아크릴폐수를 광촉매로 전처리하여 막오염인자를 최소화한 후 막조합공정에 적용하였다. 한외여과막과 정밀여과막을 역삼투막과 조합을 이루어 막조합공정을 구성하였으며 광촉매처리수를 온도 및 압력변화에 따라 막조합공정에 적용하여 분리특성을 확인하였다. 정밀여과막 모듈 혹은 한외여과막 모듈의 투과수는 역삼투모듈로 보내지며 역삼투 모듈의 최종적인 투과량은 모듈 set 2 (MWCO 200,000 UF+RO)의 역삼투 모듈이 우수하였다. UF 및 MF 모듈에서 TDS, T-N 및 COD의 제거효율은 온도 및 압력변화에 영향을 받지 않고 제거효율 또한 낮음을 알 수 있었다. 그러한 결과로 RO 모듈에서 TDS, T-N 및 COD가 우수한 제거효율을 보였다. UF 및 MF모듈에서의 탁도 제거효율은 우수한 경향(제거효율 99% 이상)을 보였다. 막조합공정에서 처리된 광촉매처리수는 배출 허용기준치를 충족하고, 재활용이 가능하였다.
Emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases (GHGs) from aircraft activities at 11 small-scale airports were investigated using the emissions and dispersion modeling system (EDMS) version 5.1.3 during the two year period of 2009~2010. The number of landing and take-off (LTO) at these airports was dominant for the aircraft type B737, accounting for more than 60% of the total LTOs. Out of the 11 small-scale airports, Gwangju (GJ, RKJJ) airport was the largest emitter of air pollutants and GHGs, whereas Yangyang (YY, RKNY) airport was the smallest emitter. The emissions of NOx and VOCs in 2010 at the 11 airports ranged from 1.9 to 83 ton/y and 0.1 to 17 ton/y, respectively. In 2010, the emissions of CO2 ranged from 394 to 21,217 ton/y. The emissions of most air pollutants (except for NOx and PM10) and GHGs were estimated to be the highest in taxi-out mode. The highest emissions of NOx and PM10 were emitted from climb-out and approach modes, respectively. In addition, the total LTOs at the 11 small-scale airports accounted for the range of 9.3~9.9% of those at four major international airports in Korea. The total emissions of air pollutants and GHGs at the 11 airports ranged from 4.8 to 12% of those at the four major airports.
Ion exchange resin was used to remove silica ion at ultralow concentration. The effects of temperature, type of ion exchange resin and single/mixed-resin systems on removal efficiency were estimated. As temperature increased, the slope of concentration profile became stiff, and the equilibrium concentration was higher. In the single resin system, the removal of silica was continued up to 400 min, but the silica concentration was recovered to initial concentration after 400 min due to the effect of dissolved CO2. In the mixed-resin system it took about 600 min to reach equilibrium. Because of faster cation exchange reaction than anion exchange reaction, the effect of CO2 could be removed. Based on the experimental results carried out in the mixed-resin system, the selectivity coefficients of silica ion for each ion exchange resin were calculated at some specific temperatures. The temperature dependency of the selectivity coefficient was expressed by the equation of Kraus-Raridon type.
The performance of ozone contactor in ozone-BAC advanced water treatment process was evaluated by the degree of decomposition of organic matters. The degree was measured by the analyses of UV254 absorbance and the concentrations of DOC and BDOC for the sand filtered water and the ozone treated water, respectively. In addition, the ozone concentration in the contactor, required for the maximum BDOC concentration, was selected as the optimum concentration, and the appropriate residential time of ozone treated water in a reservoir was recommended based on the residual ozone concentration in the treated water.
The following results were obtained from the pilot scale experiments. By ozonation UV254 absorbance was decreased, and BDOC concentration was increased. The change of DOC concentration by ozonation was negligible, but the excess input of ozone resulted in the removal of the small amount of BDOC by complete oxidation. The optimum ozone concentration was 0.58 mg O3/mg DOC. In order to remove residual ozone, 20 minutes of the residential time were enough after ozonation.
The recycled washwater, which has different water quality and is produced about 5 to 20% of the total water volume treated, affects the unit operation of water treatment, especially coagulation process. However, the effects of recycled washwater on unit operation of water treatment have not been fully investigated. In this study, effects of recycled washwater on coagulation process were investigated to find the optimum coagulation condition by analyzing turbidity, UV254, TOC removal efficiencies. In addition, effects of recycled washwater on residual Al after coagulation were studied by analyzing soluble and particulate Al. The size distribution and fractal dimension of coagulated also analyzed.
The recycled washwater was lower pH than the raw water. And the recycled washwater had higher UV254, TOC and residual Al concentration than the raw water. Residual Al concentration of recycled washwater was about 50 times higher than that of raw water. Optimum coagulant dosages on the blending recycled washwater and the raw water for turbidity, UV254 and Al removal were lower than that on the raw water. However, TOC removal increased by increasing coagulant dosage. The size and fractal dimension of coagulated particle produced in the blending recycled washwater were larger, which imply faster settling velocity, than those produced in the raw water only.