본 연구는 경상북도 안동시 북후면에 위치한 사과원에서 채집한 복숭아순나방(Grapholita molesta)의 새로운 알 기생봉을 형태 및 분자적 방 법으로 동정하여 보고한다. 기생봉의 촉각 및 날개 구조를 통해 명충알벌(Trichogramma chilonis)과 가장 유사하였으며, 이는 cytochrome oxidase I 염기서열 분석을 통해 뒷받침되었다.
The parasitism, development time, hatchability, and progeny production of Trichogramma chilonis(TC) females developed in eggs of Helicoverpa assulta (HAs), Cadra cautella (CC), and Helicoverpa armigera (HAr), repectively, were compared with those developed in reciprocal eggs at constant temperatures of 25±2℃ and relative humidity of 50~70% under 16L-8D. Developmental performances of TC reared in each of the three hosts on the following hosts(host tested) appeared differently, and were affected most by the size of the proceeding hosts and test host. Among the parameters parasitism and progeny production were affected more than others. Parasitism was significantly different between the treatments, lowest in CC-HAr(10.1±2.05%) and highest in HAr-HAs(47.0±2.09%), and the hatchability showed similar pattern. Development time as well was shortest in the CC-HAr where previous host is smallest and test host is biggest. The highest number of progeny production of TC was observed in HAr-HAs(93.9±6.87 wasps), and the lowest was CC-HAs(18.4±6.36 wasps).