Zhuxi, who epitomized the thought of neo-Confucianism, not only has an effect on Chin ese idealist philosophy during the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties,but has a direct i nfluence on Korean social philosophy during the Korean Age. Hong Tae-Yong is a well- k nown scholar in the later stage of the Korean Age, his theory with Zhuxi‘s became the tw o main schools on the Korean’s thinking. Zhuxi explored some problems in the field of epistemology with the theory of Ge Wu Z hi Zhi. Beyond that, he made a few opinions about verification theory and the opinions g et the clearer in his old age. He was becoming more interested in natural science, and th e thought about verification theory was frequently found in his later writings. In the resear ch about natural scientific problems, he had adopted observation, experimentation and pra ctice method. Zhuxi has opened up a new area and bends and laid the theoretical founda tions for verification theory. Hong Tae-Yong carried on some theoretical results of the Zhu xi on the one hand, and made his own pragmatical learning, on the other hand. In his th eory, the methodology occupied a central place. This thesis has taken the postivist theory as research objects, discusses about Hong Tae-Yong's pragmatical learning by comparing with Zhuxi's Verification Theory. He proved some opinions by the recognizing method of practice, observing methods and the recognizing method of practice. Hong Tae-Yong be d ivorced from Zhuxi's theory and have created a new pragmatical learning by these objecti ve methods. As has been described above, the main differences between the two is understanding th e “Shi(实)”. Hong Tae-Yong attaches great importance to truthful information, truthful circu mstances, truthful experiment and actual practice, He has made great efforts in recognizin g the real things, and has verified them one by one through practice. His objective metho d have helped take his thought off the ZhuZi's Philosophy and have created pragmatical l earning.
적분방식에 의한 어군량추정법을 실험적으로 검증하기 위하여, 실험수조에서 50 kHz와 200 kHz의 주파수를 대상으로 모의어군의 분포밀도와 초음파산란강도의 관계를 검토하고, 또 계량어군탐지기의 정도를 개선하기 위한 문제들에 대하여 고찰을 행한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 어체의 모의표적으로 이용한 steel ball (직영 35mm)의 실측 echo 파형은 이론 echo 파형과 잘 일치하였다. 2. 5 종류의 주파수에 대하여 고등어 (체장 36cm)의 반사주파수특성을 조사한 결과, 측정주파수가 변화함에 따라 어체에 의한 echo 신호의 진폭과 파형이 크게 변동하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 3. 송수파기의 음속 내에서 5개/m 상(3)와 30개/m 상(3)의 표적 군이 서로 상하로 존재할 때, 상부 표적군의 존재에 의해 하부 표적군의 echo level이 -0.43 dB 감쇠하는, 소위 그늘효과(shadowing effect)가 발생하였다. 4. 동지나해에서 정박 중에 탐지한 고밀도 어군의 echo신호와 그 어군직하의 해저에서 산란된 echo 신호를 상호 연관시켜 분석한 결과, 어군층내에서 발생한 어군감쇠와 다중산란효과가 해저 echo 신호의 변동에 큰 영향을 미치고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 5. 정치망의 원통에 인망한 정어리의 단위체적당에 대한 분포밀도가 36마리/m 상(3)였을 때, 해저기녹이 소실되는 어군감쇠현상과, 어군 echo 신호가 해저까지 신장되는 다중산란현상이 동시에 발생하였다. 6. 50kHz와 200kHz의 주파수에서 표적군의 평균체적산란강도(:dB)와 표적의 분포밀도(σ:개/m 상(3))의 간에 다음의 회귀직선식을 얻었다. 50kHz : =-46.2+13.7 Log(σ). 200kHz : =-43.9+13.4 Log(σ). 7. 표적의 분포밀도가 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 개/m 상(3)였을 때, 적분방식에 의한 추정치는 50kHz에서 2.0, 8.1, 9.9, 14.1, 19.2, 26.7 개/m 상(3)이었고, 200kHz에서는 2.0, 8.0, 9.1, 15.0, 20.1, 24.1 개/m 상(3)이었으며, 단위체적당에 분포하는 표적의 수가 많을수록, 그 추정치의 정도가 높아지는 경향을 나타내었다. 또한, 양주파수에서 분포밀도의 추정치는 실제보다 약 30%정도 과소추정되었다.
A sea/land breeze circulation system and a regional scale circulation system are formed at a region which has complex terrain around coastal area and affect to the dispersion and advection of air pollutants. Therefore, it is important that atmospheric circulation model should be well designed for the simulation of regional dispersion of air pollutants. For this, Local Circulation Model, LCM which has an ability of high resolution is used.
To verify the propriety of a LCM, we compared the simulation result of LCM with an exact solution of a linear theory over a simple topography. Since they presented almost the same value and pattern of a vertical velocity at the level of 1 ㎞, we had a reliance of a LCM.
For the prediction of dispersion and advection of air pollutants, the wind field should be calculated with high accuracy. A numerical simulation using LCM will provide more accurate results over a complex terrain around coastal area.