중국과 베트남에서 관료부패가 만연하고 있다. 이는 관료부패가 유일 정당인 공산당과 정부의 공신력을 와해시킬 뿐만 아니라, 나아가서 사회주의 국가 체제에까지 치명적 영향을 초래할 수 있다는 점에서 매우 심각한 문제라 할 수 있다. 이러한 관점에서 이 글은 동일한 공산당 일당 체제의 사회주의 국가인 중국과 베트남에서 발생하고 있는 관료부패의 실태를 최근 발생한 주요 사례들을 중심으로 살펴보고, 그에 대한 원인을 도출해보는 한편, 이를 상호 비교해 봄으로써 그것들이 갖는 공통점이 무엇인지를 고찰한다. 그리고 그로부터 궁극적으로 두 나라의 관료부패가 갖는 확연한 특징이 무엇인지도 파악해 본다. 이를 위해 필자는 관련 문헌자료를 중심으로 참고하는 것은 물론, 중국과 베트남의 공직부패 사례를 관련 조사 결과, 보도자료 등을 통해 종합, 분석하는 서술적 방법을 취한다.
The fat of Tra and Basa catfish (Mekong Delta, Viet Nam) was evaluated for the first time as the potential feedstock for biodiesel production, due to its abundance, availability and cheap cost. The unsaturated fatty acid contents of Tra and Basa fat were 57.97% and 64.17%, respectively. Biodiesel was prepared from Tra and Basa fat by methanolysis reaction using alkali catalysts like sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide. Effects of various process parameters on biodiesel production, such as molar ratio of methanol to fat, catalyst concentration, temperature and time were investigated. As those results, the transesterification can be performed under moderate conditions, and the biodiesel yields were shown more than 90%. KOH catalyst was the best catalyst for biodiesel production from both Basa and Tra fat. As the feedstock aspect, Basa fat was indicated more efficiency than that of Tra fat. The maximum yield could be achieved by the transesterification from Basa fat with 5:1 molar ratio of methanol to fat, 0.8% KOH catalyst, 50℃, and 50 min. For Tra fat, the optimal condition were at 6:1 molar ratio of methanol to fat, 0.8% KOH catalyst, 50℃, and 45 min. Nowadays, due to cheaper cost and abundance, Tra fat is a promised resource for cheap biodiesel production in Viet Nam.
Given the rise in international tourism and the rapid growth of the Vietnamese economy, the hospitality industry in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam’s commercial hub, has been facing severe labor shortages due to competition with other fast-growing parts of the economy. These struggles to acquire high-quality employees is strangling future growth and placing new importance on the role of recruitment. To better understand the effectiveness of an organization’s recruitment strategy, recruiters need to ascertain the Job Pursuit Intention (JPI) of job seekers to efficiently align an applicant’s work notions with the organization’s goals. This study aims to investigate the factors impacting on JPI among employees working in the hotel sector in Ho Chi Minh City. Secondary data are from previous studies and primary data are from consultation with 10 experts, group discussions and five in-depths structured interviews with 15 random employees and 302 survey questionnaires with employees working in three five-star hotels. Cronbach’s Alpha, EFA, T-Test, ANOVA are used for statistical analysis. The findings show that compensation, career advancement, and work-life balance affect JPI of job seekers, in which compensation is the most influential factor. Furthermore, recommendations for recruiters, further research and limitations of this study have been laid out.
This research focuses on identifying and measuring key personality factors affecting the job performance of salesperson working in the machinery industry in Vietnam. A total number of 218 salesperson working in machinery industry were surveyed. After evaluating Cronbach’s Alpha and using the regression analysis technique, the results show the impact level of personality trait factors affecting the job performance of salesperson working in machinery industry. Ordered from the highest to the lowest effects on job performance, these factors are: agreeableness, openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, and neuroticism. Five research hypotheses are accepted. Specifically, openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness have positive impacts on job performance of salesperson working in machinery industry in Vietnam. However, neuroticism has a negative impact on job performance of salesperson. This research results indicate the level of impact of personality traits on the sales staff performance in machinery industry. Many people apply to this profession as a career choice. Each occupation is suitable for certain personality trait, which changes very little during adulthood. Research also shows that each personality trait always has its strengths and weaknesses. The educational environment should create conditions for learners to develop their character in a natural way.
The study seeks to explore the factors affecting the access to credits by individual customers at commercial banks in Tra Vinh province, Vietnam. Based on these results, the author proposes solutions to further improve the ability to serve individual customers at commercial banks in the province in the future. The study was conducted with a method of collecting primary data of 300 individual customers including 150 people with access to credits and 150 people without accessing to credits at six commercial banks in Tra Vinh Province, Viet Nam – Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development, Bank for Foreign Trade Commercial Bank, Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam, Asia Commercial Bank in Tra Vinh, Sai Gon Commercial Joint Stock Bank, and Bank of East Asia. The author has used binary regression methods, and the study found that seven factors affecting the ability of individual customers to access capital, namely, career, qualifications, collaterals, incomes, documents, loan and business plans, and experience. In particular, occupation, experience, and documents are the most influential factors. From the above results, the author proposes policy implications to improve individual customers’ access to credits at commercial banks in Tra Vinh province in the near future.
The study aims to identify the factors affecting employee loyalty in the case of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Tra Vinh province, Viet Nam and to find out critical factors affecting the loyalty of employees in SMEs. This is implemented with the method of collecting primary data of 320 employees working at SMEs in 5 districts including: Cau Ngang, Tra Cu, Chau Thanh, Cang Long, Tieu Can) and Tra Vinh City, Viet Nam. Using the multivariate regression method, the researchers have found 6 factors affecting employee loyalty: colleagues, leaders, job characteristics, remuneration policies, organizational culture, and working environment. Particularly, learning opportunities may not be not statistically significant for employees' loyalty towards small and medium-sized enterprises in Tra Vinh province. From the above research results, the authors have proposed implicational piolicies such as: focusing on colleague relationships, improving leadership of business owners, attaching importance to appropriate work arrangement, having appropriate remuneration policies for laborers, building effective organizational culture and working environment to improve employee loyalty at SMEs. From the above policy implications, helping business owners realize the aspirations of workers in small and medium-sized enterprises more closely in the future, in order to sustainably develop the business system in Vietnam.
The paper aims to provide some recommendations to improve the operational capacity of the Tra Vinh Provincial Center of Public Administrative Services and to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of management in the State administrative agencies. The study on people's satisfaction towards public services of Tra Vinh Provincial Center of Public Administrative Services was conducted by collecting primary data of 300 people who used public services provided by this Center from September 2018 to November 2018. By using the multivariate regression method, the author found that there were a number of factors affecting people's satisfaction towards public services at the Center, including procedures, service fee, and attitudes of the staff, empathy, staff capacity, and trust. These factors had an impact on people's satisfaction towards public administrative services performed by staff officers from Tra Vinh Provincial Center of Public Administrative Services. Since then, the study has proposed policy implications to improve people's satisfaction on service quality at the Center such as: Develop a flexible charge mechanism of public services; Enhance the sense of responsibility of staff officers; Pay attention to improving administrative procedures; Establish trustworthiness to people; Pay attention to professional improvement; and Build up a friendly and respectful team of staff.
The study aims to investigate factors influencing business households’ decision for borrowing credit: the case of commercial banks in Tra Vinh Province, VietNam. The study was conducted by collecting data from 300 business households traded at four commercial banks in Tra Vinh province (Viet Nam bank for agriculture and rural development, Tra Vinh Branch; Viet Nam jointstock commercial bank industry and trade, Tra Vinh Branch; Asia joinstock commercial bank, Tra Vinh Branch; Viet Nam jointstock commercial bank for foreign trade, Tra Vinh Branch). By the use of the Binary Logistic regression method, the research found out that the factors influencing to borrow credit of household business’s decision including: banks brand names, loan interest rates, service attitude, and loan procedures. Of those, the banks brand names and lending interest rates have the strongest impacts on borrow credit decision of business households at commercials banks in Tra Vinh province. Since then, the study has proposed solutions to improve access to credit of business households in commercial banks in Tra Vinh province in the coming time, such as: developing a bank brand; the development of flexible lending interest rate policies; improve service style of bank staff; at the same time, simplifying lending procedures.
The paper aims to investigate empirical causes of poverty of the Khmer ethnic people and suggest policy implication to help the Khmer ethnic people escape poverty in Tra Vinh province and the Mekong Delta. The study has been conducted with direct interviews with 300 Khmer households living in seven districts and cities in Tra Vinh province and with the use of multivariate regression. The research results show that a number of causes that affect poverty of poor households include lack of capital for production, lack of means of production, poor health and lack of labor, large families, lack of job opportunities or unemployment, and lack of willingness to escape poverty and education. Thus, there should be poverty reduction policy for the poor househlods in the coming time. Based on the current situation and regression results, the authors propose a number of recommendations: 1) Focus on preferential loan policies for poor people 2) Provide occupational training programs for improving incomes for the Khmer ethnic households 3) Build up special infrastructure in the Khmer ethnic areas 4) Focus on promoting cultural and belief institutions in areas of the Khmer ethnic people and 5) Improve and build up healthcare clinics services and facilities.
Artichoke extracts are widely used alone or in association with other herbs for embittering alcoholic and soft drinks and to prepare herbal teas or herbal medicinal products in Viet Nam. The objective of this paper was a screening of flavonoids and total phenolic compounds content in the parts of artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) as flowers, leaves, roots, trunks, stumps. The total phenolic compounds and flavonoids in the parts of artichoke were extracted among 3 extraction methods as methanol extraction (EM1), mixing methanol and water method (EM2) and water extraction method (EM3). Total phenolic compounds and flavonoids were determined by UV/VIS, HPLC techniques. The apigenin 7-O-glucosides, cynarin, narirutin, gallic acid, caffeic acid were found as the main flavonoids constituents in all parts of artichoke. It showed that value of total phenolic compounds and flavonoids by EM3 were higher than that of total phenolic compounds and flavonoids by EM1 and EM2. Furthermore, the results of this study revealed that total phenolic compounds and flavonoids, obtained by these convenient extraction methods, may show the quick efficacy of artichoke in all respects of their quality and quantity.