
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the effects of two types of corrective feedback (CF), recasts and metalinguistic feedback (implicit vs. explicit CF), on the development of implicit and explicit knowledge of English articles. It also examined the relationship between learners’ language aptitude, in particular language analytic ability, and their knowledge development through different types of CF. Six intact intermediate communication English classes (a total of 104 students and two English-speaking teachers) at a university participated in the present study. In CF groups, learners received recasts or metalinguistic feedback (MF) to the errors of the English articles during communicative activities, while no CF was given to the control group. The study employed a pretest-posttest-delayed posttest design, and four different tests were used to measure learner implicit and explicit knowledge. The study found both recasts and MF effective in the development of implicit knowledge and selective effects of recasts on the improvement of explicit knowledge. This suggests that both implicit and explicit CF bring about the development of implicit and explicit knowledge. In addition, language analytic ability was found to be closely related to learners’ gains through both CF and development of explicit and implicit knowledge of English articles.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study investigates the relative effects of two types of indirect written corrective feedback (CF) on the acquisition of English articles. Thirty-five high intermediate Korean EFL college students who were enrolled in three composition classes participated in this study. After the instruction on the English article usage, three classes (Class A, Class B, and Class C) received different types of feedback on their blog writings over the course of a semester. Both Class A and Class B received indirect feedback in the form of underlining errors. In the following class, Class A received correct forms with metalinguistic information for the errors revised incorrectly, but Class B did not have such opportunities. The Class C received no feedback. The results showed that only Class A, which received indirect feedback plus correct forms with metalinguistic information, made a statistically significant gain from the 3 sessions of feedback treatment. Pedagogical implications were provided on the basis of the findings.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The role of oral corrective feedback (CF) in second language (L2) learning has been extensively investigated. However, little attention has been given to the relationship between different types of CF and explicit/implicit L2 knowledge. For this reason, the present study explored the effects of recasts and metalinguistic feedback on the development of explicit and implicit knowledge of the English articles. Sixty-three university students enrolled in intermediate Communication English classes participated, and they were assigned into a metalinguistic group, a recast group, and a control group. While the students engaged in meaning-based activities (i.e., retelling stories), the feedback groups received respective CF on the errors of English articles and the control group did not receive any feedback. Untimed grammatical judgement tests were employed to measure the students’ improvement of explicit knowledge and elicitation oral imitation tests were used to examine their gains of implicit knowledge. The study found that both recasts and metalinguistic feedback equally facilitated the development of explicit knowledge over time. However, they were not as effective as in the improvement of implicit knowledge, showing a short-term effect on the development.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Global luxury jewelry brands had begun to launch their direct businesses in Korea since the 1990s, and have attained fast growth by holding events reflecting their philosophies. The purpose of this study was to analyze the background of their growth by examining the types and roles of events in Korea held by luxury jewelry brands. For the research method, the quantitative and qualitative analysis were performed about domestic events of Tiffany & Co., Cartier, Bvlgari, Chaumet, and Van Cleef & Arples during the period from 1990 to 2013. Also, theoretical study was reviewed. The results are as follows. The events are largely classified into jewelry exhibitions, jewelry shows, wedding fairs, and hybrids. The roles of such events were, first, the artification of products and, second, the contemporization of traditions. According to the findings of this study, luxury jewelry brands transmitted new emotions and values to their customers through their events in Korea, and extended their influence continuously over the Korean high-end jewelry market.