed in a stoker incinerator that is in operation in an actual establishment at a scale of 300 ton/day. In the biomass emission experiment using the combustion device at the laboratory level, the major substances such as Acetic acid, Styrene, Toluene, Benzene, Dichloromethane, etc. were analyzed, and these components were determined to increase odor index. VOCs measurement in the outlet of the stoker incinerator indicated that Acetaldehyde, Ethanol, Acetonitrile, Ethyl acetate, Toluene, etc. were detected as the major substances. These were similar to the emission substances presented by the experiment that had investigated emissions by biomass type. A study on the Effect of Operational Conditions in biomass stocker incinerator on the concentration of odorous materials emitted from stack showed a close relationship between the input by biomass type and urea, temperature in the incinerator, and the tendency to emit/produce odor.
K시의 소각장은 2000년 5월 시험가동으로 2기(연속식 스토커방식) 처리시설로 160ton/day*2기, 320ton/day의 생활쓰레기를 처리하면, 소각시설 공정도는 Fig. 1과 같다. 소각과정에서 생성되는 폐열을 회수, 증기를 발생시켜 이 증기를 이용해서 시설내 열원 및 소비전력을 보충하는 설비시설을 갖추고 있다. 그러나 Fig. 2와 같이 사용 후 4 ~ 5년 후 부터는 O2농도가 증가하고 있는 추세이며 2호기의 산소농도가 1호기 보다 높아지고 있어 배기가스 중 CO, SOx, HCl, NOx의 농도는 증가 하는 것으로 나타나고 있다. 본 연구는 2기 소각로에 O2농도에 맞게 송풍량을 적정주입하는 방법으로 개선하여 대기배출가스 농도를 저감하기 위한 연구이다. 대기배출가스농도는 전년도 대비 NOx 5.5%, HCl 17.4%, SOx 38.5%로 저감, CO 5.7%, 먼지(Dust) 15.0% 증가 되었고, 초과횟수는 저감 중점항목을 선정하여 실시한 결과 2011년 107회에서 2012년 9월까지 62회로 전년도 대비 42.1%가 감소하고, 약품사용량은 전년도 소각량 대비 11.2% 증가한, 반면 소석회는 3.8%, 암모니아 4.5%, 활성탄은 4.4% 감소하였다. 연구결과 DCS프로그램 적용하여 O2농도 조절로 대기배출가스농도와 비례관계를 나타냈으며, MSW로 보일러에 O2농도 조절을 하므로 대기가스배출농도가 법적기준 이내로 유지함을 알수 있다.
A Numerical simulation on the thermal flow performance was carried out to propose the incinerator type for the domestic refuses and to investigate the design factor and operating conditions. The SSTI(Standard Stoker Type Incinerator) proposed in this study was modified from the type with central flow. It has the characteristics of good mixing between refuse and hot combustion gas in primary combustion chamber and between unburned gas inflowing and secondary air jet in secondary chamber.
By predictive results, the SSTI was no recirculation zone in secondary chamber so that mixing time was increased with high residence time. It has good characteristics of combustion and low emission. Parametric screening studies have been understood with phenomenon of combustion in incinerator.