본 연구에서는 부산신항에서 스크러버를 장착한 선박이 세정수를 배출하였을 때 인근 해역에 미치는 영향을 검토하기 위해 확산예측을 수행하였다. 세정수에 포함된 용존무기탄소(DIC)의 농도를 통제한 채로 세정수의 pH 조건별로 해역에 미치는 영향을 대조기 와 소조기로 나누어 평가하였다. 선박 1대에서 24시간 동안 세정수를 배출할 때, pH가 최대 0.076, 0.083 감소하였다. DIC의 경우 0.561mg/L, 0.612mg/L 증가하였다. 부산신항에 수용가능한 선박수인 24대를 전부 가정하여 실험하였을 경우 pH는 0.200, 0.545 감소하였고, DIC는 1.464mg/L, 3.629mg/L 증가하였다. 일반적으로 스크러버가 세정수를 처리하였을 때 pH 6.1인 것을 감안하여 선박 1대에서 pH 6.1인 조건으 로 24시간 동안 세정수를 배출하는 경우 우리나라 연근해의 연간 pH 변화량보다 약 33.7배 더 큰 폭으로 감소하는 것으로 계산되었다. 선 박이 24대일 경우에는 하루이상 표층의 성층화를 유발하고 수심 4m까지 영향을 주는 것으로 예측되었다.
The recycled washwater, which has different water quality and is produced about 5 to 20% of the total water volume treated, affects the unit operation of water treatment, especially coagulation process. However, the effects of recycled washwater on unit operation of water treatment have not been fully investigated. In this study, effects of recycled washwater on coagulation process were investigated to find the optimum coagulation condition by analyzing turbidity, UV254, TOC removal efficiencies. In addition, effects of recycled washwater on residual Al after coagulation were studied by analyzing soluble and particulate Al. The size distribution and fractal dimension of coagulated also analyzed.
The recycled washwater was lower pH than the raw water. And the recycled washwater had higher UV254, TOC and residual Al concentration than the raw water. Residual Al concentration of recycled washwater was about 50 times higher than that of raw water. Optimum coagulant dosages on the blending recycled washwater and the raw water for turbidity, UV254 and Al removal were lower than that on the raw water. However, TOC removal increased by increasing coagulant dosage. The size and fractal dimension of coagulated particle produced in the blending recycled washwater were larger, which imply faster settling velocity, than those produced in the raw water only.