
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 41

        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 간호대학생의 그릿, 긍정적 정서, 팀워크 및 임상실습 만족도의 정도를 파악하고, 임 상실습 만족도에 영향을 주는 요인을 확인하기 위해 시행된 서술적 조사연구이다. 대상자는 U시와 G시 소 재 2개 대학 간호학과 4학년으로 하였다. 자료는 SPSS 21.0 프로그램으로 기술통계, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson 상관계수, multiple regression 분석을 하였다. 연구결과, 임상실습 만족도는 그릿, 긍정적 정서, 팀 워크와 양의 상관관계가 있었다. 팀워크는 그릿, 긍정적 정서와 양의 상관관계를 보였고, 긍정적 정서는 그 릿과 양의 상관관계를 나타냈다. 임상실습 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인은 팀워크와 긍정적 정서였으며 설 명력은 43.6%였다. 따라서 간호대학생의 임상실습 만족도를 향상시키기 위한 전략으로 팀워크와 긍정적 정서를 향상시킬 수 있는 교육 프로그램 개발과 방안 모색이 필요하다.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study explored the role of written languaging (WL) in response to automated written corrective feedback (AWCF) in L2 accuracy improvement in English classrooms at a university in China. A total of 254 freshmen enrolled in intermediate composition classes participated, and they wrote 4 essays and received AWCF. A half of them engaged in WL after receiving correction, while the other half did not. To measure whether WL could contribute to L2 accuracy improvement, error correction tests were conducted three times. AWCF targeted all types of errors, but the study focused on investigating six language features (nouns, conjunctions, subject-verb agreement, sentence constituents, articles, and prepositions) known as the most frequent errors intermediate students make. The results proved that WL had a positive effect on accuracy improvement overall. However, when individual language features were considered separately, the effects were not the same. The inherent complexity of the features along with L1 influence appeared to affect the effects of WL for accuracy improvement.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, the mechanical properties of glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) rebar, which has been applied as an concrete reinforcement, and produced carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) grid were compared to develop a concrete reinforcement material with excellent mechanical properties. In addition, the mechanical properties of CFRP prepared with each molding process were evaluated. Three molding processes were evaluated: prepreg oven bagging, reaction injection molding (RIM), and pultrusion. The tensile strength of the CFRP grid prepared through pultrusion was 2.85GPa, the elastic modulus was 169.81GPa, and the strain was 1.68%, which was 2.85 times better in tensile strength, and 2.83 times better in elastic modulus compared mechanical properties of GFRP rebar. The strain was confirmed to be equivalent to GFRP rebar.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 hesperidin과 hesperidin의 aglycone 형태인 hesperetin의 2,2'-azobis (2-aminopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH)에 의해 신장 독성이 유도된 쥐에서 신장 보호 효과에 대해 연구하였다. Hesperidin과 hesperetin은 200 mg/kg/day의 농도로 7일간 위내투여하였으며, AAPH를 복강주사하여 급성 신장 손상을 유도하였다. 이 후 쥐의 신장 조직에서 지질과산화 함량, nitric oxide (NO) 생성량, catalase 효소 활성을 측정하였으 며, nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) 및 inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) 단백질 발현량을 측정하였다. AAPH로 신장 독성을 유도한 control군의 신장 내 지질과산화 및 NO 생성량은 신장 독성을 유도하지 않은 normal군에 비해 유의적으로 증가하여 산화적 손상이 유도됨을 확인하였다. 반면 hesperidin과 hesperetin를 투여했을 때 신장 내 지질과산화 및 NO 생성량이 control군에 비해 유의적으로 감소하여 산화적 스트레스 개선 효과를 확인하였다. Hesperidin과 hesperetin을 투여한 군의 경우 신장 내 항산화 효소인 catalase 활성을 유의적으로 증가시켰다. 뿐만 아니라, hesperidin과 hesperetin의 투여는 AAPH로 신장독성을 유도한 control군 100% 대비 NF-κB 단백질을 각각 66% 및 71%로, iNOS 단백질 발현을 각각 46% 및 33%로 억제시켰다. 따라서 본 연구를 통해 hesperidin과 hesperetin의 투여가 항산화 활성 조절을 통해 AAPH로 유도된 신장 독성을 억제하는 것을 알 수 있었다.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A laser scabbling experiment was performed using a high-power fiber laser to investigate the removal rate of the concrete block and the scabbled depth. Concrete specimens with a 28-day compressive strength of 30 MPa were used in this study. Initially, we conducted the scabbling experiment under a stationary laser beam condition to determine the optimum scan speed. The laser interaction time with the concrete surface varied between 3 s and 40 s. The degree of spalling and vitrification on the surface was primarily dependent on the laser interaction time and beam power. Furthermore, thermal images were captured to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of temperature during the scabbling process. Based on the experimental results, the scan speed at which the optical head moved over the concrete was set to be 300 mm∙min−1 or 600 mm∙min−1 for the 4.8-kW or 6.8-kW laser beam, respectively. The spalling rates and average depth on the concrete blocks were measured to be 87 cm3∙min−1 or 227 cm3∙min−1 and 6.9 mm or 9.8 mm with the 4.8-kW or 6.8-kW laser beams, respectively.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study was to investigate the quality characteristics of American waffles substituted with 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% of kamut whole wheat flour (KWF). The KWF samples had maintaining the specific gravity of the batter until the 25% substitution. The spreadability decreased as the ratio of the KWF increased, and the pH of the 100% substitution sample were the lowest. The KWF samples had increasing baking loss rates until the 75% substitution while decreasing the water activity. Lightness and yellowness significantly decreased with increasing the KWF while redness increased. Hardness, chewiness, and gumminess of the 25% substitution sample were the highest, while the springiness and resilience were maximum with the 100% substitution. The KWF samples had increasing overall acceptability, acceptability of color, flavor, and texture until the 50% substitution. The characteristics intensity rating of crust color, bran flavor, and sweetness increased with increasing the KWF. The KWF samples had significantly higher crispiness than the control group. The frequency of the bran flavor, sweetness, nuttiness, and unpleasant increased while the egg and milk flavor, and flour taste decreased. These results suggest that the substitution of the 25~50% KWF could be the optimal to improve the quality characteristics of American waffles.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This purpose of this study was to investigate the quality characteristics of jellies added with lemon myrtle extract. Lemon myrtle leaves were extracted for 0, 3, 5, 7, 9 minutes, respectively, in 90℃ water and used for jelly preparation. The moisture content of control showed the lowest value and the content increased significantly as the extraction time of lemon myrtle increased. The pH of L0 was significantly high and increased significantly with the increase of extraction duration time. The lightness value was the lowest in the L3. The redness showed the lowest value in the L9. The yellowness showed the lowest value in the L0. In texture properties the hardness of L9 showed the highest value and the lemon myrtle extraction duration increased significantly. The cohesiveness was highest in the L0 and lowest in the L5. Gumminess and chewiness increased significantly with increasing extraction duration. Total polyphenol content was the highest in the L5 and the jellies with lemon myrtle extracts were significantly higher than the L0. DPPH radical scavenging activities increased significantly with increasing extraction duration. The ABTS radical scavenging activity of the L0 was the lowest. In the sensory evaluation overall preference, color, sweetness, texture, and lemon myrtle flavor did not show any significant differences among the samples.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to investigate the antioxidant activities and quality characteristics of jelly added with 0%, 8%, 16%, 24%, and 32% rhubarb stem juice (RSJ). The moisture content and water activity of jelly samples increased significantly with increasing content of RSJ. The pH was highest in control samples; and the more the amount of RSJ added, the lower. Hunter color value of the jelly showed that L was highest in control samples, but it was not significant in RSJ-added samples. The A value was increased significantly with the addition of RSJ. Hardness, gumminess, and chewiness was highest in samples with 0~8% RSJ, and it decreased by increasing RSJ addition. DPPH radical scavenging activity results showed 60% activity in samples with 32% RSJ. ABTS radical scavenging activity was lowest in control samples and samples with 8~32% RSJ showed 70~80% activity, but it was not significant in samples with 8~32% RSJ. The total polyphenol was increased respectively with increasing levels of RSJ. In terms of consumer acceptance, overall acceptability did not show any significant difference among samples, and the color showed the highest value in samples with 32% RSJ and the lowest value in samples with 8% RSJ.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 김치 제조시 철저한 재료 세척의 필요성을 확인하고, 더불어 비가열 식품인 김치의 위생 안전성 실태를 파악하여 효율적 미생물 저감화 방안을 마련하고자 국내에서 유통되는 김치 원·부재료 200건의 세척 전과 후의 비교분석과 시판 김치 100건에 대하여 미생물 분석을 실시하였다. 김치 원·부재료 및 완제품에 대하여 일반 세균수, 대장균 및 대장균군을 모니터링 하였으며, 병원성 미생물 9종(Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens 정성·정 량, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, Campylobacter jejuni/coli, Yersinia enterocolitica, Salmonella spp., Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Listeria monocytogenes 정성)을 분석 하였다. 모니터링 결과, 김치 원· 부재료 및 완제품에서 일반세균은 1.4~9.0 log CFU/g 수준 으로 확인되었으며, 원·부재료 중 생강에서 8.8 log CFU/g, 완제품 중 총각김치에서 9.0 log CFU/g으로 일반세균이 가장 높게 나타났다. 대장균군은 0.5~7.3 log CFU/g으로 확 인되었으며, 생강에서 7.3 log CFU/g으로 가장 높게 나타 났고, 병원성 미생물 9종의 분석결과, Bacillus cereus를 제 외한 나머지 8종의 식중독균은 모든 시료에서 검출되지 않았다. 김치 제조 시 사용되는 김치 원·부재료들의 세척 공정 후 미생물 수는 일반세균수 0.2~3.2 log CFU/g, 대장 균군 0.3~2.7 log CFU/g, Bacillus cereus 1.0~3.9 log CFU/g 감소하였다. 따라서, 김치 원·부재료의 세척 공정으로 미생물 오염도를 감소 시켰으며, 이 결과를 통하여 김치 완 제품의 위생 및 저장성 증진에 기여 할 수 있을 것으로 확인되었다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the effects of two types of corrective feedback (CF), recasts and metalinguistic feedback (implicit vs. explicit CF), on the development of implicit and explicit knowledge of English articles. It also examined the relationship between learners’ language aptitude, in particular language analytic ability, and their knowledge development through different types of CF. Six intact intermediate communication English classes (a total of 104 students and two English-speaking teachers) at a university participated in the present study. In CF groups, learners received recasts or metalinguistic feedback (MF) to the errors of the English articles during communicative activities, while no CF was given to the control group. The study employed a pretest-posttest-delayed posttest design, and four different tests were used to measure learner implicit and explicit knowledge. The study found both recasts and MF effective in the development of implicit knowledge and selective effects of recasts on the improvement of explicit knowledge. This suggests that both implicit and explicit CF bring about the development of implicit and explicit knowledge. In addition, language analytic ability was found to be closely related to learners’ gains through both CF and development of explicit and implicit knowledge of English articles.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 시멘트 공장의 소성로 배출가스 악취로 인해 불편을 겪고 있는 민원이 지속적으로 제 기되고 있으며, 생활환경질을 향상시키기 위한 노력이 다양하게 이루어지고 있다. 본 연구에 앞서, 시멘 트 공장에서의 악취 발생 원인을 규명하고, 대안을 마련하기 위해 사업장 주요 악취발생원으로 예상되는 소성로 배출가스를 분석하였다. 본 연구는 악취 유발 가스의 대기 흐름과 희석, 확산 효과를 수치적으로 해석하고, 지역생활 환경 개 선 및 친환경적 시멘트 생산시스템 구축을 위한 기초자료로 활용하고자 하였다. 연구 결과, 일정한 풍향 및 풍속이 지속될 경우 특정 지점에서 악취의 영향이 발생될 수 있으며, 풍향 및 풍속의 변화율이 증가 될수록 악취 영향은 감소될 것으로 판단된다.
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