With the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution, changes in the market environment and employment environment are accelerating due to smart technological innovation, and securing professional manpower and developing human resources for domestic small and medium-sized enterprises is becoming very important. Recently, most of the domestic small and medium-sized enterprises are experiencing hiring difficulties, and the development and training of human resources to overcome this is still lacking in systemization, despite much support from the government. This reflects the reality that it is not easy to invest training costs and time to adapt new employees to small and medium-sized businesses. Based on these problems, the work-study parallel project was introduced to cultivate practical talent in small and medium-sized businesses. Work-study parallel training is carried out in the form of mentoring between corporate field teachers and learning workers in actual workplaces, and even if the training is the same, there are differences depending on the learner's attitude, learning motivation, and training achievement. Ego state is a theory that can identify personality types and has the advantage of being able to understand and acknowledge oneself and others and intentionally improve positive factors to induce optimized interpersonal relationships. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to analyze the attitudes of learning workers, who are the actual subjects for improving the performance of work-study parallel projects and establishing a stable settlement within the company, based on their ego status. Through this study, we aim to understand the impact of the personality type of learning workers on training performance and to suggest ways to improve training performance through work-study parallelism.
The army is concerned about the decrease in enlistment resources due to the low birth rate and the weakening of military combat power due to the shortening of the military service period. Now, the military's quantitative growth is no longer limited and it is a time for qualitative growth. To this end, the Army has been applying the Israeli learning method Havruta to recruit training to improve the quality of training since 2019. After applying Havruta, several scholars have studied the effect of recruit training applying Havruta. As a result, it was verified that recruit training applying Havruta improves the inner motive, creativity, and military service value of trainees. This study investigated how trainees' inner motive, creativity, and military service value affect their satisfaction and achievement. In addition, it was studied whether the effect of recruit training applied with Havruta on achievement differs according to the educational background (high school graduate or higher) and military family (professional soldiers within 4th degree) of the trainees. To this end, a survey was conducted on 472 recruits, and the structural relationship between each variable and the moderating effect were analyzed using the structural equation model. As a result of the study, military service value did not affect training satisfaction. Also, there was a difference in the effect of creativity on training satisfaction according to the educational background of new recruits, and there was a difference in the effect of military service value on training satisfaction and training achievement according to military family members. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the improvement of the army's recruit training development plan and effective training system.
본 연구는 협동학습에서 소집단 경쟁을 유도하는 집단보상과 소집단 구성원의 결속을 강조하는 협동기술 훈련의 효과를 비교하기 위하여 시도되었다. 이를 위하여 초등학교 6학년 3개 학급을 대상으로 문제중심 협동학습을 실시하였고 2개 학급에서는 각각 집단보상과 협동기술 훈련을 실시하였다. 학업성취도 면에서 이질적으로 구성된 소집단별로 진행된 협동학습 후에 세 집단의 과학성취도와 학습동기 점수를 성취도 수준별로 비교 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과, 첫째, 집단보상과 협동기술 훈련이 과학성취도에 영향을 미쳤으며 학습자의 학업성취 수준에 따른 차이가 나타났다. 즉 성취 수준 상위인 학습자에게는 집단보상이 협동기술 훈련보다 효과적인 반면 하위인 학습자에게는 협동기술 훈련이 집단보상보다 효과적이었으며 중위인 학습자는 집단보상과 협동기술 훈련이 모두 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 집단보상과 협동기술 훈련이 학습동기에 영향을 미쳤으나 학습자의 학업성취 수준과는 관련이 없었다. 학습동기의 하위요소별로는 주의력 요소에는 효과가 없었으나 자신감과 만족감 요소에는 효과가 나타났다.
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether it was efficient to apply the Image-Training method using auditory-visual media to the teaching of vaulting horse instead of application of traditional Physical-Training method at school. For the purpos